Family Reunion

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The time between
Those cutting words
Built up our defenses
Never made no sense, it just made me hurt

Do you believe
That time heals all wounds?
It started getting better
But it's easy not to fight when I'm not with you

– “The Older I Get” by Skillet

Chapter 33: Family Reunion

            I arrived at the Hattiesburg airport late at night on Thursday, the 23rd. I was wearing my Patriots sweatshirt, the necklace Tom bought me, and a new hat. It was a Patriots Santa hat with the two New England logos on either side. I thought I looked good, but I doubted my family would agree.

            Since the airport was small and only had a limited number of arrival times, Peyton and Eli’s flights arrived at the same time. Cooper had already arrived at the ranch in Mississippi, so he agreed to drive his car to get the other passengers while Brett picked me up. I did not run into either of my brothers or their wives as I picked up my luggage and headed for the door.

            It did not take long for me to spot Brett’s truck. As I got into the passenger’s side, my uncle looked me up and down. “Are you sure that’s what you want to wear?” he asked.

            I grinned. “It’s perfect.”

            “Ok,” Brett said as he moved the truck forward, “but I’m not responsible for the damage.”

            We arrived before the others, but there were still many people to greet us at the door. I had a very big family, and the ranch house was one of the only places big enough so we could all meet. I saw my Aunt Deanna and cousin Breleigh first. I started to go to them, but I was suddenly attacked by three young children.

            I laughed as I looked down at the kids hugging my legs. They were Cooper’s children. I could see their mom Ellen smiling at me from several feet back. “Got ya!” Arch, the six-year-old, said.

            May, the oldest at eight, let go and grinned up at me. “We missed you.” Her brothers stepped back and nodded.

            “Yeah, how come you not been to Nawlins soon?” asked the four-year-old Heid.

            Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my dad enter the room, watching us. “Mississippi is so much better,” I said.

            Heid blinked. “Oh. Will you play with us?”

            “Let her get unpacked first,” Brett said, coming to stand by me.

            “It’s late,” I said. “You three should be in bed. I’ll play with you tomorrow.”

            “She’s right,” May said. “Come on.” She led the way over to their mother.

            “It’s good to see you,” Ellen said before taking the hands of Arch and Heid.

            I smiled and nodded. “You too.” Next, my eyes fell on Breleigh. “How are you doing? Where’s your sister?”

            “I’m good,” the 12-year-old said. “Brittany is trying to put Parker to bed. I don’t think it’s going too well.”

            “Ah.” Parker Brett was Brittany’s 8-month-old son. His father was Patrick Valkenburg, and he and Brittany were getting married on January 26th. Why were they marrying on a Wednesday? It was that day 14 years ago that Brett won the Super Bowl. I thought the date was perfect. On a side not, who were the Packers’ opponents in the Super Bowl in 1997? The New England Patriots. I swear God had a great laugh planning out the events of my life.

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