Thor |29|

287 15 2

Warning: Fighting

They've stayed in the Alluring Dimension for 3 hours now, sitting and talking, observing the wonderful view. They decided it's time to leave. Stephen waved his fingers around, swirling a portal. Usually sparks would form from his sling-ring, but nothing is coming out. "Uh..." Stephen stressed, Tony gave him a panicked look.

Stephen stood straight, and took a deep breath in before performing his next attempt. Nothing worked again. His breathing quickened, he was panicking, and so was Tony. "I don't know what's happening..." Stephen said with a nervous laugh. Tony's heart pounded, getting stuck in another dimension wasn't something he'd want to experience.

"We're not trapped in here... right?" Tony inquired, he was promised a safe return. That horrible feeling of terror stabbed the two, the same feeling of knowing you made a horrible mistake and you can't go back.

"It sucks doesn't it?" A voice from afar said. Tony and Stephen turned around, they recognized that voice... "Relax, we're not going to harm you." Gelid told them, he had his family standing behind him. Gelid had a bunch of scars on his face that weren't there whenever they last saw him. Stephen stood in front of Tony, "How did you get here?" He asked the family.

Gelid looked back at the others with a tired expression, he gave Stephen a funky smile. "Your mentor is stupid, we literally made our way dimension to dimension to here. I gotta say, this is the best one by far. Probably my favorite."

"If that's true, why didn't you just teleport back to our dimension?" Tony asked him. Gelid jumped on a blue moss ball in front of him, while saying, "She banned us from using the convenient route, so we're stuck with climbing up to each dimension. Unfortunately, there's a 1 day cool down for every dimension we travel to, so you're stuck here with us."

"Yeah? Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone." Stephen bit back, Gelid chortled at him. "Funny, because there's a reason why you're stuck here." Him and his family lifted up their hands, revealing an aura flying around them. Stephen swallowed in fear, "They're using their magic to prevent us from creating a portal..." He informed Tony.

"Bingo! So, I have an idea. You can have your magic back and get out, if you allow us to come with you."

"Absolutely not. We'll just wait until you leave." Stephen assured.

Gelid let off a shrug, "Mm, okay. But if you do that you'll be stuck here forever, we can keep the spell casted on you, ya know?"

Stephen took a step back, this was too overwhelming. "Let me discuss it with Tony." Him and his boyfriend turned the other direction, but Stephen was tilted at an angle to keep his eye on Gelid. "Oh my god..." Tony whispered, he was scared out of his mind. "I have an idea..." Stephen carefully said into his ear.

He let Tony in on his escape plan, he talked softly so that nobody could hear him. They turned back, "We'll comply." Stephen yelled at Gelid and his family. Gelid looked back at the others, waiting for his family's approval, his family gave him an unhappy frown. Gelid turned back, he was disappointed. He jumped on the same blue mossy rock Stephen and Tony were standing on.

His family jumped on it too. "Alright wizard." Gelid said in a mocking way, "Here's your magic." Him and the family let go of the aura that was captured in their hands. Stephen kept an eye on them as he prepared his portal, he waved his hands around and successfully sparked an opening. "RUN!" Stephen shouted, him and Tony sprinted into the portal. Gelid immediately took action, he followed them and made it into the portal a second before it closed. His family however did not make it.

They were in the living-room. Mobius, Thor, and Loki were on the couch. Gelid came behind Stephen and punched him in the back of his head. He fell on his knees. Tony bolted into his room right after. "What's wrong Tony? Are you scared?" Gelid turned his head to the 3 that were on the couch. "Mobius!" Gelid cheerfully said. "Gelid..." Mobius frowned.

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