Perfect Team |48|

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The team decided to rest for six hours, all of them were utterly fatigued. The sorcerers in Kamar-Taj offered all of them comfortable beds. The Ancient One managed to sneak in armor, weapons, and Tony's suit, into their room.

Stephen's eyes fluttered open, he looked around on the top bunk, everyone else was asleep. He slowly got down and went into the hallway. He missed this place so much, he's been here recently, but it wasn't a pleasant visit. He gently touched the walls as he walked by, he found his old room. He stepped inside and embraced all of his old memories. "Do you miss this place?" The Ancient One said from behind, standing at the door way.

Stephen was startled, he turned around, "Stop doing that."

"Sorry." She smiled at him and looked around his room. "I never did ask, how is college?"

He sighed and hunched on to his bed, "Fine, I guess..."

"Oh? You're not being honest." She sat next to him. He scoffed, "Yeah, I'm not... I fell in love with Tony and um... he ended up disappointing me. I moved into a dorm because I couldn't stand living with my roommates anymore, I needed to get away from them."

She put her hand on Stephen's back, "Do you believe that was the right thing?"

He sat in silence, soaking in her questions. He shrugged, "I don't know. Sometimes I do, but I regret it a lot. I'm in a relationship with Christine now, so there's no turning back."

"Stephen." She leaned in close, "It's never too late to turn back."

He glanced at her, "...Do you think there's still hope for Tony and I's relationship?"

Her facial expression was unreadable, "Only you can make that happen, Doctor." She stood up and left the room. "Hm... woah, wait a minute, Doctor?" He asked himself. Why would she call him that?

Before he could stand up, an old friend walked into his room, Wong. He seemed to be shocked as soon as he saw Stephen.

"Stephen! What brings you here?" Wong had a water bottle in his hand. Stephen flipped back on his bed and sighed, "Sorcerer business... what are you doing in my room?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"Oh um..." Wong looked down at his water bottle, "I always water your plants at this time." He shyly admitted. Stephen sat up and gasped, "No way! I thought you said you didn't like my plants?"

Wong walked across the room and began to water the plants, "Things change, Stephen." His smile was brighter than ever, he was happy to have his friend back. Stephen chuckled, "Thank you. How's everything been going?"

"Slow, without you." Wong sat his water down. He turned to his old friend. "I have to go pretty soon." Stephen said while standing up, he held his hand out. "I really miss you. Goodbye, buddy." Stephen and him shook hands.

"Goodbye, Stephen."

Stephen quietly crept back into the room, everyone was awake. "Oh, there you are. Your mentor brought my suit." Tony said, he was clearly half-asleep. "Good." Stephen yawned and sat on Christine's bed. "Hello." She stretched and side-hugged him.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" He quietly asked her, holding on to her waist. "Not really. Knowing that we're about to kill someone didn't help." She honestly spoke. "Well, I think it's cool. We're about to kill bad guys." Quinn said from the top bunk.

"Easy now, nobody enjoys this." Natasha said to Quinn, she scowled. "I do." Quinn pouted to herself. Steve smashed a pillow on to his head, "Five more minutes." He mumbled.

Tony grabbed his pillow and whacked Steve with it, "Get up, Sleeping Beauty, we need to get ready."

Steve groaned and sat up, "Alright, alright."

"Gang, put your armor on. Gelid's family isn't friendly." Tony said while attaching his Iron Man suit on to his hand. Stephen's cloak flew over the armor he placed on top of his chest and back. "But I don't need armor, right?" Thor asked as he stepped out of his bed.

"Tough question." Tony reached out and felt Thor's muscles on his arms. "Holy shit, Stephen come and feel this." Tony accidentally called for Stephen, they used to do everything together. Stephen lifted an eyebrow and gave Tony a mean look, "No, thank you."

Tony stopped feeling Thor's muscles and continued with putting on his glove, "It's up to you if you want to wear armor or not."

"Good, because I don't want to wear any." Thor flexed his muscles. Everyone groaned to themselves, "We get it Thor, you're the universe's favorite." Quinn said with an eye roll. Stephen found yellow gloves mixed in with the armor, "Gloves?" He questioned while holding them.

"You'd look good with yellow gloves and a blue tunic." Tony said while keeping his eyes on his iron suit. Stephen scoffed and threw them in the pile, "Yellow gloves are so tacky."

"That was oddly specific, Tony." Christine bantered, Tony looked back at her with a smile, he shrugged, "That's just what came to mind." He successfully put on his bottom suit. Tony kicked some armor to the side and saw something shine threw his peripheral view.

He crouched down and picked up a large silver shield, "Holy shit..." He caught everyone's attention. He held the shield up, "This looks like... vibranium." Tony traced his fingers around the tiny dents in the shield. He remembered how his father would always talk about vibranium, he was practically obsessed with finding it.

Quinn shrugged, "Eh... looks like a normal shield to me."

Steve took it from Tony, "Hm... mind if I use it? I'm good with throwing shields, I used to train with them whenever I was younger."

"I remember that! And sure, go ahead." Tony put his helmet on.

Everyone geared up, they didn't have the typical shiny gold armor everyone had hoped for. It was brown and dull, it looked like wood, but it wasn't. "Alright team, is everyone ready?" The Ancient One asked out of nowhere, everyone jumped back.

"I think so." Stephen said. "Great, good luck mortals!" She dropped them through a portal.

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