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Braya wiped her eyes clear from the tears. She decided to walk to the waterfront instead of going home. The walk gave her time to clear her head. When she made it, she sat down on the edge of the dock, dangling her feet over the edge. The sun started to go down as Braya sat there for hours in thought. When the breeze started to get nippy, she decided it was time to head back.

She paced herself walking home. She looked at the beautiful views the fire nation had to offer. The sweet little creatures that roamed freely and enjoyed the nice weather that the area had. Her peaceful thoughts were interrupted when she caught sight of the scientist, she had seen speaking with Zuko the other day. He was walking hastily somewhere. Braya's curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to follow. She followed him past the outskirts of town and to a path that led to a hill overlooking the water and town. At the top of the hill was a huge house that looked fairly old and broken down. He went inside muttering under his breath. Braya went around the house checking it out. She noticed a small window on the side of the house that would be big enough for a person to crawl into. She walked up to the window and got down on her knees. It was too dark to see inside, and the window was locked.

Braya got up and left deciding she would come back when the scientist wasn't home or maybe not at all. She was curious and her gut told her to continue looking but she had no real reason to trespass. This man had done nothing to her to make her think anything was seriously wrong; it was just a gut feeling. Braya followed the path back down, being careful to take note on how to get back to the house. She walked to town and eventually made it to the house. It was very late, and she was afraid of how Lin might be feeling inside. Braya opened the door to see Lin sitting on the couch with a large blanket that covered her and the couch. She looked at Braya. She could tell Lin had been worried. "Hi" Lin said as Braya walked towards her "Hi."

"A walk?" Lin asked. "Yeah, down to the water" Braya responded. "Good choice, do you feel better?" Lin moved the blankets to expose an open spot next to her. Braya climbed onto the couch and wrapped her arms around Lins. "I'm sorry you had to go through that" Lin said gently as she gave a small kiss on top of Brayas head. "I'm sorry for fighting with your mom," Lin laughed. "I've wanted to fight her once or twice. It'll be ok. I know you're hurt now but I believe one day you two will move on. I love you. I'm always here for you. I hope you know that." Braya nodded and kissed Lin on the cheek.

"Braya, why are your muscles so tense? They've been rock solid since you came in. What is going on?" Lin said feeling Brayas arm and leg muscle. Braya flinched, "it's been that way for a little while now, it's just worse today. My body just feels like it can't relax." Lin rubbed her arm gently feeling the tightness in her muscles. "Come here" Lin said, indicating for Braya to get on her lap. Braya crawled on top of Lin placing a leg on each side of Lin's lap. Lin gently massaged her thighs going under her loose shorts to reach her hips. "Does that feel any better at all?" Lin said as she rubbed from her hips down her thighs again. Braya nodded. "I might be able to help relax your muscles. Do you want me to try?" Lin asked. "If anything helps then I'm all for it." Lin made another pass over her thighs but instead of going under her shorts she went straight to the band on her shorts. Lin eased her hand down into Brayas underwear, feeling Braya as she traveled lower.

Braya took a deep breath, "what is this Beifong?" Her skin crawled as she felt Lin's fingers get closer and closer to her opening. Lin grabbed Brayas head and pulled her in, "just relax beautiful" Lin said before she went in for a passionate kiss. Braya broke from the kiss to let out a soft moan when Lin inserted one of her fingers. When Lin inserted the second finger, Braya bit Lin's lip trying to not pull away from the kiss. Lin pulled away kissing her jawline as she made her way to the neck. Once she had reached her destination, she kissed and teased Braya with gentle kisses up her neck to her earlobe where Lin sucked. "Rock" Lin said softly in Braya's ear. She looked at Lin understanding exactly what to do. She grabbed Lins head with both hands and aggressively kissed her while starting a slow rock on her fingers. Lin moved her fingers causing Braya to fall apart with pleasure. Lin placed her hand on Brayas lower back to help manipulate the speed Braya was moving at. She pulled on Braya causing her to go faster and faster. Braya gripped the back of the couch for leverage as she moved her hips faster. Each thrust Braya moaned in Lins ear causing Lin to move her fingers inside of Braya more. The moaning got higher, and her breathing got faster until finally Lin felt Braya tighten up around her fingers. The muscles pulsed with pleasure throughout her body.

Braya took a moment to breathe before giving Lin a kiss. "You're not as tense now." Lin said proud of herself. "I feel much better" Braya's muscles had finally relaxed; she no longer felt the pain she had been feeling before getting home. "I love you" Braya said before getting off Lin. "I love you too" Braya leaned against Lin, "you're too good for me" she said sweetly. Lin adjusted herself so that she and Braya could lay down on the couch. "Just don't give up on us, ok? I know you're struggling and isolating yourself is your defense but always let me in" Lin said while stroking Brayas hair. "I don't think I could keep you out even if I tried Lin" Braya smiled. Braya gave Lin a sweet long kiss before falling asleep for the night. 

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