From Strangers To Friends

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Obi-Wan's P.O.V.

Vale's passed out like a light; I want to snort at the sight behind me. I'm sitting beside Qui-Gon while we fly toward the planet Dantooine. It doesn't have a large population like Coruscant, where we live most of the time. 

Our Master debriefed us that our mission is to befriend the capital and have them join the Republic. We're mostly there for visual learning than actually helping befriend them. By the looks of Vale, I assume she thinks that means it's a vacation. 

She laying on the floor with her bag as a pillow asleep. It didn't take half an hour of flying for her to decide to take a nap. I understand she probably doesn't need to learn much about conversing with adults in politics, which is why she's not as attentive to this mission as usual. 

She lived in the castle on Naboo since she was born, plus having a father who's an advisor. So she doesn't really need help on how to talk to royal and council figures. All she really needs is information or a summary of figures to converse on their level. 

Which she got in the debriefing for this mission that just so happened to be before we took off into space. I can hear her snoring in the back. The position she's in is not helping her breathing. 

Qui-Gon seems to not worried, but that's also because he has complete faith in her. Vale's an outstanding warrior, quick with the force and great with people. But I know how she is by herself; reckless, clumsy, and mischievous. 

Qui-Gon's seen a few of those moments, but I'm quick to defend and justify Vale, so her place in the Jedi isn't compromised. I sense my Master's thankful for that. Since he can't always be there to help her fix her mistakes.

"Why don't you wake up, V?" Qui-Gon speaks up, causing me to glance away from her and leave my thoughts behind. He nods to the back while pressing a few buttons on the dash. "We'll be landing soon."

I nod before standing up and striding toward her laying form. Kneeling beside her, I nudge her shoulder lightly. When she doesn't budge, I hold her shoulder firmer than before and shake her. 

The next thing I see is her gasping and thrusting her fist at me. Vale punches me smack on the cheek. Falling back, groaning in pain and surprise, I hear her blurt out in horror.

"Oh, lord... I'm so sorry, Obi-Wan. Don't you know not to be that close when someone sleeping- Whoa- What's happening?"

We slide to one side of the ship as it turns drastically. Trying to sit up as I slide, I see her wide eyes glance around the ship. She's completely awake now with an utterly confused expression. 

Holding my cheek that I'm sure is red at the moment, I watch her flip backwards from the jolt of the ship. Using the hand that's not holding my cheek, I grab her shirt and tug her toward me so she doesn't keep spinning. Her back hits my chest, and she grunts from the force. 

Snaking my arm around her waist, I feel my back slam into the metal wall. I feel her flinch in my grasp as the ship jolts again, but after the ship rocks it steadies. After a moment, I look around and notice the ship shutting down, letting me know we finally landed. 

Sighing, I relax my body behind hers and rub my cheek to ease the discomfort. A second later, Qui-Gon steps into the room and peers around until his eyes find us. I see guilt in his eyes from not warning us about how bad his landing was going to be. 

Looking at Vale, I find her hair sticking out awkwardly. Her clothes sitting on her body weirdly from how she was sleeping. I know half my face looks pink as I try to catch my breath.

"My apologies for the landing." Qui-Gon speaks up and grabs our bags from where they slid to. "Are you both alright?"

"Yea, we are." Vale announces while stand up from my arms and fixing her clothes. "A warning would've been nice, though..."

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