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Braya trained hard for the rest of the school year; however, she didn't let her grades drop. In fact, Braya had managed to maintain perfect grades the entire year. Summer was now starting, and without the school gym Braya was worried about where she would train. Toph had the same worry, so she worked on convincing Aang to add some exercise equipment to the grounds. There was a lot of extra space towards the back of the air temple, so it would be an ideal spot for what she wanted. Eventually, Aang agreed, and left the rest up to Toph. Toph built a workout area that could be used by anyone. There was a track, Weights of all types, and a smooth area good for sparring. The only person more excited than Braya was Lin.

Braya spent most of her summer in the newly built area. In the mornings, Braya would join Kya on the track. They would run until Kya had to stop for her training with Katara. Once Kya left, she would move on to the weights. Lin was always there before Braya, but never left without her. Braya had come a long way with her training. She could now lift what Lin could, and Lin noticed. Braya often caught Lin looking at her. She didn't mind though; she liked the attention Lin gave her. Her relationship with Lin had grown significantly since the fight at school. Lin would frequently ask her how she was doing and talk for hours about her goals, training, school, and anything else that came to mind. Listening to Lin talk, Braya knew her feelings towards Lin had turned romantic. She looked forward to seeing Lin daily and found herself thinking about her when she wasn't with her. However, all thoughts about Lin had to come to an end every night at ten.

Braya wrapped up her training with Lin and went to grab food before heading to her room. When the clock hit ten, she left through her window to meet Toph. They walked together as usual to Braya's training session. Master Huong was waiting patiently for them to arrive. "Good evening," Huong said to them as they entered the building. "Are you ready for your training today."

"I'm always ready," Braya said confidently.

"Good, today we are doing something different. I have spoken with Toph about your defense training. I feel you have mastered the ability to defend yourself properly. Now I want to teach you everything I have to offer. If you are up to it, I want to work on your offense."

"Yes, of course," Braya said smiling at Toph.

"All right then, let's begin," Huong got right into Braya's training.

School started and Braya was happy to see she shared more classes with Lin this year; however, most of the year Braya had to focus on her training with Huong. Right before finals week at school, Braya had mastered many different types of offensive fighting. She could easily keep up with Huong when practicing. He had taught Braya different types of martial arts, making Braya a deadly force when fighting hand to hand. He had also taught her how to use weapons, and the responsibly she had when she carried one.

Huong gave Braya the week of finals off. He had other business elsewhere, and he wanted Braya to be able to study. Taking advantage of the week off from training, Braya spent as much time with Lin as she could. Kya had even noticed the increased amount of time Braya spent with Lin. "Come on, tell me, why are you spending so much time together? Is there something going on between you two?" Kya asked pressuring Braya to give her details about her relationship. "I'm your best friend and sister, you can tell me!"

"I know. I just don't know what it is yet," Braya said as her cheeks turned red.

"You haven't talked about it yet?"

"No, we just study and work out together. I don't think she likes me like that,"

"Are you kidding me? Braya, the way she looks at you says it all," Kya said smiling ear to ear. "You just need to talk to her about it. You never know what might happen." Braya nodded to Kya and moved on from the subject. As much as Braya loved the idea of a relationship with Lin she had too many obstacles in her way. She had her training that was priority, and then Toph. How would Toph feel if Braya started dating her daughter? Would she feel Braya betrayed her by seeing her daughter? Thankfully, the idea of coming out to her parents was easy. Kya had already told Aang and Katara that she was bi-sexual, after bringing a girl home for dinner. They were nothing but happy for Kya, so Braya knew she would get a similar reaction. After spending time with Kya, Braya went to her room for the night. She laid in bed thinking about Lin, and her feelings. Maybe after finals, she would tell Lin how she felt.

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