Family Vacation

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Obi-Wan's P.O.V.

"Are we there yet?"

"We're close. It shouldn't be much farther."

I answer my Padawan as I walk beside Vale. He's behind us, trudging his feet tiredly while I hold both my and Vale's bags. We're alone on an empty street outside of the city. We're surrounded by forests, but if we look back, we can still see the skyscrapers in the distance.

The cabins for rent should be less than a half a mile away, but I have seen no signs of it. Vale seems quiet, which usually would concern me, but I'm sure she's just tired. I feel fine, but the chilly breeze in the night is what's making this walk easier for me.

"This is kinda far..." Vale finally speaks up after a few minutes. "I hope it's not a dump for hustlers and junkies."

"It had good ratings with reasonable prices." I point out to her as I think about what I read in the description. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Vale smirk and mumble. "Of course you looked at the ratings."

"You wouldn't?" I frown and turn to catch her eyes. She shrugs and thinks out loud. "Nope... Perhaps I would if I was going on vacation."

"We can take vacations?" Anakin blurts out from behind us in surprise. I instantly answer to just down what he's thinking. "No. We get rest days."

"Oh..." Anakin voice turns less excited and I see Vale glance at him. Waving around, she says in an optimism voice. "Look around, Ani. This is a vacation."


"We're in a beautiful forest, renting a cabin, spending a week at least in the city." Vale points out casually while pushing her hair back. "This is probably the closest thing we'll get to a vacation... But I tell you what I've learned over the years. It's all about how you see things."

Glancing at her, I feel my lips curve from what Vale said. Her words spoke both truth and maturity, which you don't get a lot from V. She walking around glancing towards the forest beside us while thinking out loud.

"Any situation can be bad if that's how you want to see it... Any moment can be a good one if you make it one. You just have to choose how you want to feel about it. I usually choose to be in a positive mood."

I see her turn her head back to Anakin and wink before facing ahead again. Still watching her, memories of us pop up. Glancing at my feet, I smile at the idea of how Vale made all those memories pleasant because of how she interpreted them for us.

"Look!" Anakin announces while running between us and pointing. "It that a sign for the cabins?"

Looking up from my feet, I see a billboard with the words; Lovebirds Inn. There are lights near the board and a dirt path going into the forest. I hear Vale snort while spitting out in disbelieve.

"You took us to a place for couples?"

"It said LB Inn... I assumed it was the owner's name."

I defend as we walk closer toward the billboard. Anakin's ahead of us now, walking like he's on a mission. When we reach the sign, the three of us turn and see a lodge cabin a few yards away. There are lights in the distance behind it between the trees.

The door on the cabin says welcome and has a green light handing above it. Anakin runs to the door and waits there until we reach it. When I step onto the porch, Anakin opens the door, not standing by for us any longer.

I hear Vale snort with a single laugh beside me as we watch the door close behind Anakin. I can see him looking around the cabin through the windows and a woman in her seventies behind a count talking to him. Vale opens the door for me since I have both of our bags and, just as we get inside, I hear the woman's teasing voice.

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