The Last Goodbye

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"There's a rain that'll never stop falling
There's a wall that I've tried to take down
What I should've said just wouldn't pass my lips
So I held back, and now we've come to this
And it's too late now

What do I do now that you're gone?
No backup plan, no second chance
And no one else to blame
All I can hear in the silence that remains
Are the words I couldn't say

– "Words I Couldn't Say" by Rascal Flatts

Chapter 63: The Last Goodbye

I tried my best to forget about the ball as soon as it ended. Luckily, Tom let me be after dropping me off at my apartment. Two days later, my family arrived, giving me a welcome distraction. I could not remember the last time I had been with my family all in one place, and I vowed to enjoy the time I had with them.

The commencement ceremony left me teary-eyed. I could not believe my time at Wheaton College – and Massachusetts – had come to an end. It seemed like I had only just arrived and also that I had always been there. I knew I would miss everything about my life here, yet it was time to move on. I had to say my goodbyes and then start the next chapter in my life.

Graduation had left me so overwhelmed that I could not reject Tom's offer to host a party at his house. Soon, the place was filled with my friends and family. I was glad the music was loud and the chatter constant. I allowed myself to relax as I went around speaking to each person who had taken the time to visit me for this grand moment.

I took a break late in the afternoon. I clutched a glass of water and leaned against a wall connected to the kitchen, observing all the activity. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Tom coming towards me. I forced myself to stay put, for evading him would say more than any uncomfortable conversation.

"Hey," he said once he was beside me. "Come with me for a minute?"

I nodded, finding no reason to deny his request. I set my glass on a nearby table and then followed him out onto the balcony. The light breeze felt good amidst the hot sun beating down on us. I leaned against the railing and stared straight out. I decided to let Tom speak when he was ready. I focused on keeping my mind and body calm enough to accept anything he threw at me.

"When do you leave for Green Bay?" Tom said in the same tone someone would use to ask for the time.

"Two days," I responded. "When do you head back to California?"

"Tomorrow morning."

My throat tightened. We did not have any time left at all. My mind swam with all the things I should say to him, but no words came out.

"It's been nice having you here. You'll do well with the Packers."

I took a deep breath and then finally turned to face him. His eyes shone with sincerity. "Thank you. I've had a good time here. I'm glad you convinced me to transfer."

Tom flashed me a grin. "Anytime."

Silence fell over us as we gazed at each other. My heart wanted him to say more, but my brain told me I should get out of there before everything fell apart. I was lucky we were parting on such good terms. Over the past two years, I had managed to turn a rival into a friend. What more could I ask for?

I cleared my throat to break the tension. "Watch out for Freya and Rob for me. They need some help."

Tom chuckled. "Will do." He paused. "I'm sure they would both like it if you visited every now and then."

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