Avengers |47|

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There were only 4 magic users in the room, not counting the Ancient One. The guests had no idea who she was, so they weren't sure if she was a threat or not. She was standing in front of the main door, holding physical spells. Everyone took a cautious step back away from her, besides Stephen and Tony.

"What's going on?" Stephen asked her, he knows the Ancient One well, but yet he was skeptical of her intentions from the reaction the guests gave. "An outside threat is nearby, I figured they might have some sort of association with one of you, considering that there's many sorcerers in this room."

Everyone looked around at each other, they didn't know what the Ancient One meant. "Uhh..." Stephen stepped forward, "But aren't there always outside threats? What makes this one special from the rest?"

She lowered her magic, "Keeping you and this reality safe is a major priority of mine."

"You didn't answer the question, creepy magician." Tony retorted back at her. A few people giggled in the background. Stephen looked back at him, he didn't approve of his comeback. "Stark." He whispered in a demeaning manor.

"Fine." The Ancient One summoned a smoothie in her hand, "I've temporarily removed magic from this area because I believe one of Gelid's family members is close by. They won't be able to teleport here without magic."

Stephen clenched his fists, "Gelid...? Why won't he ever leave? It seems like even dead he comes back."

"Gelid? What the hell are you guys talking about?" Quinn questioned, everyone was confused as her. "Long story short, this guy and his family have it out for Tony and I." Stephen responded.

Tony scowled, he thought the Gelid situation would be over with, "It doesn't matter. We'll kick their ass like we did to Gelid." He punched his fists together.

"There's a chance they might not be associated with Gelid, it's an assumption." The Ancient One said. "Then why are we being protected in the first place? You don't even know if they're after us." Stephen said.

"Tone down your arrogance, Strange. This is for a temporary period, continue the party while I keep guard." She disappeared.

Stephen kicked at the ground, "I guess we're stuck here..." Everyone groaned.

Six hours. Six miserable hours! Everyone was exhausted, the party went on until 5AM. People were walking around like zombies, Christine actually went to sleep. The conversations were unpleasant, some were passive aggressive. Some people got drunk to pass the time, while others passed out on the couch.

Stephen and Tony seemed to be the only sane/awake ones in the room, which Stephen realized. Him and Tony made eye-contact, Stephen walked off into the kitchen. Nobody was in there. Tony walked across a room full of bodies sleeping on the ground, he went into the kitchen. Stephen was leaned against the counter. "I hate this." Tony said while laughing as a nervous response.

Stephen shook his head and chuckled, "Yeah... whatever this threat might be, it must be a bad one." He could hardly see straight, his eyelids were almost closed, Tony was the same way too.

"Um... look, Tony. About what I said earlier, it was really mean of me. I shouldn't had said that."

Tony shrugged it off, "It's fine. I deserve it anyway."

"That's not-" Stephen stopped talking as a fire circle formed under Tony and him. "Are you doing this?" Tony whispered. Stephen stayed still, "No... this might hurt." They fell into a room, it looked like somewhere in Kamar-Taj. They screamed as they hit the floor. There were familiar people in the room: Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Steve, Quinn and Christine.

"Stephen!" Christine ran up to her lover and helped him up, "I'm okay... what's happening?" Stephen asked as he stood up, he brushed the dirt off of his suit. "We don't know, we got here a second before you did." Christine told him. A yellow aura formed in the middle of the group, "Good morning, mortals. You've been called here to complete a mission." The Ancient One appeared.

Tony crossed his arms, "A mission? You called in a bunch of kids to complete a mission?"

"Might I remind you, you and a few other kids formed a group to stop evil? I think you all are quite capable." The Ancient One said. Tony didn't say anything after, because what she said wasn't wrong... Thor flipped his hammer in the air while saying, "Yes! I love a good adventure."

"What kind of mission are we talking about?" Stephen chimed in. The Ancient One spun her arms forward, she created a visual out of yellow magic. The magic, which looked like sand, formed into a family. "The Frostbite family, I'm sure all of you know who they are." She said.

Everyone nodded besides Quinn, "Nope."

The magic morphed along with her words, "They've lived for centuries, they used to rule over kingdoms, but of course that changed. Their hierarchy system in the family is messed up. A weak member in the family must obtain power for the parents, or whoever has the most control in the family. It can be magical power, or modern power such as money. Gelid is a good example, his siblings already proved themselves worthy, he was the only one left. He needed Howard's missile for his family's approval."

"And what are we supposed to do?" Stephen questioned. The Ancient One made the magic dissolve, "They are two dimensions away from ours. Once they come back, they'll go straight to their parents. Their parents are much more stronger than Gelid, maybe even me. They're after you and Tony, possibly Howard. I believe this team can stop them for good."

Tony suspired, he wasn't taking this seriously, "Okay, for one, we're exhausted and some of us are drunk. Two, why can't you deal with this? You banned them before, can't you take them on yourself? Are you even coming with us?"

Quinn stepped in, "Yeah, for once, I agree with Tony."

The Ancient One grinned, "Because I have to deal with another threat, that's far more dangerous than this one. The threat I'm dealing with can destroy our universe if he wanted to, is that fair?"

Everyone tiredly nodded, "Yeah... fair enough." Tony muttered. "You have about a day to fight them, come and get me whenever you're ready. Meanwhile, you'll stay here and prepare." She disappeared.

"Woah, woah! So we don't get armor, we're just gonna fight them with our bare hands!?" Bruce asked the team. "I don't even have my suit." Tony said while looking at his hands.

Stephen rested his hand on Bruce's shoulder, "We can ask her for armor, and your suit... I can't believe we're doing this."

"Can I have this lady arrested for kidnapping me? Cause' I didn't ask to be here." Quinn tried to turn on her phone, "And my phone is dead!" She whined. Nobody acknowledged Quinn's complaint.

Steve crouched on the ground, "Well Avengers, and the other 4, if she thinks we're capable then I do too."

"Nope! No! I don't agree! I didn't sign up for this, there wasn't a contract involved, I want to go home." Bruce said while pacing around the room. "Relax dude, we got this." Natasha said in a timid way.

"That's right, many of us can perform magic, yeah? So, we can easily take them out!" Christine cheered, Stephen smiled from behind, "Yes, this won't be hard."

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