Attack Of The Clones

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Obi-Wan's P.O.V.

"Valera, jump! Now! Damn it!"

I yell to Vale, frustrated at her utterly stubborn mind. She shouts in her own annoyance before leaping in the air across the Acklay. It goes to bite her but misses as she falls toward us on the running Reek.

She falls into me, and I wrap my arms around her instantly. Moving her between me and Padme, I secure her in my arm as Anakin turns us away from the Gundark and Acklay. Vale moves her legs to have on one either side of the Reek while resting a hand on top of mine.

Feeling myself relax with my hand on her stomach, I kiss the back of her neck, reassuring her. Anakin moves the Reek towards an open threshold in the arena. We're halfway there when Droidekas come spinning out of it.

They spin until a dozen are surrounding us before stopping and opening themselves up. Pointing their blasters in our direction, all of them get closer, trapping us. In the next second, I hear a commotion in the stands and Geonosians fly away.

"Nice to see you all stop by!"

Vale shouts out in pure laughter, and I see her grinning towards the stands. Which makes me look away from the Driodekas and her. All over the stands are Jedi Knights activating their light saber.

I let out a breath in relief at the sight of how many there are. There must be at least a hundred of us out in the stands. Holding Vale closer to me, I grinning realizing they brought everyone to my and Vale's aid.

Jedi Knights run out into the arena, forcing the Droidekas to turn their aims on them. Anakin makes the Reek run past two Droidekas toward the group forming of Knights. When we get close, the sounds of metal moving in an orderly pace enter our ears.

Turning, I see groups of army droids come out of a handful of entrances. They're more of the droids coming out than the group of Jedi Knights. As we reach the group of Jedi Knights, blasts go off in our direction from all over.

A few of the Knights in our area toss light sabers our way as they block the blast coming near us. Anakin, Vale and I catch them easily before breaking the last of our restraints off. When Vale gets mine off, a large blast goes off near the Reek, making him jolt.

The four of us fall off and land on the ground beside the Reek. Without thinking twice, I jump to my feet and start blocking the blasts. I slick droids as I move out of the way of blasts.

Blasts and droids are coming from every way, where ever I turn there's something I need to destroy or stop. Spinning my saber, I block a blast before cutting off a droid's head. Turning, ready to kill what's beside me, my saber hit another blade.

Frowning, I glance down and find Vale staring at our light sabers clashing into one another. She's just as surprised at me finding our light saber caught with another. Her eyes find mine and I see her as shocked as I am.

A second goes by and smiles escape our lips before we turn around and lean our backs on one another. Resting our backs on each other, we block the blasts aimed at us. She'll lean off me to kill a droid and a moment later I'll do the same.

We go in circles defending ourselves and killing whatever is in our area. It feels like only a day ago we were doing this with exercise droids in the Temple's training room as Padawans. As I stab another droid, I feel a third back against ours as Vale and I fight for the army. I'm about to turn and take a glance at who it is when I hear Vale shout.

"So you do care about me, Master Windu. I was starting to worry you wouldn't come."

"What are you talking about?" Windu says in a light tone while killing a droid. "I came here for Obi-Wan." I let out a single laugh while blocking blasts as Windu adds. "Master Yoda is the one coming for you..."

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