Plan |37|

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Unfortunately the Gelid fiasco happened a week before Stephen's birthday, but that gave the gang enough time to plan for it. Stephen was released from the hospital 3 days before his big day. He's been so busy with action, he forgot that he was turning 21! Tony of course, wouldn't miss his birthday for the world. He wanted to make sure that his big day would be special.

It was late out, 2 nights before Stephen's birthday. He offered to go to the store and buy Loki his weekly Doritos, which gave Tony the perfect opportunity to discuss the party with the gang.

Loki was sitting on the therapy couch, talking to Mobius, who was sitting at his desk. "He left!" Tony announced as he walked into their room. "How did you convince him to leave?" Loki asked him.

Tony cocked a grin, he crossed his arms while saying "I told him that you needed your Doritos today, otherwise you'd be upset without them."

Loki perked up, "Really? I already bought mine today, I'm going to have more? Yes!"

Mobius laughed at his friends. He rested his chin on his hands, "Any ideas for Stephen's birthday?"

Tony rubbed his hands together, preparing for all that he's about to spew. He took a seat next to Loki. "He's turning 21 which means he can legally drink. So, how about all of us take him to a fancy restaurant, and I'll buy him an expensive wine bottle." Tony suggested, he was enthusiastic with his idea.

Mobius was dazed, he gave Tony an unsure frown. "I don't know... what if he doesn't want to drink?" Mobius rubbed his neck while asking. Tony second guessed himself, he tapped his bottom lip. "Good point, if he doesn't then that's fine. I still want him to have a nice dinner with all of us."

"Ah shit, I didn't buy him a gift." Loki admitted, cowardly looking down. "I didn't either." Mobius confessed, returning a weak smile. Tony gave them a glare, "Come on guys, you had all week." He rebuked.

"Hm, what did you get him?" Loki asked Tony, who grinned after. Tony fixed his collar while smugly saying, "I got him front-row tickets to a Beyoncé concert. He'll get to meet her backstage and him and I will be going on a cruise next spring."

Mobius and Loki groaned in sync. "We get it Tony, you're rich." Mobius bleated. Tony's grin didn't drop. "I want the house to be decorated before he wakes up and I also want him to have a big cake. The dude loves plants so I'm sure we can find decorations at Earthbound." Tony made wild gestures as he envisioned where the decorations go.

Mobius and Loki seemed to like his idea. "Loki and I will go shopping tomorrow for his decorations, you can get the cake." Mobius recommended, to which Tony agreed to.

"M'kay, make sure you don't tell him about this. I think he forgot about his birthday anyway." Tony warned.


They woke up at 5AM... 5AM in the morning, which is wayyy too early for all of them. Stephen was asleep, he had no idea that the gang was up hanging decorations.

"Shhh..." Tony shushed his friends as he pinned a banner on the wall. "There we..." Tony was standing on a ladder, he backed up, forgetting that he was in the air. He fell backward while yelling, "GoOooo!" He fell on the ground, which made a loud noise.

"Shhh!!" Loki and Mobius both shushed him at the same time. "Gee, thanks guys." Tony sarcastically said while rubbing his legs. "Are you okay?" Mobius whispered to him. "No, but I will be once Stephen wakes up." Tony responded.

"Gross." Loki said, he made his way to the cake, which was in the living-room on a stand. He dipped his finger in the frosting and sucked it, he looked back at his friends. "What the hell dude? Don't touch the cake." Tony whisper-yelled at him.

Loki flashed him an eye-roll and continued hanging decorations. "Okay, I think we need a few more streamers and we should be good." Tony announced while backing up to view the living-room. Mobius and Loki hung another set of streamers together. They both made eye-contact, Mobius gave him a wink.

"What was that?" Loki questioned to which Mobius shrugged to. "A wink of encouragement." Mobius said in a teasing way. Loki pinned the streamer, "Right..."

"Ah! The balloons!" Tony ran into the storage room, he took out two balloons that were a '2' and a '1.' He sat them in the middle of the living-room. "There we go." Tony smiled at the work they did.

"Should we wake him up?" Loki asked while sitting down, Mobius did too. "No, let's give him an hour, it's too early." Tony told him.


Ah, a glorious morning. The sun was shining perfect rays into Stephen's room, he could feel the warmth of-

Loud kazoo noises. Stephen's sleep was interrupted. He was startled and shot up from his bed. Chaotic Beyoncé songs played in the background, with Loki kazooing every second. "Happy Birthday!!" Tony zoomed into Stephen's bed and hugged him. Stephen didn't know what to think. He was processing what just happened. "Uhh... thanks? Wait... oh it's my birthday!?"

Mobius laughed while asking, "Did you forget?"

"Uh, yeah I did..." Stephen chuckled, Tony hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "I told you." Tony hopped out of his bed, "Get your clothes on and meet us in the living-room." He told him, Stephen gave him a giddy smile. "Okay." He had that awkward gushy feeling people get whenever the center of attention is on them.

The three of them left, Tony winked at him before he closed the door.

Stephen prepared himself in casual clothes. It's cold outside so he put on a light blue sweatshirt with a dark blue coat on top. He took a deep breath in, today is going to be overwhelmed with attention. He entered the living-room, everyone shouted "Happy Birthday!" As he walked in, revealing a decorated living-room.

"Woahh, guys, you didn't have to do this." Stephen heaved, he strung his finger across a balloon. Mobius was holding an old camera in his hand, "Stay still." He was acting as if he were a mom taking pictures of his kids. Stephen awkwardly smiled, he hated taking pictures.

"Tony, scoot in with him." Mobius gestured at him, pointing at a specific spot next to Stephen. Tony happily stood next to him and placed his hands on Stephen's shoulders.

"Act like ya love each other." Mobius joked, preparing to snap a shot. Stephen and Tony laughed, projecting the perfect smiles. Mobius snapped the picture, "Alright, Loki get in."

"Alright, but only this one time." Loki hopped in, giving the camera an awkward smile. "And..." Mobius took the shot, "Perfect!" They pulled apart and laughed together.

"Who's ready for an incredible breakfast?" Tony announced, he slapped his hands on Stephen's shoulders, giving him a light massage. Before they could make it out the door, a fire circle, known as a portal, formed in front of them.

The Ancient One, Wong, and few other sorcerers were standing behind the portal, staring at the gang. The Ancient One cleared her throat, "Stephen Strange." She said as she stepped through. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She was holding a folded cloth in her hands.

Stephen was about to say something, but Tony interrupted him with, "Yeah, you are. We're about to celebrate his birthday."

"That's too bad because I have something I need to give Stephen." The Ancient One said, returning the same spiteful tone toward Tony. Stephen's eyes widened in realization, "The sorcerers gift..." He murmured.

Stephen looked back at his friends in a sheepish way, "I'm sorry guys... this is a little more important."

Tony nodded at the ground, "It's cool, as long as it makes you happy, right? It's your day, go for it." He weakly encouraged. Stephen smiled at him, "I'll be back before dinner!" He ran gaily into the portal.

"Okay..." Tony said to himself, disappointed.

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