Senior Week

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"Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye

- "The Call" by Regina Spektor

Chapter 62: Senior Week

Finals seemed to last forever. Finally, my last one was finished. I had the weekend to rest before Senior Week, which was a celebration for the graduating seniors of Wheaton College. I was normally not one to indulge in so many activities packed together, but this was special. After graduation I would be leaving Massachusetts, after all.

I had already made all my preparations to return to Green Bay. I would drive there alone two days after graduation. Then I would have half of the summer free before I had to report to the Packers, and then my online graduate studies began at the end of August.

I lay on my back on the couch on Sunday afternoon as I thought about how far I had come. I was really going to miss this place. Freya was off hanging out with some of her other friends. I would miss her a lot.

I sat up when I heard the doorbell ring. The only person I thought it could be was Rob. My family was not due to arrive until later in the week. I stood up and padded to the door. "Yes?" I said as I swung it open. I immediately froze.

Tom Brady stood there with a goofy grin on his face. "Hello, Lauren. Are you surprised to see me?"

"Yes. You said you couldn't make it to my graduation." Plus, he was there nearly a week early.

"I thought a surprise would be more fun."

I moved to the side so he could walk in. "You need to stop doing that." I did not really mean it. I did enjoy seeing him show up out of the blue. It was the leaving part I was not too fond of. Then again, I was the one leaving for good.

"How did you do on your finals?" Tom's eyes swept across the kitchen, landing on a plate of cookies that Freya had baked the previous day. He smiled and snatched one.

I shrugged. "They went fine. I don't think I'll have any problems."

He nodded. "That's good."

"You didn't have to show up this early, you know. I'll be busy most of the week with Senior Week stuff."

"That's alright. I have friends here too."

I smiled slightly. "Right. I suppose you can come with us to our day trip to Boston. Rob said e might come."

"That sounds like fun." He finished his cookie and went for a second. "I remember our first trip to Boston together." He grinned.

I could not help but smile at the memories. "Yeah, that was quite an experience." A warm, fond feeling filled me. My eyes widened when I realized what I was doing. I could not afford to be so nostalgic right now. "So, how are you and Valerie doing?"

I could have sworn I saw the light fade from Tom's eyes. "We're good. We have our differences, but we're trying to make it work." He spoke as if he were discussing his weekend plans.

I glanced to the side. "That's good."

A moment of silence passed. Then Tom spoke: "Hey, do you want to play video games one last time?"

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