A Promotion

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"Show me what you can do now that you have control" Zuko said to Braya. Blue fire leaked from her fingertips. After months of technique training with Zuko she was able to handle her flames with ease. Zuko was impressed as she was able to best him in a match. "I know I trained you well and I would like to take credit for your progress, but I do know that only you could get yourself to where you are now." Zuko said smiling at her. "It took me years to realize what you have. I have nothing more I can teach you, but your training is far from over. Please keep training hard and know we are always here for you Braya." Braya hugged Zuko before leaving to meet with Aang.

Aang was with the airbenders. He was trying to convince them to leave with him back to the city, but they were too afraid to leave. "Hey dad." Braya said as she approached him. "Hey" Aang was visibly upset. "What is wrong?" Aang ran his hands over his head "I can't convince them to let me help them. I want to show them the world they are missing but they aren't interested." Braya thought for a moment before walking over to the group of benders. She sat down with the group. They all welcomed her since they trusted her after saving them. "I have a request to ask of all of you" They all nodded. "I would like to speak to you all about your futures." She paused but no one spoke. "I know you are all scared. I was held prisoner for three years and I know how hard it is to trust people once you're out. My dad he thought for many years that he was the only air bender left. He wants to help you as do I. If you come with us, we will have a home just for people like you. Your children will have somewhere to grow up and have their own families. The temples are beautiful, and they would be just for you and your people. My dad and brother could teach you all about the ways of air and how to use your abilities. It is scary but trust me it will be worth it." Braya stopped talking and waited for a response. "Alright. We will go" Braya and Aang were excited.

Since Braya had done her part to help the airbenders she went to the apartment to start packing for their return home. When she arrived there, she was surprised to find that Lin had already started packing what she could. Braya finished packing before turning in for the night. She laid in bed deep in thought. She thought that since she had overcome her anger, she would feel better but that wasn't the case. She found herself still struggling just with different issues. She was still suffering from the pain she felt in the bunker and now she was wondering if she would ever get better. Even though Lin made it possible for her to sleep, when she closed her eyes, she would recall times in her prison. She could hear Gangs voice at random times in the day even though he wasn't there. Feel the water dripping on her skin even though there was nothing there. She wondered if something was broken inside of her.

Braya gave Zuko and Iroh a hug goodbye as the group climbed on top of Appa. The airbenders boarded an aircraft that would fly them back to the city. When they made it back to Republic City Braya didn't stick around at the temple. At home she sat on the bed deep in thought. "Braya? Are you ok?" Lin said as she sat on the bed next to her. "I...." Braya stopped. Lin grabbed her hand. "I thought overcoming my anger I would feel more like myself. I do feel better, but I still don't feel like me. I feel more anxious and sadder now than I did before." "Your emotions are tied to your bending. I know we just got home but maybe it's a good idea to start training your other abilities." Braya laid her head on Lin's shoulder. "Maybe your right but right now I just want to enjoy being home with you."

Days went by and Braya filled her days with helping Aang with preparing the air nomads for their journey to the Southern air temple. She was at Air Temple Island when Lin and Toph walked in for dinner. They both had looks of disgust on their faces. "What is wrong with you two?" Katara asked as they sat down for dinner. "The yearly promotions ceremony is coming up. The running for chief and assistant chief will be announced and anyone else getting a promotion will be recognized. They expect ladies to wear dresses and men suits. They want you to dance and eat, all things I could care less about. Sokka, will you join me and keep people from talking to me?" Toph said, turning to Sokka. "I do every year" he replied, raising his glass to toast the idea of free food. "Don't stress it Lin, we will have fun" Braya said, grabbing her hand. "This year they put me up for assistant chief." Lin said unenthusiastically. "Is that not good?" Braya asked. "It's fine. I just know I won't get it." Lin stood up and left for the living room. Braya wanted to comfort her but thought maybe it was best for her to give her some space.

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