Aftermath |22|

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The madness was done with. They had the battle with Gelid yesterday, Stephen and Tony haven't told their roommates about the betrayal yet. They're letting them ease back into their normal routine once Mobius heals.

They were lying in Tony's bed together, staring up at the ceiling. "How are you feeling?" Stephen asked him. "Relieved, and lucky. I just... can't believe we made it out alive." Tony said.

Stephen scratched his nose, "Yeah... I can't believe how insane Gelid was..."

"Right? I was shocked whenever he revealed that to me."

He rolled over and wrapped his hand around Tony's arm, "I'm glad I didn't move in with him." Stephen joked, which Tony laughed to.

"Tch, yeah." Tony let out a sigh, "I'm going to have to find a way to make it up to Loki and Mobius." He facepalmed as he spoke.

"I think they'll understand why, you have a good reason."

"Hopefully..." He stroked Stephen's hair. "We can finally be together again. I'm... so sorry for everything I said, and what Gelid did to you..."

Stephen's smile dropped, "I've been through way worse than that."

Tony sighed, "Screw our classes, do you just want to do something fun today? Let's take a break."

Stephen turned to Tony, "Oh yeah? What do you want to do?"

He intertwined their hands, "Anything with you. Let's get our minds off of what happened. How about we grab food and decide what we're going to do after?"

Stephen leaned up, and stood off of the bed while saying, "That sounds great. I'm starving." A portal opened with the use of his hands, "You first, my love." He said to Tony

He gave him a soft smile, and unexpectedly gave Stephen a passionate kiss on the lips. They kissed multiple times, and pulled apart. Tony walked in, they're at their favorite restaurant in town.

Tony walked up to the front desk, "I'd like 2 donuts, 3 croissants-"

"Hey!" Stephen interrupted, "Sugar makes stress much worse."

"I don't give a shit, we're taking a break babe. Anyway, 2 donuts, 3 croissants, and your smoked salmon bagel. What do you want wizard?"

Stephen rolled his eyes, "You know what..." He took his words into consideration, "You're right. Screw health for one day, I'll have your donut burger."

"Will that be all?" The cashier asked. Stephen and Tony glanced at each other, "We'll take two triple brownie milkshakes." Stephen ordered. "I'll pay this time." Tony said, "Thanks."

They sat down with their food. Stephen took his phone out, "I'll see if there are any events going on today." He said while taking a sip from his milkshake. Tony already had a donut in his mouth, "Okay." His words were muffled.

"Holy shit." Stephen's eyes were glued to his phone.

"Mmhh?" Tony mumbled as he swallowed the donut.

"Ariana Grande is having a concert tonight, 30 minutes away from here."

"Oh, I've met her once, she's a nice person."

Stephen choked, "You met Ariana Grande!?"

Tony casually shrugged, "Yeah. My dad and I met her at a premiere for something."

"Wow, I don't know how you're so calm about that." He tapped on a few buttons, "Dammit, it's sold out."

"So? Can't you teleport us there?"

"Are you proposing we commit a crime?"

Tony grinned, "I mean, when you put it like that, maybe."

"As fun as that sounds, I rather not end up in jail with you. Ooohh, there's a fair today."

"Nah." Tony flicked a crumb off the table, "Too many people."

"Bitch there's people here." Stephen sassily retorted. "Come on, there'll be rides, and games, and junk food. We can even make-out behind a booth." Stephen hummed.

"Mmm, I like that last part. Okay wizard, you've convinced me."

"Great!" A portal opened under Tony's feet, "AHHH!" He fell through and Stephen caught him, bridal style. "You ready, my love?" He stroked Tony's face. "Don't do that!" Tony playfully whined, "I didn't get to eat my bagel."

"I teleported it back at the house." He gently put Tony down. "I wish you would've teleported it in my stomach."

Stephen shrugged, "Okay."

Tony made a weird noise, "Wh- I didn't think you were actually going to do it. I feel so violated right now." He sarcastically said while hugging his stomach.

"We can get some fair food later." Stephen pointed at a ride, "Ohh, let's try that one!" It was a small rollercoaster attraction. "Fine, but I might barf all over your face because of what you just did." Tony said

"That's why I casted a spell to prevent that from happening." They both walked into line. "What really? Yay, so I don't have to worry about throwing up?" Tony asked him.

"Oh no, you can still throw up. I casted a spell so that it wouldn't land on my face." Stephen replied with a grin.

Tony gave him a glare, "Wowww."

"Hey- are you Tony Stark?" A girl, their age, asked him. Tony stroke a pose, "In the flesh." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Oh my gosh. Wow! Okay so uh, can we take a picture?" She nervously asked.

"Go for it."

She held out her phone and took a selfie with Tony, Stephen looked the other way to give them 'privacy.' The girl leaned close to Tony's ear, "He's coming" is what he thought she had said.

His mind interpreted her words into something else due to immense fear. "What?!" Tony yelled out, and backed away from her. "What? Tony are you alright?" Stephen asked as he turned around.

"Uh... I don't know... I just said thank you." The girl responded. Tony's breathing was choppy, "No... no you didn't, did you? I don't know what I heard..."

Tony rested his arms on Stephen's chest. "Tony?" Stephen said.

"Sorry... I don't know what happened, uh, enjoy your day." He told the girl.

"Eh, yes! Yes, thank you so much." She walked off.

"Tony? Are you-"

"I'm fine, I misheard her, that's all."

"You sure? Because it seems like you're having a panic attack."

"Don't worry, Stephen."

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