Affection |25|

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There was a soft knock at the door, that drew everyone's attention. "I think that's him!" Mobius bolted out of the couch, and skidded to the door. Tony and Stephen followed him from behind, intrigued with who will show up. Mobius opened the door, holding on to every high expectation. Loki had his iconic smile, while holding a bunch of Doritos bags.

"Oh good!" Mobius melted with relief; he'd pull Loki in for a hug if his hands weren't full. "Apologies for the delay. There was a huge sign outside that said 'Buy One Get One Free!' And I assumed that counted for the Doritos. So, I stopped at the store, got 7 bags of Doritos. And there was this elder lady who said she claimed the Doritos first- it was absolutely crazy. This lady was nuts. There were no more Doritos left, and obviously I'm not going to let her have a bag. And so I told her, 'You don't need these, you'll probably pass before you get to your car.' She smacked my face and headed toward the direction of the guards. And I warned her that I'll tell them she assaulted me, and so she freaked out, and we both agreed to never talk to each other again. Long story short, I got my 7 Doritos bags, and that's all that matters."

The other three were speechless, this is the most Loki thing Loki has done. He stepped inside and instantly went for the kitchen, he sat down his Doritos bags on the counter. "Don't eat any of these, I will know." Loki pointed at everyone. He took one bag and went into the living room. Everyone followed him like little ducks.

"I'm getting a weird vibe from everyone, spill the tea. Why is everyone acting odd?" Loki took a seat on the most comfortable chair in the room; he dug his hands into the Doritos bag. Stephen and Tony looked at Mobius, who grinned. "Uh... well, I was worried for you because you didn't show up in time."

"We almost called the police." Stephen admitted.

Loki crunched on a chip, "I was gone for thirty minutes. Thirty minutes, Mobius."

Mobius felt ridiculous, he bobbed his head around as Loki spoke. "You could've called or said something."

"No, I didn't want to lose my Doritos."

"Seven Doritos bags Loki, seven Doritos bags." Mobius mocked. Loki gave him an eye roll, "I would've paid twice as much tomorrow than I would've today, it was worth it."

"We live with a rich kid." Mobius gestured at Tony. Loki shook his head, "I'll never ask Stark for anything."

"That reminds me." Stephen said, taking Tony by the hand and sitting down on another couch together. He continued, "Should we tell them the story?" He asked Tony. He put some thought into it, "Mmm, I guess so. Everyone's here, so yeah. I'll do it." Tony told him.

Tony clapped his hands together, preparing for his big speech. "Mobius, Loki, I'd like to apologize for the pain that I've caused you. What happened was... um, the people who kidnapped me were family members of Gelid. They wanted me to build my dad's missile. I escaped, but Gelid had an undercover thing going on. He revealed his true self to me, and said that if I don't build the missile, he'll kill everyone I love. A-And... he knows that I love you guys... so I tried to force hate on all of you, to convince him that I don't love you. I wanted to protect you guys. I went too far with punching Mobius, I feel horrible about that. But... yeah, Gelid is gone, we got that taken care of. We can save that for a different conversation, but I'm just really really sorry."

Loki and Mobius were mortified... their hearts broke, how could Gelid do this? "Gelid did this? He... so he's not actually who we thought he was?" Mobius questioned in disbelief. "Correct." Stephen said with a nod.

Loki set his Doritos bag to the side and stood up, he travelled in front of Tony. "Stand up, I'm only going to do this once." He told him.

Tony didn't know what to expect, neither did anyone else. He stood up, standing directly in front of Loki. He pulled Tony in for a forgiving hug, "I never liked Gelid, but I'm sorry he turned out to be a conniving bastard. I forgive you, Tony." He rubbed his back.

"Thank you, Loki." After all of the years they've spent together, Loki has never showed any kind of affection toward anybody in the group, not even Mobius. This shocked everyone. Loki backed away, "We do not speak of this, alright? Pretend this never happened." Loki said with a teasing smile, while sitting back down.

"As a way to celebrate Gelid's defeat, everyone is allowed to have a Dorito." Loki offered his bag to anyone who wants a chip. "Fuck health today." Stephen said while making a chip levitate into his hand. Tony lifted an eyebrow, holding tight to the Ancient One's words about 'Stephen acting strange.'

"Yeah... fuck health." Tony said in a skeptical tone, while keeping his eyes on Stephen. He grabbed a Dorito. "I'm shocked... I can't believe Gelid was a bad guy, he seemed like a chill dude." Mobius was still baffled at Tony's story. "That's what I was saying, he did a great job with fooling us." Stephen said with a Dorito breaking in his mouth.

"Now we can finally go back to a normal school week!" Tony exclaimed, the gang cheered. "I have so much I need to get caught up on." Stephen hopelessly laughed. "Oh man, same. Want to have a study night tomorrow?" Tony asked.

"Oooh, that sounds lovely." Loki said, "Count me in." Mobius added.

Stephen let off a little shrug, "Anything with you." He kissed Tony's temple. Mobius and Loki smirked at each other. "So, who confessed first?" Mobius asked the lovers.

Tony gestured at Stephen, "The wizard did. It happened whenever we were in New York."

"Wow, so sudden. I thought you two didn't like each other." Loki teased with a grin. Stephen's cheeks lit up, "I've always liked Tony, but I've been in denial." He admitted.

"See? I told you! I told everyone here. I deserve a medal." Mobius told the gang. Loki gently nudged him, "You're ridiculous. I wonder if you can predict the future too?"

"Nah, just psychological things." Mobius casually said. "I'm going to bed." Stephen randomly blurted. Everyone was silent. They had no idea he'd say that... "Right now? But we're talking." Tony pointed out.

Stephen stood up and walked out into the hallway, "Night." Is all he said. Everyone looked at each other with wide eyes. "That was weird..." Loki said, putting a chip into his mouth. "No, that was strange." Mobius horribly joked, which caused Loki to gently slap him. Tony kept his eye on Stephen as he left, what's going on with him?

He's a little paranoid now, after what the Ancient One had said. He can't tell if Stephen is actually acting weird, or if he's being normal. "I think I'm going to go to bed too..." Tony said in an unsure way. He slowly walked off, and carefully approached their room.

He silently opened the door, his eyes widened, "Uh, wizard!?"

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