Blue Heat

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Walking through the hole she found that there were other holes in the walls that led to the outside. She rushed outside. Braya stared in shock as she saw who had saved her. Toph. Fighting with not only the man that she was fighting but also the three other men that she had seen earlier. How could she have possibly known I was here? Braya was overwhelmed with feelings as she watched the battle Toph was having. Tears formed in her eyes, grateful that Toph had saved her from her close death. Getting herself together she went to help Toph. "The scientist Braya! He's inside!" Toph yelled as she continued fighting. Braya turned around and ran inside. She went down to the secret rooms trying to find him. Finally, she discovered him in the second room where the medical equipment was. "Where is it?" He said as he frantically searched through the cabinets, "where are my vials?" He noticed as Braya stepped into the room. He cowered down as she walked towards him. "Please, you don't understand. I am just trying to make this place safer. The whole world safer." Braya grabbed him and forced him down the passageway towards the cage. She found a spare lock and locked him inside.

Now that he was confined, she rushed outside to help Toph. Toph was being closed in on. She had to be careful not to use any earthbending that would compromise the cliff. This made it very difficult for her to fight to her fullest ability. She used the metal wires attached to her armor to keep them at bay but that wasn't going to work for long. Braya rushed towards her trying to help but she was too late. The biggest one that Braya had fought in the basement managed to grab Toph. He slammed her body into the ground multiple times before she went limp. Braya froze unable to move. She watched as the giant man lifted Tophs lifeless body into the air. Blood dripped from her mouth.

Anger.... what she had felt in the bunker the night the man tried to rape her. Rage...what she felt watching them hurt her. A feeling swarmed inside of her. A burning sensation she had always been familiar with was now replaced. A much more terrifying feeling replaced the burn. A flame that was dancing with gasoline. A fire so hot it felt like it would seep through her skin.

Braya angrily as if controlling a wave behind her raised her arms and pushed. A heat wave so hot and powerful it pushed the men away from Toph. She walked towards them ready to kill. "Braya!" Lin yelled as she and the others ran towards them. The survivors must have made it to town. Continuing to walk towards the men she paid no attention to the group. "Toph!" Katara yelled. She got down close to her and started healing. The smallest of the four men came sprinting towards her followed by the other three. "You all need to get out of here" Braya said as they approached. "Toph died fighting these guys I don't want the same to happen to you". "She isn't dead! She is hanging on!" Braya couldn't believe it. Toph? Alive? How could she have survived such a beating?

Gratefulness, forgiveness, Love all flooded her system. Overpowering everything she felt previously. Memories of Toph sitting with her after work, bringing home treats, walking with her to training in the dead of night, the hugs and love that she had shown her for years all came to mind. Everything changed when she found out Toph lived.

Braya used the wave like motion to push her family back to a safe distance with her air bending. They rushed back towards her, but they wouldn't make it. Braya pointed her finger and swiftly pointed at the man coming at her. Lightning lit up the night as Braya electrocuted the four men. The smaller three fell dead to the ground but the big one came for her. He tried to grab her neck, but she was too quick. She had already seen this before. She held his hands pushing against him to keep him from injuring her. She had to kill him with her fire.

Fire burst from her hands. He didn't notice the heat. More, Braya thought to herself. The fire now crept up her arms. It was hotter but he still doesn't flinch. More. Her legs were burning now. He was finally starting to notice the burn. More! Her whole body was consumed in flames. "What is she doing!" Zuko yelled to Iroh. "Braya stop! It'll kill you! You'll burn from the inside out!"

"Wait what? What do you mean Zuko?" Aang said, alarmed. "If she gets too hot it'll kill her. Firebenders have a limit too Aang." Aang, Zuko and Lin all started running towards her, but the heat became unbearable for them. "BRAYA!" Aang yelled. "Please stop before it's too late!" He took a step forward. The heat was starting to burn his skin, but he took another step. He must reach her. Blisters started to form on his arms. "Aang!" Zuko called out. "Turn back Aang or you'll die trying to save her!" Aang took another step. "That's my daughter!" He felt as something wrapped around him. He looked down to see metal wiring before being yanked from danger. "What are you doing!" Aang said to Lin upset. "You wouldn't make it to her Aang. We can't have you die for nothing" Lin stared at Braya concerned for her safety.

The giant was hurting but the heat wasn't quite enough to kill him. She had to defeat him to protect her family. MORE! The flames burned blue as she fought with the man. The heat was finally enough to break down the beast. He yelled with pain as he dropped to the ground dead. Braya stopped bending and after a minute the flames around her died. She took a deep breath, relieved that it was over. She took a step forward and her vision started to darken. The battle had taken a toll on her. Another step and everything went black. Her body betrayed her as she fell to the ground.

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