Dumpster Baby

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For many years the Avatar has kept the balance between good and evil. Avatar Aang was the last Avatar to create balance by ending the 100-year war. With the help of his friends, Aang was able to decide the best course of action to defeat the Fire Lord. When Avatar Wan and Raava fused together, the spirits were afraid of the amount of power Wan would have. Even though Wan was the bridge between both the spirit and physical world, the spirits were worried about his human side. In order to ensure that the Avatar would always be inclined to do the right thing, they created a spirit that would guide the Avatar. The spirit would also be born in human form and reincarnate after death. After years of guiding and protecting the Avatar, the people gave this spirit the name of the Guardian. In the years prior to Aang's disappearance, the Avatar would depend on the guidance from the Guardian; however, when Avatar Roku died and Aang was born, the Guardian was killed by the fire nation. Aang's disappearance for so long led everyone to believe that the Guardian was gone forever, leaving the Avatar to rely on his friends.

Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai using the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Alongside him were his friends Sokka, Katara and Toph, who all played crucial parts in ending the war. After the war ended, Aang and his friends went on to build Republic City. In Republic City, non-benders and benders of all types could coexist under a council rather than a ruler. Aang joined the council, wanting to stay informed on events happening in the city and to be a support for the elected members. Sokka was elected to represent the water tribe. With him were Jiaying from the earth nation, Anzu from the fire nation and Tsuki, a gentle monk who represented the air nation. Soon after being elected, the council members voted on security for their city. The members voted unanimously to make Toph Beifong chief of police, and had a new police station and academy built for anyone who would like to be an officer. Toph was very selective over who was hired, making the police station a force to be reckoned with. Katara knew her talents lay with healing. Katara went to the council asking for funds for a healer building. The council granted the funds and made Katara the lead of the healers unit.

The first year in Republic City was very busy for everyone. The new council had their hands full and so did Toph at the police station. The issues in the city that needed immediate attention came to an end and the workload lessened, giving everyone a minute to breathe. Aang took the opportunity while the city was calm to propose to Katara. The wedding was small, just close friends and family, but it was perfect. After the wedding, Aang found a larger bit of land surrounded completely by water and had an air temple built. Aang invited Sokka and Toph to live in the temple with Katara and him. The temple was large with dozens of rooms, multiple meditation areas and an excessive amount of space in the back to enjoy the water or exercise. Toph and Sokka accepted Aang's invitation and moved into the air temple.

Katara was ready to start her own family and Aang wasn't opposed to it either, but things with the city made it hard to have the time together they needed. Between the council and the medical unit, both Katara and Aang were busy. The extra duties of the city prolonged the process, but after four months of trying Katara was finally pregnant with her first baby. Aang, Sokka and Toph were thrilled; the chances of having an air bender were exciting.

The next nine months went by fast. The next thing they knew, everyone was outside of Katara's room waiting for when the newest addition would arrive. Hours went by. Finally, Aang was opening the door with a bundle of blankets in his arms. It was a boy, the first child of team Avatar. Aang introduced his son as Bumi, naming him after his best friend from childhood. Bumi wasn't an only child for long; soon he had a sister named Kya and a little brother named Tenzin. Sokka decided against having kids. Toph had two daughters named Lin and Suyin. Toph didn't stay with the fathers of her two girls but Aang, Katara and Sokka helped Toph where they could.

The house was full with five children all ranging from age six to newborn. Katara couldn't be happier; she loved having all the children in the house to care for. While Toph worked, Katara watched Lin and Suyin, raising them like they were her own. Toph would never admit it, but she felt guilty working the long hours she did. She didn't want her two daughters growing up thinking they didn't have to work hard for what they wanted.

Toph was stuck at work late. This was normal; it was strange if she got out of the station on time. She used the time to get caught up and prepare for the next day by straightening up her office. Toph then left for the night. Pushing the front door to the station open, she felt the cool night breeze on her face and feet. The night looked normal, but something was off. Toph stood in place for a moment before slowly walking around the building. She turned down the alley next to the station where the dumpster was located. On the ground, she saw a lump of fabric that seemed to be moving. Walking slowly towards the lump, she bent over and moved the fabric, revealing a small baby girl. Toph picked up the baby and rushed back to the air temple to find Katara.

Katara was in the kitchen doing dishes when she heard the front door open. She turned to see Toph rushing towards her with the baby. Immediately Toph started explaining how she came across the baby. Katara grabbed the baby and laid her down, then used her healing ability to analyze the baby's condition. "This little girl is going to be just fine, Toph," Katara said, relieved the baby would be okay.

The front door opened again. Aang's voice could be heard talking with Sokka who must have come back with him. Katara yelled for Aang to come to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, Aang and Sokka saw the baby in the blanket, now in Toph's arms. "Did somebody not tell me they were going to have a baby?" Sokka said, looking from Katara to Toph in confusion. Toph went on to explain what happened to Aang and Sokka while still holding the baby close to her. Aang approached the baby girl. Something was different with this baby, something he couldn't explain. He grabbed the baby from Toph, allowing her to go see her own two daughters before heading to bed for the night. There was a connection that Aang could feel, but he couldn't explain what the connection was. It was different than any bond he had ever had. Katara walked over to Aang who had been quiet since seeing the baby, and she grabbed his shoulder. "Honey, let me have the baby. She can stay here tonight. We will figure out more tomorrow." Aang handed the baby to Katara. She walked into the bedroom where her daughter Kya was asleep in her crib. Wrapping the baby tightly in a clean blanket, Katara placed the baby next to Kya.

The next morning, Toph left especially early to find out what she could about the baby she had brought home last night. Aang and Katara got up to take care of the six children that needed to be fed, bathed and dressed for the day. Katara picked up the little girl and took her to the sink to wash her. She couldn't help but feel sorry for this beautiful baby that someone had likely dumped. Finishing with the bath, Katara dressed the baby in some of Kya's old baby clothes. Aang was waiting for Katara in the living room where he had the other five children. He looked deep in thought. "Aang, what's going on with you?" Katara said, bringing Aang back to the moment.

"Katara, I think we should discuss adopting the baby."

Katara sat in silence for a moment before replying 'I agree'.

Aang went to the police station to talk with Toph about the fate of the baby. As Aang had expected, there was no record of the baby anywhere. Toph couldn't find parents or any family to claim the baby. "So, the baby will just have to go to a foster home, I suppose," Toph said with a look of defeat on her face.

"Toph, Katara and I are going to adopt the baby." Toph couldn't help but smile; this was the best news she had heard all day.

The day was spent signing papers giving parental rights to Katara and Aang. Sokka took the rest of the day off to be able to watch the kids while Aang and Katara finished the adoption process. By the end of the night, all the papers had been signed. Aang and Katara were the parents of another beautiful little girl that they named Braya. 

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