Runaway |15|

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Warning: Torture and kidnapping will be mentioned in this chapter.

"Tony Stark, his father is Howard Stark. He's 5'5, has brown hair, brown eyes, he was wearing a John Watson costume. So, he has a grey wig on right now. And a black coat." Stephen described to the police.

Only one cop car had arrived, with two officers inside. They were parked to the side, near a house. All of the kids were watching them. An officer was taking down notes, "Alright. We'll do everything we can to find him." She turned to the other officer, "Call Howard Stark and alert him before we proceed with alerting the state." The other officer nodded.

This is the worst night ever, Stephen thought. He felt helpess, he couldn't use magic to find him, he's not advanced at all. He wanted to hold Tony and snuggle with him, tell him it's going to be alright. Horrible thoughts hit him, what if he's been kidnapped? Is he okay? Did he get hurt?

The officers were going door to door, searching for any possible kidnapping evidence. It's been an hour and 30 minutes since he vanished. Stephen is sick out of his mind. A familiar car pulled up; Mobius, Loki, and Iris got out of it.

Stephen collapsed into Mobius' arms while saying, "I'm so glad you're here!" He was dressed as Jedediah, while Loki and Iris were dressed as Moxxie and Millie from Helluva Boss. "Did they find anything yet?" Mobius softly asked him.

Stephen shook his head with a sniffle, "No... I-I'm so scared for him."

Mobius gave him a hug, he noticed Gelid sitting on the curb, doing something on his phone. "Hey, you can go home now. We'll take care of this." He told Gelid.

Gelid looked up with a frown, "I'd hate to leave..."

"It's getting really late, we can fill you in on the details tomorrow." Mobius said with a comforting smile.

"A-Alright... goodnight." Gelid stood up, Stephen opened a portal for him. "Thanks." He walked in and Stephen closed it.


"Hello Tony Stark." A deep voice said. Tony's eyesight was dark, there was something covering his eyes. The person removed the cloth from his eyes, "How are you feeling?"

Tony saw a man with dark red hair. His red eyes glowed in the dark. Tony felt sleepy, he was sedated from earlier. "Mmmph..." Tony drowsily said.

He was held in a dark room, tied to a chair. There were two other men in the room. Tony began to become aware of the situation, his eyes widened in fear. He screamed and panicked. The men laughed, "Don't be afraid, we'll let you go."

One of them grabbed a large rolled up poster, "Do you know what this is?" He unrolled the poster, revealing blueprints of a large missile. Tony knew exactly what it was, it was something Howard has been working on. He panted harshly, "Wh-What do you want?"

"Do you know what this is!?" He repeated, but yelled this time. Tony tensed up, "Yes, yes I do." He was afraid they'll do something if he lied.

"Good. Good. Do you know how to build it?"

"I- no... I don't."

"If we have instructions, could you do it?"

"I'm just a kid, I can't build a damn missile!"

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