Hurt |19|

359 21 1

WARNING: Violence

"How's Tony?" Mobius asked Stephen, who's making tea. "Well..." It's been 3 days since his arrival at home, Tony has been conjuring his break up ever since. Stephen sighed and looked down at the counter, "Not good... he hasn't been talking that much. He won't eat his food, he's been busy working all day. I'm getting worried for him."

"Loki and I were talking about taking him to a therapist."

Stephen's head perked up, "That's actually a good idea... whatever they did to him, messed him up badly. He won't dare talk about it."

"Yeah..." Mobius exhaled, "The cops couldn't find whoever did it."

Stephen clenched his fist, "They will. And they'll pay for what they did." Sparks flew out of his fingers, burning with anger.

"Stephen." Tony softly said, barely peeking himself out of the hallway.

He gasped, "Tony! H-Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just... come with me okay?" He went in his room. Stephen glanced at Mobius and shrugged.

He followed Tony, "What's up?" He saw Tony sitting down on his bed, staring at his knees.

"Um..." He cleared his throat, "Stephen... we can't... we- don't... I..." He couldn't choke his words out, they were trapped in his throat.

"Hey, just breathe. It's okay..."

Tony looked up at him with a menacing glare, "I want to break up with you."

Stephen stepped back, processing what Tony had said. "What...? No, you're just... I don't understand? Why?"

His tone became pugnacious, "Because I... hate you. Yes, I fucking hate you. I don't want you in my life." He stood up and approached Stephen, he continued, "You're annoying, and too energetic, I never cared for you, I never wanted to date you. So I'm just being clear with you right now. Stay the fuck out of my life, I don't want to see you ever again. Move the hell out."

Stephen's eyes widened, he was pushed against the wall as Tony got closer each word. "Okay... what the hell? Where is this coming from? You don't actually... you don't mean this right?"

"PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT!" Tony shouted. Stephen stared at him, exchanging a terrified glance. He breathed carefully, and sprinted out of the room.

Tony felt horrible, he lied to him. He didn't mean anything he had said, but he had to convince Gelid, to protect him. "I'm so sorry Stephen." He whispered to himself, pulling him into a deep sob.

Stephen walked into the living room, with a horrid look on his face. Mobius and Loki looked at each other, and back at Stephen. "Woah, are you okay?" Loki asked him.

He cried his way to the couch, he covered his face as he weeped. Mobius and Loki scooted next to him, holding him with comfort. "He..." Stephen sniffled, "He's not the same anymore... he broke up with me... he wants me to move out."

"You two were dating?" Loki asked. Mobius shot him a look. Stephen rubbed the back of his neck, "Yep... He needs to be taken to therapy now. I know he'd never say something like that to me."

"Well then." Mobius typed letters into his phone, "I was talking with his father this morning, and he recommended a great therapist near our area. He said he'd pay for it."

Stephen wiped his tears with his bare hand, "Okay... let's take him in today."


"Tony?" Mobius stepped in his room. Tony had an angry scowl on his face as he worked on his project. "Fuck off..."

"That's it." Mobius crossed his arms, "Get in the fucking living room this instant."

"What are you, my dad?" Tony retorted.

"No, but I'm going to have to start acting like him. We're worried for you, and we want to help you. So cut that shit out, and come with us."

"Mobius." Tony banged his wrench on the table, "Leave."

Mobius cocked an eyebrow, and walked over to him. He grabbed Tony by the arm and pulled him away from his desk. Tony panicked, he looked at his project as he was getting pulled away. He needed to finish it, or his friends will get hurt... he can't be distracted.

I'm so terribly sorry Mobius.

He punched Mobius in the jaw, causing him to fall on his knees. Mobius screamed in pain, "What happened!?" Loki and Stephen ran in the room. They saw Mobius yelling on the ground. "Mobius!" Loki held him in his arms. "What the fuck?" Loki and Tony made direct eye contact, Tony stared him down.

"EVERYONE GET OUT!" Tony regretted every word coming out of his mouth. But he had to do this...

"Tony!" Stephen grabbed Tony by the wrist. Tony pushed him away, "Stay back! O-Or I'll..." His words trailed off, him and Stephen exchanged defensive glances. "Or what?"


"Or what, Tony?"

"I'm calling the ambulance." Loki said while dragging Mobius further away from Tony, out of the room.

"Stephen, leave. You have to."

"No, not until you tell me what the hell is going on with you."

"I don't want to hurt you..." He cried.

"Why would you need to hurt me in the first place?"

Tony paused, he slowly leaned his head into Stephen's shoulder. "You're in danger, I'm trying to protect you..." Tony whispered. "In danger? Of what?"

"I can't tell you."

"I'm not leaving you, not again. You're not alone in this, you can tell me anything alright?"

"But this time... I can't tell anybody anything, not even you."

"Tony..." He lifted his chin up, "What is it?"

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