Last Kiss |51|

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I, the Watcher, am back again. I converse with you during important parts of the story, and this story is coming close to an end. It may not feel like there's an ending yet, but you're closer than ever. In other universes, our heroes fell in love with each other in various ways. Anyway, you have two more stories left, enjoy them while you can. I hope this'll help you find what you're looking for.

"Thank you. I've enjoyed this so far."

You're welcome, let's continue now.


"Sooo?" Stephen was exhilarated! He couldn't stop jumping up and down, waiting for his friend to come back from his date. Bruce came back from his date, he had on the suit Stephen gave him. A bright smile was plastered on his face as he saw Stephen waiting for him in the dorm. Bruce's expressions were animated, "Have you been waiting all this time?" He asked in laughter. Stephen let off a sheepish smile, "I mean, I live here. So how would you know?" He teased.

Bruce exhaled, "We're an item." He calmly told him. Stephen squealed and jumped up in glee, "I'm so happy for you!" Bruce squealed with him, "Thank you. Oh man, I need to take a shower and after that I'm going to go to sleep. I'll tell you about the date tomorrow." Bruce went into the restroom.

Stephen hummed to himself, he relaxed into bed and sent Christine a text. Not a moment later, a reminder appeared on his phone.

Cruise with Tony is in a week! 💗 - November 2019

His heart fell, he wrote that reminder for himself back whenever him and Tony were an item. He swiped the notification away, he wasn't sure if Tony had canceled the cruise or not... same with the Beyoncé concert.

He leaned on the edge of his bed, his socks touching the ground. He sighed as he thought about Tony... he missed him a lot. A month of no contact was difficult, but it's been 3 months. now, technically 4 if you don't count the Christmas party. He hasn't spoke with Mobius or Loki either, he was curious to know how they're doing.

He thought for awhile, deciding on what he should do. He wouldn't miss out on a cruise, it may even help Tony and him become friends again. He botched their friendship, the fight with him after Tony's dad's death messed him up. Stephen decided on arriving home, or well... his old home. He was ready to reconnect with his friends.

It was morning, around 8AM on a Saturday. The decision was made, Stephen properly dressed himself and prepared to reunite with his friends. He silently left the dorm without letting Bruce know, mainly because he was sleeping and he didn't want to wake him.

Stephen stood in front of the nostalgic front doors after using a portal to transport there, he hasn't seen them in awhile! He felt just as nervous as the first day he arrived. His fist crept up to the door, an inch away from touching the wood. He took a deep breath in, "It's okay if they don't like you... you don't need anyone's validation." He told himself, repeating the same thing he said on his first day of college.

He knocked on the door, there was no going back now.

"You get it!" Stephen smiled at the sound of Loki's voice.

Mobius answered the door, his face went to an immediate shocked expression. "Well, what do ya know? I didn't think I'd see you back here." Mobius had a kind smile, there was no resentment between the two. Stephen glanced down at his feet, "Yeah... I wanted to check up on all of you." He shyly said.

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