Human |44|

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"Thank you for allowing me to stay over, Christine." Stephen had a cozy blanket wrapped around him, fighting the freezing temperature. "Of course. I'm sorry about what's happening with you and Tony..." Christine brought him a mug filled with hot-chocolate.

They were sitting in her living-room, which was fairly small. Stephen sighed while eyeing the mug, "I don't know what to do with him... " He faltered. Christine understood Stephen's tough position, loving someone who loves someone else, she could sympathize for him. She crossed her arms and rubbed them, trying to keep herself warm.

"Have you talked it out yet?" She questioned.

Stephen sat still for a moment, he shook his head, "No... he tried calling me, though. I didn't answer... I don't know how I'm going to talk with him, he clearly flirted with her. Maybe... he's not happy with our relationship?"

"Maybe. If that's true, you'll find someone out there who's loyal to your love."

"But... I want Tony to be loyal to my love... I thought he was the one."

Christine placed her hand on Stephen's arm, she made serious eye-contact. "I dated someone who I thought was the love of my life, but she eventually showed her true colors. People are often... deceiving."

Stephen sat his mug aside, he covered his eyes. "I really really like him, Christine." He was filled with agony. Christine leaned in closer, giving him physical comfort, "I'm sorry Stephen, I'll be here for you if it doesn't go well."

"Thank you, Christine. I'm glad at least someone I know is loyal..."

"Your roommates are here for you too."

"Mm... sometimes I feel like I can't talk to my roommates at all... everything is so drama based with them, mainly Loki and Tony. Sometimes Mobius is behind the drama, even though he's a chill dude... they drive me insane at times, I love them but man do they make me want to leave."

"Leave?" Christine inquired, "You're not actually going to leave, right?"

Stephen shrugged, "It depends on how this situation with Tony goes down."

Her face saddened, "Oh..." She became close friends with Strange, they have a precious connection nobody could break, it hurts her knowing he feels this way. She nodded, she understood Stephen's place.

He noticed her visible expression, "But... we can always stay in contact if I do leave." He tried to cheer her up. She looked at him with a smile, "Right..." Her smile went away, his eyes captivated her. Their faces were close, a little too close.

His shaky breath was the only noise being made, they were only an inch away from each other's lips. "We can't do this." Stephen's words prevented the two from proceeding. "Yeah... I don't know why we'd even consider-" Christine backed out, "-that."

Stephen had his hands on his knees, he was hunched over as he thought. "Christine... I'm in a happy relationship with Tony and yet we almost..." His words became quiet. He didn't know what he was feeling, did he really like her that way?

"We got caught up in the moment. We're nothing more than friends, right?"

"Yeah... that's correct."


By the time Stephen arrived home, Tony was gone. He hoped for Tony to be there, but was a little relieved that he wasn't. Stephen was desperate for clarification on what actually happened, he held on to some hope that maybe this whole situation was a misunderstanding.

He heard the front door open, he leaned up from his bed. Could that be him? Footsteps gradually came closer, his door opened. Tony was frowning as he walked in, as soon as he noticed Stephen, he jumped back. "Stephen... you're back."

"Tony... were you at the mall this whole time?"

"No. As soon as you left, I left."

"Ah." The awkwardness was clearly there, they didn't know what to say to each other.

At the same time they both said, "Tony."

"You go first." Stephen insisted, Tony put his weight against the doorframe with his arms crossed. His eyes darted around the room before he spoke, "Okay..." he inhaled, mentally preparing for a bad outcome. "I'm sorry." Tony's words were genuine, Stephen could see that. He could sense the guilt and pain Tony was feeling, the look on his face also gave it away.

"That's it?" Stephen wanted more context to the incident, he's not satisfied with a simple apology. "No..." Tony's voice was shaky, "I... don't know if it'd be consider cheating, but I did flirt with Quinn... I wanted to mess with her feelings, I know that was a bitch move, I see that now. I was never going to take it any further than I did, and I was trying to hide it from you too... Stephen-"

Tony's glance eyed Stephen, who began to cry. Stephen turned around and weeped to himself, "Are you not happy with our relationship?" Stephen questioned while sniffling and wiping his tears away. He turned back around, he could tell Tony regretted what he did. "Stephen, I am happy." Tony approached him with his arms out, his tone was more comforting than ever.

He touched Stephen's arms.

Another tear fell from Stephen's eye, "Then why would you flirt with her? You lead her on." He pushed Tony's arms away and backed up. "I didn't flirt with her because of our relationship, I flirted with her because I was being stupid and ignorant..."

"This is too vague, Tony. I can't be in a relationship with somebody who flirts with other people because they're being 'stupid' and 'arrogant.' I... can't trust you."

Tony was completely shattered. Hearing those words come from Stephen broke his heart.




You're losing him, Tony!

Tony spontaneously ran up to Stephen and hugged him tight, he embedded his face into Stephen's hoodie. He quickly said, "I understand if you want to breakup!" His breathing was choppy, he sounded like he was about to cry. He continued, "I did something my old-self would do. I'm learning and I'm trying to fix my mistakes. Today, I talked with Steve and apologized for everything. We're on good terms now... I-I just thought you should know..." His face was still digging into Stephen's hoodie.

"Woah, Tony slow down. You apologized to Steve?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry, so sorry. I'm an idiot."

Stephen held Tony in his arms, the both of them collapsed on their knees, keeping their hug in place. "Don't beat yourself up." A softer tone than what Tony expected from Stephen. Tony looked up at him, "Why not? I caused you pain, this is what I deserve at the least."

"You're human, we all make mistakes. Some people don't learn from them, others do. I can see that you're really trying."

Tony leaned back into his chest again, "I'm sorry for hurting you, Steph." He cried.

"Well... you know what'll make me feel better? Apologize to Quinn."

Tony opened his eyes, "I will, I promise."

"And... I want a break."

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