Gifts |27|

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Stephen walked into the living room with a blue satchel wrapped around him, "Now, what did you want to tell us, Loki?" Tony appeared behind him.

Loki was on the couch, studying on his laptop. "Oh, yes." He closed his laptop, "My brother is coming... ehh, tonight actually, and he's quite embarrassing. So I apologize if he causes any commotion."

He gave Loki an odd smile, "I'm picturing a taller version of you."

Loki stood up, taking immediate defense, "I'm nothing like him. I'm adopted, thank you very much."

Stephen slipped a small chuckle and made a portal directed to his class, "I'll see you guys later." He gave Tony a peck on the lips. Mobius sprinted out of nowhere, "Wait for me!" He had a bunch of books in his arms.

Stephen and Mobius disappeared into the portal. Tony and Loki were left alone, standing in silence. "Sooo... Thor... like the god?"

Loki frowned, "Keep in mind you're talking to a god."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Tony lifted a Dorito to his mouth, with a grin plastered on his face. Loki gasped, "My Doritos!" He ran into the kitchen, "You bastard." He said as he noticed a bag was missing.

"It was worth it!" Tony hummed while walking into his room. He closed the door, and made his way to his desk. He scanned over his project, which is formally known as Mark 1 now. He sat his phone on his desk and had a Beyoncé playlist playing.

He danced as he analyzed improvements for his future suits. "Up in the club, just broke up, doin' my own little thing." Tony sung while tweaking a robotic part. His music got cut off by a phone call, his father. "Dammit dad." Tony said before answering the call.

"Yeah?" Tony asked, he put his dad on speaker.

"You haven't been sending reports in, the Expo is in a few weeks. What are you doing?"

"Uhm..." He rubbed the back of his neck and stared at his unfinished work, "Did you... not see the news? About me escaping my kidnappers in an iron suit?"

Howard took a moment, "I saw that. But it was poorly made, and it looked nothing like what you're planning on presenting."

"Dad, it was made out of your materials."

"Hahah, you're funny." Howard sarcastically retorted. He groaned in the phone, "I'm going to be so pissed off if you don't finish it. You're already disappointing me."

Tony gave him a frustrated sound, he declined the call without any warning. He put away his project, and began starting on a different one, something that wasn't for the Expo.


"Um..." Stephen examined his flash cards. Him and Mobius are partners for an assignment in Psychology class. They're sitting directly in front of each other. "I think we reviewed all of these..." Stephen said while keeping a steady focus. "Yeah we did, okay so we're done." He set down the cards.

Mobius stuck a pen into his hair, "Good. They're getting too easy."

Stephen let out a hopeless chuckle, he's not great at psychology. "Hey by the way, I've been meaning to ask... what should I-" Stephen's words were cut mid-sentence from a peculiar distortion shooting waves into his body. He screamed for a few seconds, and 'glitched' as Tony put it. Mobius backed away and checked if the professor was looking, the whole class was staring at Stephen.

He immediately went to normal, as if nothing happened. Nothing was said by anybody. Stephen returned the same facial expression the class was giving him. "What? Why is everybody looking at me?" Stephen nervously chuckled after asking. Everyone glanced at the professor, expecting her to say something. "Uh... uhm, you did a little weird thing with your body? You alright?" The professor asked him. Everyone turned back to Stephen.

"Yeah? Nothing happened, I'm fine." He assured in a confused way. Mobius shot him a perplexed expression, "Did you not feel any of that?" He asked Stephen.

"Alright," Stephen snickered and played on his phone, "You guys are weird."

Everyone in the classroom looked at each other, voices were muttering in the background. "Continue what you're doing." The professor ordered the classroom, she walked to Stephen and Mobius. "Are you sure you're alright? You screamed and sounded like you were in pain." The professor told him.

Stephen gave her a little nod, "I'm okay. Don't worry."

The professor was unsure what to do, "Alright... let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Um okay?" The professor left after Stephen spoke. Stephen turned to Mobius, with a mocking grin. "Everyone is so weird." Stephen said while laughing. "Everyone? You got that mixed up." Mobius whispered back, stacking the cards on the table. Stephen relaxed back into his chair, embedding the back of his head into his arms. "Anyway, as I was about to ask before you guys began acting weird, I'm thinking about getting a gift for Tony as an early one month anniversary gift. I don't know what to get him because he's a rich kid, and he could practically get or make anything he wants."

Mobius was dumbfounded, his eyes fluttered twice. "You're asking me what he likes? You know him better than anyone."

"Yeah, but you lived with him longer."

Mobius let off a little shrug, "I don't think that matters. Let's think, what is something Tony wants but can't get? Not even his dad could get him." He was on to something, but he wanted Stephen to figure it out.

"That's why I'm asking you... um, I don't know? He can't do magic... wait, he can't do magic."

Mobius slowly nodded with an intrigued smiled, "Yes, and?"

Stephen's head was slightly tilted, he tried to figure out what Mobius was getting at. "Maybe I can take him out to a magic realm...?" He questioned in an unsure way. "With supervision." Mobius added. Stephen agreed with him, "True... but I can go to certain realms in ease, they aren't that far from here."

Mobius cocked an eyebrow, "Can't you do something more safe?"

Stephen's eyes lit up, "Wait! I have an idea!" He stood up and was prepared to leave the classroom. Mobius grabbed Stephen's wrist, "Hold your horses, we're still in class." Mobius said with a chuckle. "Oh!" Stephen sheepishly sat down, "Right hehe."

Time-skip to tonight

"Shit he's coming. He's going to be here. I can't do this..." Loki was practically hyperventilating behind the front door. "Loki, it's okay. It's just Thor." Mobius attempted to comfort him. The whole gang was standing behind him, they were excited to meet his brother. Stephen and Tony have been asking constant questions about Thor.

"Does he have a hammer? And can he control lightning?" Tony was unable to stand still, he rubbed his hands together and stared at the door with a uncontainable smile.

"Ooohh! I forgot about the hammer, oh! Also, does he have big muscles?" Stephen asked him.

Loki kept shaking his head at Tony and Stephen's questions. "Don't get too excited, he's not that interesting." Loki told them.

A beacon of light struck on the ground, causing everyone to gasp. "You didn't tell me he's a wizard!?" Tony joked as him and the gang ran outside.

A tall and muscular man with long hair stood outside of their house. "Ah, thank you Heimdall!" Thor yelled up to the sky with a bright smile. He looked over at the gang, "Loki!" He only had his hammer in his hand, he slowly approached his brother.

"...Thor, hello..."

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