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It's been one week since you looked at me
Dropped your arms to your sides
and said "I'm sorry"
Five days since I laughed at you and said
"You just did just what I thought you were gonna do"
Three days since the living room
We realized we're both to blame,
but what could we do?
Yesterday you just smiled at me
‘Cause it'll still be two days ‘till we say we're sorry

– “One Week” by Barenaked Ladies

Chapter 31: Argument

            “And now I don’t even know who to deal with first,” I said in exasperation as I paced back and forth in front of my couch late that night. Freya sat watching me as I told the story. “As if I didn’t have enough to think about. Why did Brady have to go and-?”

            “Can I interrupt?” Freya said. I stopped pacing and nodded at her since she was already interrupting. “I know you must have a lot on your mind, which is why you probably missed the obvious.”

            I blinked. “Which is?”

            “Tom likes you.”

            I gave her an odd look. “What does that have-?”

            “No,” Freya said forcefully, cutting me off, “he likes you. He freaked out when Aaron kissed you, right? He was jealous. He has feelings for you.”

            I remained silent for a minute as I let her words sink in. Then I recoiled in shock. “What? No! That’s crazy! Why would you think that?”

            Freya raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “Really? Are you that oblivious? He yelled at Aaron for kissing you. Plus, haven’t you seen the way he looks at you? And what do you think that teasing is about? He’s flirting with you.”

            “Very funny, Freya,” I said with a nervous chuckle. For some reason, her explanation was making me comfortable. “I think I would know if he liked me. He’s very forward and goes after what he wants. Why wouldn’t he have asked me out by now?”

            My roommate shrugged. “Maybe he doesn’t think it’s the right time. It did take him forever to get you to believe that he likes you as a friend. He may be waiting for the right moment to show you that he’s serious.”

            “No, no,” I said, shaking my head. “You’re wrong. That is not why he acted like a jerk tonight.”

            Freya blinked. “You’d rather believe he’s a jerk than that he likes you? Come on, he’s hot. I would be stoked.”

            I bit my lip and looked away. I did not want Brady to like me. What good would it do? “Even if you’re right, what does it matter? He should be straight with me instead of taking it out on Aaron. It’s not my problem if he’s not going to do anything about it.”

            Freya shrugged. “You’re right. He should do something. And it’s not your problem – unless you like him back.” She paused and gave me a mischievous look. “Do you?”

            “Freya,” I groaned, “I need to figure out how I feel about Aaron. I don’t need these other distractions. You’re wrong, anyway.”

            Freya frowned. “Well, you are right about one thing; if he does like you, he will tell you eventually. You’ll have to be prepared to deal with it.”

            “Great,” I mumbled. “Good thing that’s never going to happen. I’m going to bed. Good night.” I let out a sigh as I headed to my room. What a day.

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