Settling In

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My hotel in Manhattan
Holds more people than our town
And what I just paid for dinner
Would be a down payment on a house
I'd rather be tipping cows in Tulsa
Than hailing cabs here in New York
But I ain't in Checotah anymore

I'm in a world so wide
It makes me feel small sometimes
I miss the big blue skies

– “I Ain’t in Checotah Anymore” by Carrie Underwood

Chapter 4: Settling In

            The third preseason game was held on Saturday night. The Giants were facing the Jets, with the Jets acting as the home team. I had been in New York for a couple of weeks, but I still could not get used to it. The city was so different than anything I had ever experienced. Aside from the weather, Green Bay had many similarities to the South, which is what Brett and I had loved about it. The Northeast, on the other hand, was almost he complete opposite.

            I gazed across the field at my uncle, who was talking to other Jets players near their bench. As hard as this was for me, I knew it was a lot tougher for him. At least we would have each other to go too when the big city wore us down.

            My eyes trailed to Eli as he jogged off the field, heading my direction. “Hey, Lauren,” he said. “Having fun?”

            “Totally,” I said in a tone that suggested the opposite. I did not have much patience for the preseason. I wanted to get started on real football.

            Eli chuckled lightly as he took off his helmet. “Who are you rooting for this time?”

            I shrugged. “It’s the preseason; it doesn’t matter. I just want both of you to do well.” I was wearing a Giants hat and shirt, though. I had yet to buy any Jets merchandise. I would probably just stick with a Favre jersey because I did not want to show that team any more support than was necessary.

            “And will you be saying that next week?”

            I frowned. “The Patriots must always be beaten, even if the main starters aren’t playing.”

            Eli smirked in amusement. “But what you’ll do before the game will give you more satisfaction, right?”

            I knew exactly what he was talking about, and he was right. “I put everything on the lien defending you, so I deserve to gloat.” I crossed my arms and nodded. I had told Brady I would not let him live that Super Bowl down. I had to make good on my promise.

            Eli laughed. “Good luck with that. I’ll make sure I’m not there.”

            “Suit yourself.” My eyes trailed across the field again. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

            “Alright,” Eli said.

            I jogged across the field, taking note at how wonderfully warm the weather was. It was a nice alternative to hot Mississippi summers. Brett noticed me coming towards him, and he turned and smiled at me. “Lauren,” he said. “How are you doing?”

            “Great!” I said. “Are you ready to play?”

            “I feel ready,” Brett said. “I’m just glad to be back out on the field playing.” I nodded. “How do you like New York so far?”

            I tried to hide a frown, but I knew I probably failed. “It’s… different than what I’m used to. Honestly, I don’t know how Eli stands it. I must have to learn how to adapt or something.” I knew it was too early to make a judgment call on New York. I had to give it a chance, if only for my brother’s sake. If I did leave, it would be knowing that this was definitely not the place for me.

            “I know what you mean,” Brett said. “At least we can figure it out together.”

            I smiled slightly. “Right. Well, I better go. Good luck.”

            Brett nodded. “Tell Eli I said ‘hello.’”

            I returned to the other side of the field quickly. Then I leaned against the wall and waited for the game to start. Even though it was only the preseason, I hoped it was going to be a good one.

            The Jets started off the game on offense. I had to smile as Brett received a standing ovation from the crowd. “Thank you, New York,” I said to no one in particular. That was one reason to like the city.

            The cheers did not last as the quarterback was sacked on the second play. I winced, but I said nothing. Two plays later, the Jets were forced to punt.

            The rest of the game was not much more exciting. Eli and Brett both scored touchdowns, but after they left at the end of the half, the only points earned was a field goal by the Jets. Also, the game was filled with penalties. I should not have expected much else. There was still plenty of time for both teams to fix their problems before the season opener.

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