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The next morning Braya woke up to Lin still sleeping with her on the couch. She admired Lin while watching her sleep. All the curves her body had and the way her skin looked in the sunlight coming through the window. She gently kissed Lin on the lips, hoping to wake her up. Lin stretched, "Good morning beautiful." Braya smiled "Good morning." They laid on the couch exchanging kisses and talking about the day. "What do you plan on doing today?" Braya asked Lin.

"I am going to go and deal with my apartment today. After that I will bring my things here. Is that okay?" Lin asked.

"Yes," Braya replied.

"Do you have any specific spot you would like my things to go? The big things like the couch and my bed I will give away since we have those things here."

"Put them wherever you would like. This is now your home too Lin."



Braya got up to answer the door. "Mom? Come in. What are you doing here this early?" Braya asked.

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you about something," Katara started. She noticed Lin on the couch and made way to sit on the second couch in the living room. "Good morning, Lin!"

"Good morning Katara," Lin gave a small smile to welcome her.

"Anyway, I just wanted to talk to you about a job opportunity. I don't know if you want to work yet, but I thought if you did this would be a great start for you," Katara said excitedly.

"What is it?" Braya asked.

"Working with me!"

"Uh, mom I'm a waterbender but I am not a healer. Not all waterbenders have healing abilities remember?" Braya said shocked.

"No, I know. The job isn't healing. The job is preparing the rooms, observing, and assisting. We just need extra help and I thought you would be the perfect person," Katara said impressed with herself.

"Actually, yeah that sounds perfect! When do I start?"

"Today! We will go down to the healing building and get you started. There is paperwork to fill out, but we can get you started," Katara got up from the couch and started towards the door. Braya got up, turning to look at Lin before leaving. Lin waved goodbye and wished her luck.

They make it to the building where the other healers are excited to meet Braya. She goes around meeting everyone before being swept into the office to fill out paperwork. Once she finished the paperwork, Katara got started on showing Braya how everything operated. Just as she had expected Braya learned very quickly. By the end of the day, she could work alone, and the other healers found her very helpful.

Katara walked Braya home before heading to the Air temple. "You did great sweetheart. I will see you at work tomorrow," Katara gave Braya a hug and left. Braya walked into the house to find Lin in the kitchen making dinner. "That smells really good," Braya said sniffing the air.

"I thought you might like it. It is my famous recipe for spaghetti," Lin said laughing to herself. "How was your day?" Braya walked behind Lin and wrapped her arms around her belly.

"It was a good day. I enjoy the job. Did you get everything with your apartment done? I don't see anything?" Braya asked confused from the lack of items in the house.

"I did. I got rid of most of it. My things I did bring back are already in their rightful place. I didn't want to leave a mess. After I was done with that, I figured you might be hungry after work," Lin said turning around to face Braya. She picked Braya up and set her on the counter. Lin held on to Braya's thighs while they were wrapped around her. The two of them shared a few passionate kisses before the bell went off for the food. "Mm, hold on. I need to finish this. Will you set up the table?" Lin said turning back to the food. Braya walked to the table with the silverware and set the table. Lin carried over a large pot full of food.

While eating dinner they talked about the day. Braya asked if Lin had seen Kaili at all, to which she replied everything including Kaili was gone, so no. Braya talked about her day at work and the things she had learned. The conversation turned to Ginora who Lin had seen a lot that day due to Tenzin helping her move. "She is really cute, but I am glad she goes home with Tenzin at the end of the day," Lin said laughing.

"Do you ever want to have kids Lin?" Braya asked before stuffing her face full of food.

"No. I'm not the parent type," Lin responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh, I had always wanted one maybe two," Lin starred at Braya unsure of what to say next.

"Braya.... I'm not ever going to be a good mom...." Lin said quietly. "I love my mom, but it was hard not having her there growing up. I don't want to put my child through the same thing. I also don't want the responsibility. I want to travel and have meaningful conversations not baby talk."



"Yeah, I mean having kids is something we both must agree on. If you don't want one then I can live with that," Braya said. Deep down inside Braya eventually wanted to start a family but if Lin didn't then there was nothing she could do about that. Braya finished her dinner, thanking Lin again for making it. They both headed for bed, spending their first night living together wrapped in each other's arms.

The next few days were uneventful. Lin worked long hours while Braya worked normal hours but opposite shifts than Lin, so they didn't see each other very often. She would go home, eat, then go to bed. When she was going to bed Lin was getting up to go to work. Braya enjoyed working at night. She didn't mind the morning shifts, but the night shifts were relaxing. Since they were having a hard time at the healing unit finding coverage at night, Braya always volunteered. Braya's water-bending training was put off until Katara could finish training another staff member named Hina. Katara being gone for so long was hard on the staff and the person she use to rely on for help when she was gone retired. Hina was brilliant and was going to make a great stand in for Katara. She just needed training on the paperwork side of things and then she would be good to go.

Three months after starting Braya was working a late night with Hina. Since there was no one else to work Braya volunteered to help. Hina always appreciated Braya's help. Braya made sure everything Hina could possibly need was always ready for her, while making sure the rooms were clean as well.

The rain was coming down hard, which Braya always hated. She didn't like the sound that came with rain, but she sucked it up for work. The wind was howling, and everyone had been advised to stay home. Hina and Braya were talking to one another when a man came running in yelling for help. Hina jumped into action with Braya right behind her. He had brought in a baby that had obviously been just delivered. The little girl was covered in blood and fluids. After Hina helped the man put her on a stretcher she hurried off with the baby. "Braya call your mom I am not sure the baby is going to make it," Hina yelled to Braya as she hurried to the healing room. Braya jumped on the phone to call Katara.


"Mom, we need help down here!" Braya said watching as the man returned with what seemed like another body.

"I am leaving now," Katara said hanging up the phone.

Braya hung up the phone and headed straight to the man. He had a woman who appeared to be the mother of the baby he had brought in. "Hina! He has the mother too!" Braya shouted. Hina didn't respond. She must be working on the little boy, Braya thought to herself. Braya helped the man place her on a stretcher. "Thank you, that is as much as you can do now. Leave it to us," Braya said to the man. She ran with the woman to another healing room to prep her for help. Once she was done, she went to find Hina. She found her working hard trying to save the little boy. "Hina the mom is in room two," Braya said short on breath.

"The mom? Oh no. Braya, I can't leave him. If I do, he will die. Sit with the mother and hold her hand. If Katara doesn't get here in time I'm afraid we will lose her."

Braya went back to the room where the mother was laying. Her heart hurt for this woman. Where was her husband? What was she going to do? She couldn't let this woman die in front of her....but.....what could she do?

Braya : The Lost GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now