Leaves A Trail

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Vale's P.O.V.

"That the hell is happening?" I shout while running through the ship. "We're gone for three years and the galaxy loses their shit?"

"The Council warned us these about these Separatists groups changing things since our last mission together."

Obi-Wan yells frustratedly while fixing our busted hyper-drive generator. I'm sprinting through the ship, going to our blaster cannons. I pass Obi-Wan, who's working on getting the power back for us to go into hyper-drive, when the ship jolts and I stumble to the side.

I bang into Obi-Wan and he quickly drops his tools and wraps an arm around my waist as our ship keeps rocking as we fly. He hits the wall and his tools slide away from the generator he's been trying to fix. Trying to steady myself in Obi-Wan's arm, I shout to Anakin in the cockpit.

"What the hell is going on out there, Anakin?! Get your head out of your ass and fly the damn ship!"

"You try flying away from a squadron of starfighters! You can barely fly a ship to begin with!" Anakin argues in the same frustration at Obi-Wan and me. When the ship gets leveled again, we hear Anakin calls out. "Is the generator ready yet? They're gaining on us."

"Not yet!"

Obi-Wan shouts as I pull myself out of his grasp and continue running to the blaster cannons. We're on our way back from a simple mission to Alderaan when shit hit the fan. This is our first mission since leaving Spira together, and already the three of us are feeling rusty.

The Council warns us about this new separatist group and how planets have been leaving the Republic for it. Our last mission together was literally about something like this forming. However, the three of us didn't expect them to see our ship and instantly attack it.

Getting into the blaster cannon compartment, I plop myself into the chair and set up the ship's blaster. I put on the headset and turn it on before moving the ship's blaster around to make sure it hasn't got damaged yet. When everything looks good, I grit out into the headset to Anakin.

"Cannon's ready. Give me something to blast."

"No problem, V."

I hear him spit out before turning the ship instantly. I see three starfighters now through the window and move to aim the cannon. While trying to aim, I hear Anakin yelling and Obi-Wan's faint voice in the headset's distance.

"Is it ready now?"

"Not yet! Give me a damn minute, Anakin!"

"Vale can't take on this many starfighters-"

"You don't think I know that! Just fly!"

"Both of you shut up!" I shout into the headset, trying to get a precise target. "Or so help me. I will let them blow up our ship!"

When it's dead silent, I lock in on a target and press the trigger. Blasts come out rapidly and one ship explodes. I turn to the next one and do the same thing.

The three of us know I'm the worst at flying, fixing, and blasting a ship. I'm decent for a civilian, but nothing close to the Jedi Order standards. I make up for it with the force, political settings and combat skills.

Luckily, the force is what's getting me to actually hit the starfighters before they move out of range. When I hit the three Anakin put us in position to hit, I speak up into the headset.

"We have anymore?"

Without an answer, the ship jolts to the side and I feel like I'm falling back. Scanning around, I see five more and gulp. Moving the cannon to aim at one, I shout to Obi-Wan.

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