Mischief |32|

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"Hmm... how about... the Ironing?" Thor suggested, he wrote down that name on a paper. Him and Tony are in Tony's hotel room, brainstorming ideas for a potential group. "Might as well call us the Thunder Cats." He retorted.

Thor wrote that down, "I like that!"

Tony scoffed, he realized that Thor probably has no idea what Thunder Cats actually is. "We need something catchy but not corny, something that represents us." Tony wrote random words that described them. "Revenge..." He mumbled to himself, "Revenge! We're trying to get revenge on Gelid, so maybe... the Revengers?" Tony was catching on to something, he could see the potential in their name.

Thor shook that thought off, "No, that's too weird."

"Come on, that's the perfect name!"

"How about the Avengers?"

Tony stared at Thor for a bit. "That's... that's not a bad name actually." He added it to the top of the list of names. "The Avengers..." Tony mumbled to himself. "I like it! I think that'll work."

Thor panned his arm around while saying, "The Avengers kill Gelid! Picture that."

"Well... I don't know if we want people to know that. Maybe, the Avengers defeat a bad guy, ya know?"

"Sounds good to me. Who are we going to recruit?"

Tony thought a bit, he put his his thumb and index on his chin. "Let's lay down low for now, but I definitely want people who can fight."

"What about your wizard?" Thor questioned.

"No! No! He can't know about this, not yet..."

Thor tilted his head, he was confused. "Why not? He has magic."

"Yeah but... ugh, he doesn't agree with our methods. He'll flip out if I tell him we're forming a group to kill and imprison people, for good though."

The god shrugged, "But once we go public, you know he'll find out."

"I don't even know if we're going to go public. Let's keep this a secret, for now, okay?"

"Okay, to the Avengers!" Thor yelled out and held his hammer in the air. "Uh, yeah this isn't a toast, Thor."


"Cinnamon on toilet paper, implant laxatives in the food-"

Stephen interrupted him, "Woah, woah, I thought you were the god of mischief? Not the god of the worst pranks ever."

"Pardon?" Loki sat his pen down and gave Stephen an offended frown, "I'm the master of pranks, thank you very much."

He swept Loki's items away that were in his hands with his magic. "I'm talking about real mischief."

"Sorry, I don't follow. What are you suggesting?"

Stephen sparked his fingers, a green aura gleamed from them "Magic, my friend. There's a train leaving in 20 minutes, we can easily send it to another dimension."

"Wha- that's insane. People could get hurt!"

Stephen's smug smile slipped into an unamused frown, "Uhm, am I talking to the god of mischief? Or am I talking to a coward? Because it seems to me that you are afraid to conduct this prank."

Loki backed off, he was disgusted with what Stephen was saying. "Have you gone mad? You're proposing that we take a train WITH people in it and place it into another dimension, as a 'prank'?"

"I am, are you in or not?"

"Absolutely not! What's up with you!? Since when would you suggest that?"

"You literally suggested that we'd put cinnamon on toilet paper, as if that's not painful." Stephen said.

Loki was caught in a stutter, "Well- I... Okay but that's not extreme as taking innocent people into a dimension!"

"Fine, be like that. Remind me to never hang out with someone like you again, asshole." Stephen stormed off into a different direction, he left Loki speechless. He immediately called Mobius, who was at home. "Yeah?" Mobius answered.

"Stephen is acting... I want to say strange but I have a feeling you're going to turn it into a pun. He asked me if I wanted to cause mischief, and of course I said yes, like who wouldn't? And he suggested that we send a train with people in it to another dimension, AS A PRANK. Isn't that ridiculous!? I told him I didn't want to do it, he called me an asshole and ran off."

"Wow..." There was crunching noises from the other side of the phone, Mobius was eating chips. "He's probably having a hard time now that Tony is gone, poor guy has a lot of stress on him right now."

"Tony only left for a few days, Mobius..."

"Yes, but we all see that his career is taking off. Which means he'll be going on trips more often now."

"That's a stupid conclusion..."

"Loki, I'm telling you, that's what the problem is."

"I honestly don't believe so, maybe he's dealing with personal issues that aren't related to Tony?" Loki said. He looked up and noticed Stephen was coming back, "Ah, he's coming back. I'll talk to you later, goodbye." He sat down his phone and gave Stephen a petty glare.

"Did you come to insult me?" Loki asked in a salty way.

"What...? No?? I was going to suggest we'd do our math homework together but it seems like you're in a bad mood." Stephen told him, he gripped his binder to his chest.

Loki blinked twice, "What are you talking about? We did do our math homework together... besides, I'm not the one who's in a bad mood."

"Yeahhh... right." Stephen turned around and dialed Mobius's number. Mobius answered with, "Yes?"

"Has Loki been acting weird to you? He's in a bad mood and he also said that we did our math homework together, which we didn't-" Stephen pulled out his homework and saw that it was finished. "Uhm..." He carefully looked at it, the whole page was finished! "Hold on, sorry... I think I'm having memory issues or something else. Something weird is happening." Stephen closed his eyes, and opened them again as a reality check.

"Take your time." Mobius said.

"Never-mind Mobius, sorry..." He declined the call before Mobius could say anything. He looked back at Loki, who was sitting under a tree. "What the hell..." Stephen mumbled to himself in a concerned tone.

He travelled to Loki, "When did we do our homework?" He asked him.

"Literally just a few minutes ago until you stormed off."

"Loki, I haven't talked with you all day..."

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