It Will Work Out

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Tuesday morning sports page, I've got coffee in my cup
A smile creeps across my face, the Braves beat the Cubs
I hate Chicago
I'm changing planes in Dallas, I ain't going through O'Hare
It's a thousand dollars more I know, but I don't really care
I hate Chicago

– “I Hate Chicago” by Mark Wills

Chapter 19: It Will Work Out

            The Giants beat the Patriots in the last preseason game. I did not care much either way. The game did not matter, and I had bigger things to worry about. The opening preseason game was the Vikings against the Saints in New Orleans, and I would be attending the game. It was a rematch and a chance for revenge. I could not bear it if the Vikings lost again. This was their last chance…

            I tried to distract myself Sunday morning by getting some homework done. It felt kind of weird to have my own room. I was so used to looking over and being able to talk to my roommate. Freya and I mostly saw each other at meals and when we were both relaxing in the living room in the evening. We got along surprisingly well.

            There was a knock on the door at eleven in the morning. I reluctantly exited my room, grumbling about people disturbing me this early on the weekend. Once in the living room, I looked around for Freya, but she was nowhere to be seen. She never seemed to be in a rush for anything. I held in a sigh as I opened the door. Tom Brady stood before me, wearing a Red Sox shirt and cap. “Why are you disturbing me?” I said in obvious irritation. I might not have cared as much if it was not Sunday, which was supposed to be a day of relaxation.

            “You wanted me to meet your roommate,” Brady said, oblivious to my discomfort. He pushed past me to enter the apartment.

            I blinked. “Come in.” I turned around to face him. “Look, I know she would love to meet you, but-”

            “Lauren? What’s going on?” Freya’s voice said from her room. A second later, she emerged into the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Brady, her eyes going wide. “You – You’re-”

            “Tom Bray,” he said, flashing her a smile and holding out his hand. “You must be Freya.”

            My roommate only nodded while shaking his hand. She seemed too enamored to speak.

            “Well, I’m going to my room,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

            “You can’t,” Brady said, turning to me. “I got us all tickets to the Red Sox game today.”

            “Really?” Freya exclaimed. She was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet as if she was going to overflow with excitement.

            “You shouldn’t have done that without asking me first,” I said, crossing my arms.

            “But you haven’t seen Fenway Park yet,” Brady said. “You can’t live this close to Boston and not go to a game.”

            “Yes, Lauren, you have to go,” Freya said.

            I blinked. “But I don’t like the Red Sox. I’m a Mets fan.”

            “Well, that’s not too bad. You don’t like the Yankees, right? Neither do the Red Sox.”

            I frowned. “So I can wear my Mets hat?”

            “I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Brady said. “Do you like any other team?”

            I shrugged. “The Twins.”

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