Triumph of the Underdogs

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Tonight we’ll stand, get off our knees

Fight for what we’ve worked for all these years

And the battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives

But we’ll stand up champions tonight

It was the night things changed

Can you see it now?

These walls that they put up to hold us back fell down

It’s a revolution, throw your hands up

‘Cause we never gave in” – Change by Taylor Swift

Chapter 2: Triumph of the Underdogs

            I had no time to grieve over losing the NFC Championship Game or leaving Green Bay. I had to cheer on my brother in a critical point in his career. At a time when everyone doubted the ability of him and the Giants to beat the currently undefeated Patriots, I had to show everyone I had faith. Plus, I hated Brady and the Patriots, and I really wanted to see them fall.

            The Super Bowl took place in Phoenix, Arizona. I arrived two days before the game, and I was sharing a hotel with Peyton and his wife Ashley. The rest of Eli’s family was rooming elsewhere. While my roommates decided to go explore the city, I elected to stay home that night. I texted Eli to let him know where I was staying in case he wanted to talk. I definitely had plenty of words for him before the big day.

            Currently, I was sitting on my bed flipping through the channels on the TV. I ignored the sports stations because they were all talking about how the Giants had no chance of beating the Patriots. Finally, I found an old movie, and I settled in.

            There was a knock on the door.

            I turned off the TV, got up, and walked over to the door. I swung the door open, grinning at the sight of my youngest older brother. “Eli!” I exclaimed. I flung my arms around him and held onto him tightly.

            Eli laughed as he hugged me back. “It’s good to see you, too, Lauren. Can I come in?”

            I let go of him and stepped back. “Of course.”

            Eli walked inside, closing the door behind him. I saw him sweep his eyes across the room. “Do you mind if we check out the balcony? It feels really nice outside.”

            I nodded. “Sure.” I thought came to me as we headed in that direction. “The weather will be a lot better here than at your last game.”

            “If they keep the roof off,” Eli said.

            I rolled my eyes. “Right. Retractable roofs are lame. It’s football. You should endure any weather.”

            Eli looked at me and smirked. “Not everyone can be as tough as Packers fans.”

            I shrugged. “That’s true.” The outside air was dry and warm with a light breeze. I leaned against the railing with my arms and gazed out at the city. Eli was at my side. Neither of us spoke for awhile.

            “Are you excited to finally start studying psychology?” Eli asked, finally breaking the silence.

            I looked at him and grinned. “You bet. It’s going to be awesome.” I was taking an AP course in psychology in high school, and it had made me really want to get started in college.

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