The Start of an Adventure

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After talking with Katara about the details of her training, Braya got up and joined Su, Kya, Tenzin and Bumi, all sitting around the table. "Are you guys going with me to the Water Tribe?" Braya asked.

"No, I have another deployment coming up soon. Sorry sis," Bumi said playing with a stack of cards he had brought out.

"I will be going of course," Kya said smiling at Braya.

"I'm going to stay here. With the new baby I don't want to leave Pema to do everything alone," Tenzin answered.

"What about you Su? Toph and Lin are going," Braya said looking to Su.

"Well, I would like to go, but......" Su paused as if unsure if she wanted to answer this question. "When you were gone, and I traveled I kinda met someone."

"You met someone?" Lin said shocked.

"Well yeah Lin, I don't want to be alone forever," Su said snapping at Lin.

"What is he like?" Kya asked.

"His name is Baatar, and he is an architect," Su said proudly. "I plan on going back to the Earth Kingdom to see him."

"So, Me, Lin, Kya, Mom, and Toph. Man, what a party!" Braya said jokingly. Everyone was laughing when Braya felt a hand touch hers under the table. Without looking away from her conversation with Su, about this new man she was seeing, Lin had grabbed Braya's hand. They visited for a short while longer before leaving for the night back to Braya's house.

When they made it back to the house Braya went to her room to get changed into something more comfortable. After she was dressed, she went into the living room to find Lin sitting on the couch starting a romance movie. "Hmm, look at you a hopeless romantic huh?" Braya said cuddling up to Lin.

"I thought this might be something you would like," Lin said sweetly.

"Ooh, bad choice Beifong. I am more of an adventure type," Braya smiled at Lin. "But I would love nothing more than to watch this movie with you tonight." Braya leaned over and kissed Lin on the cheek. They watched the movie in silence until Lin peeked at her watch. "Do you have somewhere you need to be?" Braya said moving slightly so Lin would be able to go if she needed to.

"No, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't getting too late. It takes a little bit of time to get home," Lin said gently pulling Braya back into her. Braya grabbed Lin's hand and started to gently rub her fingertips over the top of it.

"You could always stay here," Braya said sheepishly.

"If you are okay with me staying I will," Lin said kissing Braya's forehead.

"Do you want to stay here?" Braya asked.

"I want to be anywhere you are."

"Well....... you could always move in if that is how you feel. I mean you don't have to by any means and don't feel pressured. I just want you to know that if you want you could get rid of your apartment. You don't have to obviously you could always keep it if you prefer. Even if you wanted to move in you could keep your apartment if that made you more comfortable, or you...." Braya was starting to spiral with anxiety. Lin looked at her and just smiled because she loved when Braya got nervous.

"Braya," Lin said stopping her mid-sentence. "I want to move in with you." Braya smiled. Lin placed her hand on the side of Braya's face and kissed her, "I love you." Lin whispered while her lips still barely touched Braya's.

They both turned back to watch the movie, but Braya could not focus on anything but Lin. She had come to the temple in her favorite post work outfit, tank top and sweatpants. The way she was laying on Lin made her top lift slightly up so she could see Lin's belly. She wanted nothing more than to touch her stomach again. Instead, she preoccupied her mind by grabbing the blanket that rested on the back of the couch. Pulling it over the top of her, Lin adjusted so that the blanket would cover her as well. Now Lin was completely spooning Braya, using the arm of the couch to lift her head so she could still see the tv.

Braya could feel her breathing getting deeper. She needed to control herself. Lin worked all day on top of being awake all night because of her. Plus, she didn't want Lin to think she only wanted sex out of this relationship. Truthfully, Braya had never felt more safe, comfortable, and loved since being taken. She was never going to completely recover from the trauma she endured in the bunker, but Lin was the closest thing she had to a normal life. A life she had envisioned for them years ago.

Lin adjusted again pulling Braya in tighter to her body. Now Braya was feeling hot. She wanted Lin so bad that her body was starting to feel like it was on fire. She starred at the tv not actually watching it. She felt as Lin moved her hair exposing her ear and neck. Oh my.... Braya thought to herself. "You must be really tired after working all day," Braya said with a quiver in her voice. Lin noticed.

"Not at all," Lin said coolly.

Since Lin's arm was providing a pillow for Braya, she used her free hand to finish tucking the loose hairs behind Braya's ear. Braya felt as Lin dragged her fingertips down her neck and back to her side. Heart racing, she wondered how long it would be until Lin could feel her heart beating so hard.

Lin gently kissed the top of Braya's head, then her ear and lastly her neck. She could feel as Braya's body was reacting to her touch. She kissed Braya's neck again but making sure to not lift her lips all the way off, so she could run them against her skin on her way to her ear lobe. She gently started to kiss and nibble on her ear hoping Braya would react.

Braya reacted. The minute she felt Lin sucking on her she knew she wanted her just as bad. Braya rolled over to face Lin. They both knew they had a mutual want for each other so going in for a passionate kiss was a no brainer to them both. They held each other so tightly there was barely any room for moving. Braya moved her hand down into Lin's pants, feeling her way to her clit. Lin had the same idea, so her hand was also looking for Braya's G spot.

Lin reached the spot first causing Braya to moan softly in Lin's ear. Lin's arm went weak for a brief minute before the excitement of pleasing Braya made her continue. When Braya found the spot, she watched as Lin's breathing changed to much heavier. They continued kissing only pulling apart for an occasional moan. Both of their arms were hard as rocks while they rubbed each other trying to make the other orgasm first. The intensity growing with each kiss as they got closer and closer. Braya was the first to reach climax, however, hearing her struggle to stifle her moan and feeling her whole body tighten, immediately sent Lin over the edge. Even though Braya was in complete bliss she could still take in how attractive Lin was to her while she threw her head back with pleasure.

They both laid looking at each other, trying to catch their breath. After exchanging soft gentle kisses, they curled up together and fell asleep. Braya couldn't believe how lucky she was to be with someone she loved so deeply. She started picturing her life with Lin. Growing old having kids all seemed so real now, but wait did Lin want kids? She had never asked her that question. She would ask her tomorrow but for now she was going to enjoy this moment. 

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