We Did What?! |39|

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Warning: Mild sexual content, but not smut.

The scene will be written in a way so that you can avoid it and still enjoy the story.

Stephen quietly crept into the living-room as he whispered, "Mobius and Loki are asleep, in different beds, don't worry." A small laugh followed after.

"Good... I can't believe they actually did it." Tony made air quotations. Stephen took a seat next to his boyfriend, "Well... prepare for an awkward conversation if they don't remember." They laughed together.

"So..." Stephen's lips made a smacking noise. He continued, "How are you feeling?"

Tony softly smiled, "Much better than this morning. I think talking about it helped a lot."

His words were music to Stephen's ears, "Good. Good. I'm glad to hear that."

"Oh!" Stephen exclaimed and sat up, "The Ancient One got me a gift, she told me to open it whenever 'the time is right' whatever that means, but I think now is a good time?"

"Hell yeah, bring it in here!" Tony encouraged, Stephen made the gift teleport into his hands. It was a small box.

He slowly opened it, "Okay..." He said, preparing himself. "It'll probably be a wizard artifact." Tony joked.

"It's..." There was a brownish-green thick pendant that looked like an eye, sitting in the box. "You were right..." Stephen held the pendant, it was the size of his hand. "There's a note." Tony pointed at the yellow note at the bottom.

Stephen took the note, "Dear Stephen, you've been entrusted with the Eye of Agamotto. Keep it with you at all times, use it wisely. More answers about it will find it's way to you."

"Of course..." Stephen sat the note down, "She likes for me to solve riddles..." He sighed.

Tony took ahold of the Eye of Agamotto, "It looks like something from an anime. Also! My gift, you still haven't opened it."

"Oh, yeah, I haven't."

"I'll go get it." A sudden burst of happiness overtook Tony, he excitedly jumped from the couch and sprinted into the kitchen, he left the bag on the counter.

"Now, I don't think this is as special as a scrapbook, but I think you'll really like it." Tony said as he carried the bag into the living-room, he sat it on Stephen's lap and sat beside him.

"That's alright, anything from you is a gift itself." Stephen slipped a quick peck on Tony's lips. He took out the wrapping from the gift and pulled out two tickets. His mouth gaped open as he realized what they were for.

"You bought me a ticket to Beyoncé's fucking concert!?" Stephen almost shouted, he was so excited! "Yup! One for me and one for you, also... they're VIP tickets, and you'll meet her backstage! This'll be for next year."

"Tony, holy shit! I'm going to meet Beyoncé..." He was breathless. He held his head in disbelief. "That's not all, you and I will be going on a cruise next spring!" Tony proudly announced.

Stephen became even more shocked, "I... wow, I can't believe this..."

Tony laughed and wrapped his arm around Stephen. He kissed his cheek, "Mwah!"

Sexual content starts here. Lookout for the symbol "/" that indicates where the sexual scene has stopped.

"You come here-" Stephen said as he cupped Tony's face and kissed him slowly on the lips. They got caught up in the moment, their kiss turned into a slight make-out scene. Stephen pulled apart, their lips barely touching each other, "You're drunk, aren't you?" He whispered with a chuckle.

Tony gave him a silly smile, "Not as drunk as Mobius and Loki though."

Stephen leaned away, "Let's not end up like them then." He teased.

"Okay... uh, this is going to be awkward for me to say, but I'm going to throw it out there because communication is key," Tony rubbed the back of his neck, nervously finding his words. "I feel like I'm ready to explore more intimate experiences with you. Um, I'm curious if you feel the same? If you get at what I'm trying to say?"

Stephen grinned at his question, "For a big flirt, you seem nervous." His voice growled a bit, he leaned in again with his maintained grin. He hovered over Tony, gently pressing their lips together, pinning Tony's hands to the bottom of the couch.

After a little bit of tongue was introduced, Stephen pulled away, "I'm also ready. Would you like to explore now?" He whispered.

"I thought you didn't want to end up like Mobius and Loki." Tony joked.

"I didn't lie. I don't want to end up sleeping in different beds." Stephen commented back, he awaited Tony's permission to continue.

"Alright," Tony's index finger hooked on to the collar of Stephen's shirt, his other hand finding his way into Stephen's pants, "Careful what you wish for."


/ Safe to read now!

"My head..." Loki whined as he sat up from his bed. His hair was a mess, and he was shirtless too! Mobius began to wake up, "Mghh... Loki?"

"Mm, what?"

Mobius slowly blinked himself awake, "Did we... do anything last night?" He asked with a yawn. "I don't care, all I care about is this damn headache." Loki took his blankets off and stood up.

"Ah!" Loki noticed that he was shirtless. "My shirt has been removed!" He crouched over, hiding his exposed chest. Mobius flopped in bed, "Who cares? Agh... we shouldn't have drank on a school night." He complained.

Loki put on a light green shirt while saying, "By the way, you're shirtless too." He walked into their bathroom. Mobius' eyes widened, memories of what he did with Loki last night got triggered. He shot up, "Loki! Oh god..."

Loki poked his head from the bathroom, "What?"

Mobius slid to the end of his bed and looked at the ground in shame. "Whenever Stephen left us last night, do you remember what happened next?" He asked Loki.

Loki's eyes darted around as he thought. His facial expression became panicked, "We didn't..." He was mortified.

Mobius slowly nodded at him, "We did."

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