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Seven Months Later...

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Cheers erupted as Tom swept me up in his arms and kissed me. I smiled and melted into him. I could hardly believe this moment had finally arrived. It had taken so much to reach something that should never have happened, and yet there we were. I regretted nothing.

After pulling away, Tom entwined his fingers with mine and winked. "Congratulations, Mrs. Brady."

I merely smirked. I was finally home.

We held the reception at a banquet hall in Boston. It was simple but filled with many people. We wanted all of our friends and family to share in our day. It was not until late in the evening after dinner and a few dances that I was able to make my rounds to all of the guests.

I had been wandering the crowd when suddenly someone flung their arms around me from behind. "Lauren! Congratulations!"

I smiled, recognizing my roommate's voice. "Thanks, Freya." I turned and hugged her.

"You look radiant," Rob said from behind his girlfriend.

I nodded. "Thanks, Gronk."

"But now that you're married, where will I get drama in my life?" Freya asked in dismay.

"Haven't you done enough meddling for one lifetime?" Peyton said as he strolled over with Eli.

I blinked. "You're one to talk."

Eli chuckled. "Congratulations, Lauren. You've managed to surprise all of us once again."

"Except for me," said Peyton. He nodded at me. "Good work, kid."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Truthfully, I did owe him a lot. I would not have gotten far without his encouragement – and pushing. I spotted Brett in the crowd, so I bid the others farewell and made my way over to them.

He spotted me immediately and turned away from the person he had been talking to. "Lauren!" he boomed. "You've finally done!" He enveloped me in a big bear hug. "I couldn't be prouder, honey!"

"Thanks, Uncle Brett." At first I had feared he would disapprove of me marrying so young, so I was relieved to have his support right away.

"But if that man of yours starts not treating you right, I can put him in his place." He winked.

I laughed. "I don't think that will be a problem, but thanks."

"Way to go, Lauren!" someone else exclaimed. It turned out to be Julian, a sappy grin on his face.

"It's good to see our hard work didn't go to waste," Wes said, nodding in approval.

"Wes!" I exclaimed. I crossed my arms and faked a glare. "How dare you show your face here, you traitor?" At the end of the football season, he had left the Patriots to join the Denver Bronco's, Peyton's new team.

Wes widened his eyes and appeared bewildered. "Huh?"

I shook my head and clicked my tongue. "You left us for the enemy. Unacceptable."

Julian and Brett laughed.

"You've got to watch out for those traitors," a voice said, and then strong arms wrapped around me from behind. I relaxed into Tom's embrace. He bent his head down next to mine and spoke softly: "You can't trust those who would leave their team like that."

I smirked. "What's worse is those who entice them to leave."

Wes chuckled, seeming to finally get the joke. "I'm sorry, Lauren. It's nothing personal, Tom."

Tom laughed. "I know." He stepped away and ruffled my hair.

I nodded at Wes. "Thanks for coming."

"Have you talked to your father yet?" Tom asked me.

"Not since the reception started."

Tom smiled and took my hand in his. We wandered the room together, and it did not take us long to find my dad and Cooper chatting together.

"Cooper!" I called. "Thanks for coming."

My brother turned and flashed me a grin. "Wouldn't miss it. I knew we would find someone to marry you off to eventually."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks."

"It's good to see you, Lauren," my dad said. "You look beautiful."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks." The two of us had been in contact over the past several months. We still did not have the perfect relationship, but everything was definitely improving.

"I promise to take good care of her, Mr. Manning," Tom said.

My dad looked him over and nodded. "I know son."

"Because if you don't, she does have three brothers," Cooper said jokingly.

"I think it's more likely I'll need him to protect me from you guys," I said with a smirk

Cooper faked a gasp. "What are you saying?"

My dad chuckled. "It looks like we'll all get along fine."

I looked up at Tom with a smile, and he nodded. Ever since we had gotten together, life had flowed fairly smoothly. The only tough spot that needed patching was Green Bay – and Aaron Rodgers. Brett and I had decided we would approach the issue together. After all, we may have had to leave, but that place would always be in our hearts.

Once we were alone again, Tom pulled me close and whispered in my ear: "It's great seeing everyone, but I promise tonight will be even more magical."

I felt myself blush. "It better be." I elbowed him in the side playfully.

Then we looked at each other and shared a laugh. One thing that had not changed was our constant teasing and joking around. Truthfully, I did not want it to change. This was the Tom Brady I had fallen in love with, after all. Gazing into his eyes, I knew he felt the same way.

We were finally together, finally home where we belonged.


A/N: And that's it, folks! I hope you enjoyed that little wrap up. This has been a lot of fun to write. :)

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