A New Life

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It’s never really been a question of how far
And at the end of every destination, there you are

You can move to another town
Hide where you're sure you won't be found
But it’s still just you on the inside
You can pretend it will be alright
No matter how you sell it
When you tell it, it’s a lie
‘Cause it’s still just you on the inside

– “On the Inside” by Daughtry

Chapter 17: A New Life

            The second preseason game was played against the Falcons in Atlanta. Once again, the Patriots emerged victorious, winning the game 28-10. I was not as excited about this win, however. I was unsure how I felt about my new team. Still, it was always fun to check out the new players and guess who would become a star. I like what I saw from Rob Gronkowski in his first game, and I made a note to keep an eye on him.

            Two days later, Brady insisted he take me to Boston because I had never really seen the city. I was much less enthused about this tour than I had been about the one in Foxborough, but he was too persistent for me to ignore. He could be so annoying when he wanted to be, which was most of the time when it came to me.

            We left early in the morning. Brady gave me a general tour of the city, showing me how everything was laid out. Then he took me to the Sports Museum, which was dedicated to all four professional sports teams in New England. Needless to say, I was not impressed.

            I was ready to leave by the time we entered a café for lunch. “You like clam chowder, don’t you?” Brady said as he led the way to the counter at the front of the café.

            I blinked. “Yes. I’m from Mississippi. I love sea food.”

            Brady ordered bowls for the both of us. Then we too seats on the stools next to the counter. “Lauren, why are you determined to not have a good time?” he asked, looking at me expectantly.

            I frowned. “I never wanted to come here. I don’t have to have a good time.”

            “What do you have against Boston? It’s better than New York City, isn’t it?”

            I shrugged. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

            “You’re not even giving it a chance.”

            “I’m giving Foxborough a chance. Isn’t that good enough?”

            Brady glanced down at the counter and did not respond. A minute later, our food arrived. The silence continued as we both started to eat.

            Eventually, though, I had to speak. “This is so good,” I said happily. “Have you tried clam chowder in New York? They just don’t know how to make it right. I should have known to stick to New England.”

            “There you go,” Brady said with a small smile. “You like something about this region.”

            “I never said I disliked anything about it.”

            A strange expression crossed his face. “You’re really confusing, you know that?”

            I smirked. “Yep.” I took another bite of chowder. I did not tell him that he was confusing to me as well. I could usually read people very well, but him I could not figure out. “I’m only trying to be careful. I thought I loved Green Bay, but then I was let down. I don’t want that to happen to me again.”

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