To the Lake

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So many things I’ve been missing, not watching
But that was all in the past

Now I realize there’s so much more to learn
I’m ready for the world, not scared of letting go
Now I realize there’s so much more to feel
And my heart knows it’s real
A part of me so long forgotten is calling
And this feels like home, home, home
It feels just like home

– “Feels Like Home” by Melissa Etheridge & Josh Kelly

Chapter 26: To the Lake

            After the game, I hurried home to get ready for the night. Luckily, Freya had everything set out for me, and she was already dressed herself. I did not care about looking perfect, so it did not take long for me to get ready. When I was finished, both of us looked like women out of the colonial period. After grabbing pumpkin containers to hold candy, we were ready to go.

            We had all decided on a neighborhood to go to, so Freya and I got into my truck and there. We would park at the park across the street. When the others arrived, we would begin to go trick-or-treating. The events of the day were soon covered up by my excitement for what was soon to occur.

            It turned out that the Patriots players were already waiting for us. I grinned when Is aw them. Brady, Rob, and Wes looked like Revolutionary War heroes. “Y’all look very handsome,” I said as I walked up to them with Freya by my side.

            “She means Tom especially,” Freya said. I jabbed her in her side with my elbow. She frowned at me.

            Brady smirked at me. “Thanks.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Let’s get going.” All five of us started across the street to the first house. Rob walked up first and knocked on the door.

            A man opened the door. He looked almost bored as we said “trick-or-treat.” Then he did a double-take. He squinted his eyes as he looked at each of us closely. “Aren’t you-” he started to say.

            “You’re never too old to trick-or-treat,” Wes said.

            The man blinked in surprise. He frowned as he gave us candy. When he finally closed the door, we turned to ourselves and laughed.

            “Let’s do that again,” Rob said. He led the way to the next house.

             This time, a middle-aged couple answered the door. The appeared surprised as well. “You look familiar,” the man said, frowning in thought.

            “Maybe you’ve seen us around the neighborhood,” I suggested.

            The woman’s eyes fell on me. “What’s your name?” she asked.

            I grinned. “Lauren Manning.”

            The couple exchanged shocked expressions. “Manning?” The man said. “You mean-”

            “Yes, that Manning. Can I have candy, please?” I held out my pumpkin basket.

            The couple looked bewildered, but they gave us each a piece of candy. We could hardly contain our laughter as we walked to the next house.

            “Whose idea was this?” Wes asked.

            “It’s was Lauren’s,” Freya said.

            “Really?” Brady said, looking at me.

            I smirked. “What? You don’t think I know how to have fun?”

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