Trouble |31|

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He couldn't smile any wider, Stephen's boyfriend was everywhere on TV! He saw the whole thing live, he couldn't be anymore proud. He was gathered with the gang and Iris in the living room, they watched Tony's phenomenal appearance on their big flatscreen.

The Expo ended for the day, Tony's suit definitely took the attention of all the news channels. "That was incredible!" Iris exclaimed as she took a Dortio from Loki's bag. "Indeed. Oh, do you want another Dorito? I have plenty, dear." Loki offered the bag to her, she pushed it aside. "No thanks, one is enough."

"I won't be surprised if Tony becomes famous after that." Mobius said.

"Tony already is famous, his dad is anyway." Stephen responded.

"Wait, wait..." Loki interrupted, he looked at everyone, "Technically I'm famous, right?" He asked the gang.

Everyone took a moment to think, "Uhh... wow, I guess you are." Mobius said after a second of consideration. Stephen winced, "That's something I don't want to think about."

An incoming call on Stephen's phone rang, "It's Tony!" Stephen exclaimed while answering. Everyone gathered around on the couch to fit into the screen. They all smiled, besides Loki, as they waited for Tony's side to connect. "Hey!" Everyone said after Tony appeared on the screen. He was in a hotel room, sitting at a desk, in front of his bed.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Tony casually asked. "Hmm, let's see, my boyfriend built and presented the first ever revolutionary robotic suit that's wearable AND can fly."

"Wow..." Tony said with a small smile as he popped open a Coke bottle, "He seems like a really cool guy." He joked.

Stephen looked down while laughing, "You're amazing."

Loki nudged Stephen with an eye roll, "Stop saying romantic things." Iris gently slapped his arm, "We say romantic things to each other all the time." She said.

"Not in public!" Loki shrieked. "Complimenting somebody doesn't have to be romantic, Loki." Mobius pitched into the conversation. Tony sipped his drink as he watched his friends argue. He cut in with, "I won't be able to come until next Friday, good ol' pops wants me to stay longer."

Stephen lowered his head, he had a disappointed smile. "But you said you're arriving Monday... I had something special planned for you..." He softly spoke in an embarrassed tone. "Sorry wiz, dad is finally recognizing my potential. I won't be gone for too long." Voices were talking in the background as Tony spoke. He looked to the side at something that was off the screen.

He signaled something to somebody, "I gotta go, gang. I'll talk to all of you later." He turned off the call before a goodbye could be said. Stephen sat his phone on his lap, he let out a sigh. "I'm so proud of him..."

Mobius rubbed Stephen's back, "He's finally getting the recognition he deserves." He told Stephen with a warming smile. "Yes... he'll be so busy um... he won't be here often anymore."

Mobius gave Stephen a funky frown, "Now now, let's not jump to conclusions." He said. Everyone held Stephen in for a side hug on the couch.


Stephen's lying on his bed, throwing a tennis ball up and down in the air. It's been 3 days since the news went crazy over Tony's invention. Everywhere Stephen looks, Tony's face is somewhere. He's absolutely proud of Tony, but misses him very much. Everything felt slow again, he hardly had any work he needed to finish.

Tony's been blessed with opportunities recently, he's been getting swarmed with contracts. He stole the spotlight from his father, which he didn't mind too much. That's what he wanted for his son, to pass down the Stark glory.

His dad allowed him to stay at his mansion, but Tony passed on that offer. He rather stay in a fancy hotel than with his family. After a long day of socializing, Tony fell into his bed and sighed with exhaustion. His eyes were straining from increase in focus, he rubbed them. A harsh knock pounded on his door.

He groaned, "Hmmghh... Yeah?" He answered with a shout. "This is Tony Stark right?" The voice yelled out.

Tony made a muffled yell as he sat up, "Sure is. What do you want?"

"I'd like to discuss some professional things."

He shook his head, "Wow, coming to my hotel room is very professional." He whispered under his breath. "Shoot me an email, like the rest." Tony told the person. He laid down again.

"Ah, the electronic letter right?"

Tony shot up, "Thor?"


"21...22..." Stephen finger-counted to himself as he was solving a math equation. Him and Loki shared the same math homework, so they paired together for the evening. They sat under the gang's favorite tree, an old one that was enormous. Loki began to become exasperated, "I can't think whenever you think." He told his roommate.

Stephen stopped mid-sentence and glared at him, "Sorry, why don't I just move over there and count?" He sarcastically said as he gestured at another tree. "That's a brilliant idea." Loki told him, keeping his eyes on his notes. Stephen scoffed, "Douchebag." He nudged his arm.

"So... have you talked to your lover recently?" He asked Stephen.

He lifted up an eyebrow, Loki typically doesn't like to engage in conversations. "No, I haven't. How about you? Have you talked to your lover, Mobius recently?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I have an amazing girlfriend, and her name is Iris."

Stephen chuckled at that, "I know, I know. Sorry, it's funny to see you get upset."

Loki leaned his head back on the trunk, "I don't understand why everyone teases me about Mobius."

"Huh? I thought you knew? I'm pretty sure Mobius is in love with you, don't tell him I said that though."

His head perked up, "Hold on, what?"

"Nope. Nothing. I didn't say anything." Stephen had a mischievous grin, he was in a trouble-making mood. "Strange!" Loki said with a voice crack. Stephen busted into a breathy laugh, "I'm messing with you."

"Your sense of humor is terrible."

"No, Loki, your sense of humor is terrible."

"I'm the god of mischief!"

"Yeah? Wanna go cause some mischief then?"

Loki paused, did Stephen really just ask that. "Who are you and what have you done with Stephen?" He asked him.

Stephen nervously laughed at him, "Haha, you're too funny."

"I'm kidding. Hell yeah! I thought you'd never ask!"

"Great! This is going to be fun..."

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