Taking Back Naboo

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Vale's P.O.V.

"The Force is strong with him."

Ki-Adi-Mundi speaks up when we come to the topic of Anakin Skywalker. I stand beside Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon stands in front of us with Anakin. Everyone on the Jedi council is presently here for the conversation of the boy. With his hands behind his back, Qui-Gon asks.

"He is to be trained, then?"

"No." Mace Windu announces with no emotion at all. "He will not be trained."


Qui-Gon blurts out while glancing at him and Yoda. We had just finished our conversation about Naboo and the voting for a new Supreme Chancellor. The exchange went by quickly with no argument, but I can already see this matter will not be the same. Windu speaks up again with the same tone of voice.

"He is too old."

"Valera was just as old if not older." Qui-Gon defends while raising a hand toward me. "He is the chosen one. You must see it."

"Mmm. Clouded, this boy's future is..." Yoda speaks up in a civil tone better than Windu's. "Valera's future is not."

"We suspect Valera to be the chosen one." Plo Koon confesses to us in an honest voice. "Have been for some time now."



Obi-Wan and I blurt out at the same time. We look at one in confusion before turning back to Yoda and Mace Windu. Both Obi-Wan and I are in the same shock at this. No one better than us knows that can't possibly be true.

I feel as if the air in my lungs got knocked out and Obi-Wan seems just as star-struck as I am. My hearts pounding, hoping they're wrong. I didn't sign up for any of this; politics, the chosen one, just the Jedi Order.

Glancing at Anakin, I see fear in his eyes. Not that they think I'm the chosen one, but that he will not train to be a Jedi. My heart goes out it him knowing he came all this way to become one. I see nothing wrong with him joining the Jedi Order.

"Yes, young Padawans. For the last two years." Yoda nods as if this has been a long time coming. Plo Koon when explains in better detail. "Valera left her home and her father. She left everything behind and yet she's still at one with the force. That is something we cannot ignore."

"What I've seen in the past two years only proves it." Mace Windu interjects while nodding to me. "She has learned skills in a matter of days... Some it takes years to learn."

"Nonetheless, I will train him then." Qui-Gon continues to argue with the council while resting his hands on Anakin's shoulders. "I take Anakin as my Padawan learner. As I did with Valera."

"An apprentice you have, Qui-Gon." Yoda points at him seriously. "Impossible to take on a second again."

"Obi-Wan is ready." Qui-Gon defends, making me glance at him. He takes a step towards Yoda, assuring him. "I am ready to face the trials."

"Our own counsel we will keep on who is ready." Yoda points out, making Obi-Wan nod and take a step back. Qui-Gon explains in all confidence. "He is headstrong and has much to learn of the living force, but he is capable. There is little more he can learn from me."

"Young Skywalker's fate will be decided later."

Yoda sighs, knowing Qui-Gon will not change his mind. I frown, wondering why they wouldn't let Qui-Gon take another Padawan. He did just fine with me, but maybe the council fears Anakin more than they did when testing me as a child.

"Now is not the time for this. The senate is voting for a new Supreme chancellor, and Queen Amidala is returning home." Windu reveals to us from his seat. "Which will put pressure on the Federation and could widen the confrontation."

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