Many Years |FINALE|

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Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

Not exactly the most motivational song to listen to, but it's a fun one to sing. Stephen typically listened to songs that matched the opposite vibe he was feeling.

He was taking a nice jog with Cloaky, on the streets of New York City. He usually never gets free-time, due to his busy role as the Sorcerer Supreme. He made an exception, it was his birthday after all. He turned 33!

As he was taking a cheerful jog, a big picture of Tony Stark appeared on a building. It was an advertisement for Stark Industries.

Stephen scoffed to himself, "That Stark..." He said with a stupid smile.

He lost contact with Tony 2 years after he left, they became too busy to talk with each other. Stephen finally found an opportunity to text him, but Tony never replied. He assumed that Tony got a new number and forgot about him.

They made the promise they'll never forget about each other. It's true, they didn't. But he no longer has the desire to reconnect with his friend. Tony's face is everywhere! He's a huge star in NYC.

Tony formed a team called the 'Avengers,' a public group that saves people. There's six members in the team, Stephen has seen some of them save people near his sanctum. He saw Iron Man fly by once, that's the closest he's been to Tony since the last time he saw him. Stephen always urged to fight side by side with the Avengers, but his role was for more complex things, such as multiversal threats and magical entities.

He went back into his sanctum, he changed into his formal attire, which was a blue tunic. He always had the Eye of Agamatto on his neck, in memory of the Ancient One, also it's a powerful tool. Cloaky flew off somewhere, it likes to wander the sanctum at times.

Stephen sat in a chair that was behind the sanctum's best view, there was a huge window shaped in an unusual symbol. Wong crept up behind him, holding a small cake on a plate, "Happy Birthday, Stephen." He gave the cake to his friend.

Stephen gasped, "Did you make this?" The cake was white with a fondant Cloaky on top.

"Of course not, the guy's wife at the deli did."

He snickered, "Tell her I said thank you. This looks really good." He dug his fork into the cake, carefully dodging the well-made Cloaky.

"I will." Wong began to walk away, he stopped as he remembered something. "Oh! Also, Loki wishes you a good birthday."

"Loki?" Stephen dropped his fork on the plate, he turned around in his seat, "Who is that?"

Wong cocked an eyebrow, "You don't remember Loki?"

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" Stephen asked himself.

"I barely talked with him and yet I remember him, how could you forget? He was your old roommate back in college."

Stephen turned back, memories of his roommates flashed in his head. "Doritos." Stephen said out loud, he laughed remembering Loki's best moments.


"Loki loved Doritos... how did you guys talk?"

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