Dimension |28|

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The muscular god pulled Loki in for a claustrophobic hug. "Oh how I missed you!" Thor said while Loki was practically suffocating in Thor's arms. "Uhh... Thor, I don't think he can breathe." Mobius gestured at him.

Thor let go of him, Loki gasped for air. "Sorry about that." He harshly nudged Loki's shoulder, which almost made him fall sideways. Loki stood up straight and wiped his clothes, "Don't ever do that again."

He gave Loki a sheepish smile and turned to the others. "Ah, you must be Loki's friends." Thor held out his hand to Tony. "Stephen... I'm about to shake hands with a god." Tony whispered to Stephen, while offering his hand out to Thor. Stephen and Tony were both fan-girling.

They shook hands, "Uhh... Stark Tony, I mean- Tony Stark, my name is Tony Stark uh but you can call me Tony..." He was an absolute mess, captivated by Thor's beauty. "Tony, it's a pleasure to meet you." Thor beamed. He let go of Tony's hand, and Tony's arm stayed in place, he was in shock.

Thor turned to Stephen, "And your name?"

Stephen began to breathe really hard, "Stephen Strange sir or wait no... I didn't mean to call you sir, I'm so sorry. TEheHehehe, Thor right?"

"Yes, Thor Odinson." He looked over at Mobius after speaking. "I've met you, you're the man of knowledge, right?" Thor asked him.

Mobius laughed with a nod, he kicked at the dirt on the ground, "Yup, the man of knowledge, that's me."

"It's nice to see you again. So, where will Mjölnir and I be staying?"

Tony made an audible sound, "You mean your hammer right? The thing that makes the lightning and the noise?" He made unnecessary hand movements and sounds. Stephen did the same too, "Yeah, the ancient artifact."

Thor gave his hammer an odd face, "Ah, yes. I suppose that's what it does. Not really but okay."

Loki cleared his throat, "Brother, right this way." He was clearly embarrassed, but Thor didn't seem to notice. He gestured at the door, while glancing at the ground. Everyone went inside, they had an extra room that was used for storage, but there was a bed in there for guests. They hardly get guests, so the bed wasn't in the best condition.

Thor glanced down at the twin-sized bed, "Oh... I uh, I don't think I can fit in that." He politely told them. Mobius definitely second-guessed his thoughts, "Yeah... Hey, why don't you allow Thor to sleep in your bed instead?" Mobius asked Loki.

(The Watcher: Just for any clarification if needed, in no way is this intended for any Thorki shit. That's disgusting, so please do not take any of these words in a different context, because I will be mad, okay thanks.)

"Absolutely not! No! If he kicks me I'll fly back to Asgard!"

After minutes of arguing, it was decided that Loki sleeps in the guest/storage room. He didn't get a say in it, Mobius wasn't going to lose the argument, he's great at debating. Loki gave Thor an immense glare as they all walked into the living area.

"You all have been very kind to me, though now I say it's time for me and Loki to spend some quality brother time, don't you think?"

Loki's scowl deepened, he hated spending quality time with his brother, but he knew he had to. He hoarsely sighed as everyone stared at him, "Yes, come on brother." Loki dragged Thor by the wrist and went outside. "They'll enjoy their time together." Mobius said while closing the door. He turned to Stephen and Tony, "Well, it's just us... does anyone want to play a game?"

Stephen whipped a quick glance at Tony, a bright blush appeared on his cheeks. "Uh, I-I actually had something planned for Tony and I."

Tony turned his head to him, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah..." Mobius lifted an eyebrow at Stephen, he had an idea of what Stephen was planning. "But just incase something does happen, which it won't, I'll go ahead and say it. Tony, I'm going to take you into the Alluring Dimension, consider it as a date." He told his boyfriend. He then looked at Mobius, "Mobius, if something goes wrong, contact the 'Ancient One' in my phone. Okay?"

Mobius was stumped, "Wh- okay? Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Oh, I'm positive." Stephen gave Tony a soft smile, Tony returned the same expression, "Wait, wait... the Alluring Dimension? This is... wow, this is crazy. I've never experienced anything like this before. I mean, one time I did go to Florida, and that was a whole other dimension right there."

Stephen laughed at that, "Trust me love, this'll be nothing like Florida."



Tony was blindfolded, Stephen wanted to make this as special as he could. He carefully guided him into the portal, leading into the Alluring Dimension. Just as they walked in, Tony could already hear unknown sounds in the background. There was a calming ambience, it sounded as if a meditation video was playing.

Stephen escorted him to a purple-bluish mossy platform, that took the form of a large circle. He undid the blindfold, "You can look now."

Tony's eyes slowly opened, a magical world with a blue tint presented in front of him. There were little balls of light floating in the sky, thousands to be exact. Rays of light were captured perfectly in between blue moss balls, floating around randomly. Birds with dragon-like scales flew around the giant balls.

"Stephen..." Tony's breath was taken away, there were no words that could describe this moment. "Beautiful isn't it? I used to come here quite often, it's a peaceful dimension that's only available to certain sorcerers." Stephen said in a harmonious way.

"Not even the word beautiful could describe this..." Tony whispered, he observed the majestic creatures flying everywhere. Stephen held one of the light orbs in his hand, "Look." He told Tony and slowly passed it on for him to hold.

Tony grasped it into the palm of his hand, he gasped a little. "What... is this?" Tony asked with a fascinated smile. "Energy of a high frequency trapped in an orb. If you smash it into your hands, it'll send positive frequencies into your body."

"Shit, no way?" Tony smashed the orb, it dissolved into his hands. It gave him a burst of pure joy, he let out a happy chuckle. Tony took Stephen by the hand and leaned his head on his shoulder. They stared at the beautiful sight standing in front of them.

They could do this for hours.

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