Thunderstruck |11|

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Their jet arrived. They were close enough to home, Stephen was able to create a portal leading to there.

"Oh, how I missed you my sweet and wonderful room." Tony announced as he threw himself on bed. He tossed his suitcases on the ground, Stephen unpacked them with his magic.

"Did you call Mobius and tell him that we'd be here?" Stephen asked him. Tony screamed into the pillow, "Fuck." He said after he lifted his head up. Stephen shook his head as he chuckled, "I'll take care of it. You stay here."

He made his way to the door and stopped, "Make sure you actually go to sleep this time." Stephen added.

Tony gave him a thumbs up, "No promises."

"I'm being serious." He left their room.

Stephen cautiously walked up to Mobius and Loki's door, he gently knocked, "Mobius? It's me Stephen."

"Stephen?" Mobius drowsily asked, he took a moment to get out of bed. Stephen opened the door, "Yeah... we decided to come back home, things didn't go as planned."

Mobius squinted at him, "Oh..." He yawned, "Let's talk about it in the morning." He walked back to his bed. "Alright, goodnight." Stephen closed the door.


Stephen was expecting Tony to be asleep by the time he got back, being emotionally tired makes you exhausted. As he got into their room, he saw that Tony was laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Tony..." Stephen grunted. "I'm used to it, I can never sleep." Tony explained, Stephen frowned. He fell into Tony's bed, laying next to him. "What are you...?" Tony questioned as Stephen wrapped his arms around him.

They both nearly hugged each other, "We almost slept together in the same bed, remember? Let's do that now." Stephen whispered, while closing his eyes.

"Alright..." Tony sat up and took his shirt off, which caught Stephen by surprise. Tony began to undo his buckle as he said, "I have to warn you, I haven't done this in awhile... however-"

Stephen held his pants up before Tony could take them down, "What are you doing?" He asked him.

"What? You said we almost slept together. Is that not what you meant?"

Stephen laughed, "No! I meant actually sleeping together. We were supposed to share a bed tonight."

"Oh. Well that's embarrassing." Tony looked down at his pants and undid his buckle anyway. "Tony, I'm not ready for that..." His smile became a serious look.

Tony scooted to the edge, legs dangling off. "I know. That's not what I'm doing." He pulled his jeans off and threw them on the ground. Tony turned to Stephen, who was unsure and prepared to leave the bed. He was in his boxers, and only that. "This is how I sleep, I thought you knew?"

"But usually you have your shirt on..."

"I don't feel like putting it back on, night." He smiled, kissed Stephen's forehead and rolled on the other side. "Goodnight."


Loki opened the door, "Tony I heard you're-" His eyes widened as he saw Stephen and Tony sleeping together. Tony being almost naked doesn't help what Loki is thinking. "MOTHER OF MOBIUS." He whisper-yelled and ran into the kitchen.

"Burn my brain, right now." Loki demanded as he splashed cold water into his face. "Why? What happened?" Mobius asked as he scrubbed a plate squeaky clean. "I just caught Stephen and Tony sleeping together. It was horrifying, utterly horrifying." He pointed at their room.

Mobius dropped the plate into the sink, Loki looked at him with a confused frown. "Did they finally get together!?" He rushed to their room, and quietly entered, Loki closely followed behind.

"Is Tony naked?" Loki asked, Mobius shushed him, "I think so." He whispered. He closed their door, "Alright let's give them privacy."

As they walked in the hallway, Mobius squealed. "Yes! I called it! And nobody believed me!"

"Pfft, you make Cupid look like nothing." Loki remarked as he sat down on a chair. Mobius stood in front of him, "We need to keep a score called 'Mobius is right' we'll hang it in the living room." Mobius gestured at the walls, envisioning the perfect spot.

Loki stroked his chin with his thumb and index, "Who do you think is the top?"


"I'm being serious, who do you think would be the top?"

They both thought for awhile. "Stephen." They said at the same time, and laughed after.

"Are we going to address this situation to them?" Loki asked him. Mobius shook his head, "Let's give them time to tell us."


Tony slowly woke up, catching his awareness as he heard the song Thunderstruck by AC/DC play. The music wasn't loud at all, but it was loud enough to hear. He sat up, and saw Stephen organizing his side of the room. Tony giggled, "I presume you're an AC/DC fan now?"  He asked him, which startled Stephen.

He turned around, holding a plant in his hand. "You're awake! How'd you sleep?" He set the plant down on his window and made his way over to Stephen. Tony leaned off the edge of the bed, "Not the best sleep... but it wasn't the worst." He said with a smile.

A dreary frown appeared on Stephen as soon as Tony said that. "That's too bad... I tried casting a spell to make you sleep better. I guess it didn't work..."

"Woah, woah, woah. You casted a spell on me?"

"It was completely harmless. I promise." Stephen assured. "Alright... just tell me next time. I'm not big on magic."

Stephen nodded, "Yeah... I'm sorry."

He lifted himself up from bed and put his hands on Stephen's arms, "Give me a kiss and I'll forgive you." He teased. Obviously, if Stephen truly didn't want to kiss him, he wouldn't force that.

Stephen grinned, "And if I didn't?" Their lips were almost touching. "Well, it's up to you."

He kissed Tony's cheek and walked the other direction with a smug smile, he looked back at Tony who was caught off guard. "That wasn't fair." He whined. "Anyway." Tony said as he walked to his desk, "I'm going to skip breakfast, I need to work on something." He turned on his lamp, and logged on to his computer.

"Is it for class?"

"No, don't worry about it."

Stephen tilted his head as he watered his plants. "Okay..."

"SHE'S HERE!" Loki yelled from the living room.

Stephen and Tony looked at each other, "What is he talking about?"

They made their way into the living room. "Oh, Stephen, Tony." Loki was standing by the door, next to Mobius. "Who's here?" Stephen asked.

"My girlfriend."

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