A Plot To Destroy

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Vale's P.O.V.

"Allow this appointment lightly. The council does not." Master Yoda announces to the Jedi Council and to Anakin. "Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine."

"I understand."

Anakin agrees and nods his head to Master Yoda before glancing at me and Obi-Wan. He's standing in the center of the High Council Chambers with an appointment that my father set up on his own. Most of the Jedi Masters of the Council are here sitting in their according seats.

There are only a few here for this session as holograms. Obi-Wan and I sit in our usual seats side by side, and I have an empty seat on the opposite side Obi-Wan's sitting on. It's the morning after Anakin and Obi-Wan rescued my father and me.

Obi-Wan and I have yet to discuss my mother with Yoda and Mace Windu. Though we plan to make time today with them in private. After hearing from Anakin what my father is demanding of the Jedi Council, I sense Yoda and Windu intending to speak with me and Obi-Wan in private, anyway, about this matter.

Anakin has just informed us that my father, the Supreme Chancellor, has appointed him as his personal representative on the Jedi Council. However, the Chancellor may not appoint Jedi, it's never been done before. The Jedi council elects who will become a Master and put on the council.

Obi-Wan and I share a look; recognizing the Chancellor's authority has gone too far this time. For the past month, he's requested Jedi like they are his to call upon. It's bad enough that Senators no longer have a say on policies the Chancellor makes.

Though, now he's making decisions in the Jedi Order and the Republic without having consent from anyone. The Jedi Council members all seem calm and collected, but I can sense a change in the air by what's obviously happening to the Jedi Order. There's a long moment of pause before Master Windu declares to Anakin.

"You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master."

"... What? How can you do this?" Anakin blurts out in utter shock. "This is outrageous."

"We elect who is to be a Jedi Master." I speak up in a light tone, hoping Anakin will understand what I'm trying to say. "The Chancellor is not qualified to appoint the rank of Master to anyone in the Jedi Order."

"This is unfair."

He announces from still not seeing the bigger picture that I'm trying to explain to him. The rest of the council frowns when realizing Skywalker is not understanding the point of why we haven't ranked him as a Master. Anakin glances at me and Obi-Wan in resentment before facing Yoda and Windu.

"How can you be on the council and not be a master?"

"Take a seat, young Skywalker." Master Windu speaks up in a serious tone while waving his hand at the empty seat beside me. Anakin's head drops slightly and I feel him forcing himself to settle down while saying in a low tone. "Forgive me, master."

I watch him come to the seat beside me and sit down. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Obi-Wan shaking his head at him. Letting out a breath, I lean back in my seat and rest my arms on the armrests.

Anakin's frustration in the force is all over the place because of this. Everyone in the room understands why he's not a Master, all but him. We would elect him to be ranked a Master, but not on my father's authorities, which is what I sense him not understanding.

I glance back at Obi-Wan and I see him giving me a worried expression about Anakin's emotions. Bitting my bottom lip, I raise my hand to grasp my pearl necklace. Twiddling it in between my fingers, I listen to Ki-Adi-Mundi speak up in the silence through his hologram.

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