Peace and Thunder |26|

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"Uh, wizard!?"

Stephen was on the ground, his body was rapidly moving around. Almost as if he were 'glitching.' He was moving in a distorted way, that wasn't human at all. He stopped after a few seconds, and stood up on his feet as if nothing happened. "Oh, hey Tony." He said with a smile.

Tony blinked twice, his mouth was gaped open. "I... y-you just...? Um..." He took a second the breathe, "...Can I have your phone real quick?"

"Why?" Stephen asked, he took his phone out of his pocket. "I need to talk to the Ancient One..." Tony grabbed his phone from Stephen's hand. "Alright?" Stephen was very confused.

Tony dialed the Ancient One, and walked into the bathroom. He put the phone up to his ear and waited for her to answer. "Stephen Strange right?" The Ancient One asked from the other side.

Tony's eyes narrowed, "Nope, Tony Stark. You're right about Stephen acting weird. He just did some hocus pocus shit and pretended as if nothing happened."

"Hmm... and you're sure he's not performing any kind of spells? Or maybe projecting into the astral realm?"

"I don't know, I've seen him cast spells before but he never did anything like that. He looked like he was glitching... I don't know how to explain it. His body was weird and distorted, and it had weird colors forming on him."

She had a finger on her chin while thinking, "I'll be right there." She left the call.

"What? O-Oh... shit right now-" He walked out of the bathroom, the Ancient One was already in their room, standing next to Stephen. "Hello Tony." She calmly greeted. "Wow. That's a little creepy." Tony admitted, Stephen gave him a 'look.'

Stephen cleared his throat, "What are you doing here?" He turned to his mentor. She lifted her arm up, and sparked a yellow aura on her hand. "Hold out your hand." She told him.

"Uhhh... okay?" He did what she said and held out his arm. She sent electricity through his body, creating lightning-looking waves running up to his shoulder. He yelped, "Ah! What are you doing?"

"A sorcerer's checkup." She dropped her hand away. "That's all I need, good day." She made a peace sign with her hand as she fell through a portal she conjured under her feet.

"She's mentoring you...?" Tony teasingly asked, which caused Stephen to chuck an empty water bottle at him. "Hey!" Tony laughed, attempting to doge the bottle.


* The Next Morning *

Loki prepared his breakfast for Mobius and him, he generously added a handful of Doritos on the side of Mobius' plate. "I'm sorry we didn't get to hangout last night." Loki apologized as he sat down Mobius' food on the table.

Mobius licked his lips as he stared at the omelette. "Well, we kind of did, with Tony and Stephen." He said to Loki with a small smile. Loki shrugged, he felt bad, "Yeah, but I went to sleep early. Arguing with an old lady was exhausting." He sat down, right next to Mobius, at the table.

He put a napkin on his lap, and checked to see if Mobius did the same, he didn't. "Put a napkin on your lap, you don't want to get dirty do you?" Loki offered him a napkin. Mobius took it and put it on his lap, "What's with you and germs?"

Loki flashed an offended scowl, "I don't like to be dirty, it has nothing to do with germs." His phone buzzed after he said that. Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin and took out his phone, "Oh no..." He said after reading the notification.

"What?" Mobius' mouth was full as he spoke. Loki winced, "My brother is coming to Earth... and he wants to see me."

"Ohhh? You mean Thor? Hell yeah, invite him over. I haven't seen him in years." Mobius encouraged. "No, no, no... nope, no. He's embarrassing." He whined. Mobius gave him an unamused frown, "He's your brother. You don't see each other often."

Loki shook his head many times, "I didn't even know he could text. I mean, how did he even get my number?"

Mobius scraped his plate, "Maybe your dad gave it to him."

Loki put his phone down and glared at the wall, "I bet it was Jane! Dammit, I should've never asked for her number." He roughly sighed. "Fine. But he can only stay for a few days." He texted back.

Mobius let out a little cheer, "Yay! Tony and Stephen haven't met Thor."

"And I was planning to keep it that way." Loki stood up, and grabbed a pair of cymbals in the closet. "Wha- what are you...?" Mobius' sentence trailed off as Loki walked into Tony and Stephen's room.

"Wake the hell up, I have horrible news." Loki said as he crashed the cymbals together. Tony and Stephen jolted out of their beds. "The fuck man?" Tony drowsily said, squinting at Loki. Stephen groaned, "Is something wrong...?" He asked, barely awake.

Loki nodded, "Indeed my friends. My brother..." He tried to choke out but paused, "My brother is coming over."

Nobody said anything. They both gave Loki a confused look. "Why aren't you guys devastated? You should be." Loki questioned them. Tony slammed back into his pillow, "It's too early for this." He mumbled.

"This is a tragedy." Loki said in a serious way, he looked at Stephen, who's eyes were barely open. "Let's talk about this later, Loki." Stephen rolled to the other side.

Loki felt ticked off, so he crashed the cymbals twice and left the room. Tony and Stephen
both loudly groaned into their pillows.

He put the cymbals back, and joined Mobius for breakfast again. "Sorry about that, they don't seem to care that Thor is arriving."

"Maybe because they're sleeping?"

"Sleeping or not, they should be mortified with the news. I don't know why they aren't, it's my brother."

Mobius playfully rolled his eyes, "Your brother is a kind person. They'll like him if anything."

"Oh, not at all. He's annoying. I'd warn Tony and Stephen, but they don't care at all."

"Ohh Loki, you're an interesting guy."

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