Girlfriend |12|

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Author's note: Hello strangers, the girlfriend in this story was originally Sylvie. I changed it because I didn't realize how harmful the ship between Loki and Sylvie was. I didn't think anything of it because it was canon in the show, which of course doesn't justify the ship. I'm terribly sorry for adding the ship. If you see her name, I might've missed it, let me know so I can change it.

The door revealed a young lady with short brown hair. She seemed to be nervous. "My dear friends, I'd like you to meet Iris." Loki introduced, while putting his hand behind her back. "Hello." She anxiously waved to everyone.

"So you're the girlfriend?" Mobius and Iris shook hands, "I'm Mobius." He smiled.

"And I'm- well, you already know... Iris haha. It's nice to meet you, Loki said good things about you."

"What about me? What did he say about me?" Tony asked her. "Oh... you're Tony?" Her tone lowered, as if Loki told her bad things about him.

"In the flesh!" Tony proudly gestured at himself with a cocky grin.

Everyone, besides Tony, had secondhand embarrassment. "He said... some interesting things." She giggled.

Tony's grin faded into an offended frown, "Loki, care to explain?"

"I said what had to be said. Anyway, this is Stephen." Loki gestured at Stephen.

Stephen shyly waved at her, she waved back with a little "Hi."

Loki whispered to Iris, "He's my favorite." With a wink. "Good to know." She whispered back.

"You're a sorcerer right?" She asked Stephen.

"Wizard." Tony corrected.

Iris looked at him confused, "A wizard...?"

"No." Stephen scoffed, "Tony likes to call me that. But yeah, I'm a sorcerer." He did little sparks with his fingers. Iris gasped, "That's wicked. I've been dying to meet a sorcerer."

Loki blinked multiple times, "Love, you have me?"

"Yes, but a real sorcerer"

Mobius and Tony coughed back a laugh. "I beg your pardon?" Loki teasingly asked her and tickled her.

She laughed, "Okay, okay! But you're a god."

He nodded, "Even better."

"Wait..." Tony and Stephen looked at each other. "You're a fucking god?" Tony asked him with wide eyes. "You didn't know that?" Mobius inquired.

Tony and Stephen shook their heads. "I thought your mom loved the stories or something." Stephen sheepishly said.

Loki was about to say something, but Tony interrupted him with, "Wait wait, so you're not 22 years old?"

"In humans years yes, it's a little complicated... but-"

"You're a damn god!? You didn't even care to tell me? Bitch, I've lived with you for years and I'm just finding out that my roommate is a god?!"

"To be fair you never asked-"

"You could've given me a heads up!"

"Fine. Tony, I'm a god."

"Dammit Loki."

"Girls, stop fighting." Mobius said. "Iris, are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" He asked her.

"Oh, no. I already ate, thank you Mobius. That's very kind of you."

"Okay, let's sit down then." Everyone went into the living room. Tony and Stephen sat together, not too close, they didn't want to make their relationship obvious. Loki sat in between Iris and Mobius, with his arm around Iris.


The gang and Iris talked for almost two hours, they settled down, and an idea popped in. "Anyone wanna play truth or dare?" Tony asked with a grin.

Stephen lifted an eyebrow at him, meanwhile Loki, Iris, and Mobius, exchanged looks. "Why? Isn't that a kid's game?" Stephen asked him. "It doesn't have to be." He whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. He blushed at that.

"I mean... I guess we can, it'll be fun." Iris said. "In that case, I'm in!" Loki added. Mobius shrugged, "Why not?"

"Who wants to start?" Tony asked them. "Iris? You're our guest." Loki offered, Iris hesitated but accepted, "Yes, okay... I'm hardcore with this, just to warn you. Hm... Stephen, truth or dare?" She asked him.

Stephen was caught off guard, "Uh... dare?"

"I dare you to confess to your crush, right now."

Loki chuckled, "Ooh, this'll be interesting."

Tony's enjoyable smile immediately became a frown as she said that, he knew Stephen was freaked out by that question. "Uh..." He looked at Tony, unsure.

Tony tilted his head, silently gesturing at him as if he were asking 'Do you want to tell them?'

Stephen grabbed his phone, "I'll call her." He said.

Mobius and Loki looked at each other, they knew something was up. "Put her on speaker." Iris added.

Stephen nodded, which Tony was surprised by.

"Hey Clea." He said into the phone. Everyone was intrigued. Tony's eyes widened as he heard a female voice from the other end. "Hey, what's up?" Clea asked.

Tony looked down at Stephen's fingers, some of them were glowing. He was using magic to create a fake voice! He smiled.

"Clea I..." Stephen chuckled, "I really like you." He flat out confessed. "Oh...? You know that I'm already with Bucky."

Bucky's name caught Tony's attention. Stephen panicked, "Uh... uh, you know what, forget what I said, bye." He hung up. "There, I did it."

"That was hella fast." Iris exclaimed, "Well, it's your turn now."

"Okay... Mobius, truth or dare?" Stephen questioned.

"Hmm... I think I'll go with a truth."

"Is it true you have a... a jet ski kink?" He asked, unsure.

Mobius paused, he laughed. "What? I love jet skis, but not to the extent of a kink."

Stephen glared at Loki, "But you said-"

"Mobius it's your turn." Loki interrupted him.

"Tony, truth or dare." He asked with no hesitation.

"Dare." Tony responded just as fast.

"I dare you to tell us who the last person you slept with was."

"Easy. Christine Everheart."

"You sure?" Mobius asked, with the thought that he's lying.

"Positive. Loki, truth or dare?"

"I'll go with a dare."

"I dare you to kiss Mobius."

Loki jumped up, "What!? Absolutely not!"

"Come on Loki, it's just a dare." Iris encouraged. "Why are you encouraging this my love?"

"Because it's not a big deal." She teased. Loki took an embarrassing breath in, "Mobius..." He turned to him. Mobius tilted his head at him.

"I can't believe I'm doing this... is it alright if we kiss?"


"Dammit Mobius. Fine." He quickly took a peck at Mobius' lips and parted back. Everyone gasped. Mobius sheepishly grinned. Loki wiped his lips, "There. Tony, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven with Stephen."

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