Leaving Already? |10|

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Their date was an absolute success! They giggled their way home, using a portal. They held hands as they walked into Howard's mansion. "Tony, where the hell have you been?" Howard asked in a stern way. They immediately let go of each other, which Howard noticed. "Were you two... this is unacceptable, you were supposed to be here at 7:00 PM for the dinner. And you missed out on it because you were too busy falling in love. Dammit Tony, is this going to affect your grades too?!"

"No! Dad, it was one time! I got carried away!"

"What are you going to do if you get carried away at school? Skip class? Not do your work? Not finish your project?" He turned to Stephen, "You do not have my permission to date my son."

"What!? I'm an adult! You can't decide that for me!" Tony yelled. "I can because you act like a damn child!" Howard shouted, he stormed off into a different direction.

Tony loudly groaned, holding his hands into fists. He fell on his knees. He felt like screaming and crying. "Tony..." Stephen put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

He heavily exhaled multiple times, "We're going home right now." He looked up, he had tears forming in his eyes. "What? Are you sure...!?"

"Yes! Get your things. We're leaving this hell hole."


And just like that, they left New York. Stephen attempted to sling ring his way back home, unfortunately long distances such as that, he's unable to conjure. Tony arranged a flight with a private jet his father owns.

The flight was silent, the rain showered over the plane, drizzling down on the window. Tony's chair was expanded, for two people to sit. Him and Stephen were cuddled up together. Stephen's head was resting on Tony's shoulder, while Tony looked out the window, he was lost in his thoughts.

Stephen wrapped his arm around Tony's, he leaned in to kiss Tony's cheek. "How are you feeling?" Stephen softly asked. Tony sniffled, but immediately tensed up after, he tried his best to cover up his urge to cry by coughing each time he sniffled. Stephen looked up at Tony, he smiled, "You can let out all of your emotions here, this is a safe place." He told him.

"No..." Tony's breathing was choppy, "I just need some..." He swallowed a lump forming in his throat. He shut his eyes, he focused on forcing the tears back in. Stephen gently lifted Tony's chin, directing him to make eye contact.

He opened his eyes, they were glossy. Stephen still kept his comforting smile. Tony cleared his throat, "Stephen, please... don't. I'm okay." His voice was hoarse.

"You're not okay, you have so much trapped anger you refuse to let out. Now's the chance... take it."

"No... I-I can't cry." He sniffled, "I don't know how..."

Stephen slipped his thumb over Tony's third eye. "May I help you with that?"

Tony nodded with hesitation.

He pressed his thumb, it shone a light across his forehead for a few seconds. "There... I sent energy signals to relax your forebrain, it should be easier to cry now."

Tony took a large breath in, he began to gradually cry. His crying was slow, tears weakly fell from his eyes. The flow started to pick up, it became heavier and more intense. He sobbed into Stephen's arms, they hugged each other as Tony let it all out. His breathing was erratic as he made audible sounds.

"I-I don't know what t-to do..." He loudly mumbled as more tears flowed down. "What did I do w-wrong?"

Stephen didn't interfere, he allowed Tony to compromise with his own self.

Thunder roared in the background, briefly matching up with Tony's sounds. His lips quivered, "He hates me... he fucking hates me. He'll never love me, I don't know w-why..."

"No...no! Tony, he doesn't hate you. It's not your fault."

He sniveled, "...Stephen?" His crying calmed down into soft weeping.


"Did your dad ever tell you he loved you, before he passed?"

Stephen paused, "All the time..."

"C-can I ask, what happened to him?" Tony questioned, he was calming down.

"Yeah.. um, roughly 4 years ago... my parents and I were on our way to my dad's friend's recital. He was being stupid... he jokingly swerved the car around to 'be funny' and well... he hit somebody from the front, he illegally went to the other lane. His actions caused him and my mom fatality. As for me, my hands got damaged..." Stephen held out his shaky hands, showing Tony the damage.

Stephen softly chuckled, "My mentor found me on the streets of New York, helpless... She took me in, and taught me magic. She changed my life."

He wiped his tears away, he was starting to feel better. "I'm sorry that happened..." Tony expressed. "And if it didn't, I wouldn't have met you." He said with a smile.

"I rather us not meet than you having to experience all of that..."

"Pain is an old friend."

They released out of their hug. "Thank you Stephen... I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

Stephen flicked one of Tony's tears away, "Never apologize for crying."

Tony leaned over and rested his head on Stephen's shoulder, "I'm so glad I met you, Mobius and sometimes Loki. You guys were the best thing that ever happened to me."

He placed his hands on Tony's waist, and kissed between his ear and jawline. "We'll be home soon..."

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