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Everyone sat in the Livingroom talking about the plans to go to the beach the next day. Braya sat silently listening to the plans but not contributing to the conversation. Once it had started getting late Braya got up and headed to bed. She closed the door of her room behind her and laid in bed. Looking up at the ceiling she started to worry about the struggles she would have in the middle of the night. She knew in her head she was home but when everything was dark the trauma would take over. The door to her room started to open "Hey, you okay?" Kya said entering the bedroom.

"Oh, Kya, yeah I'm alright. What's up do you need something?" Braya responded sitting up on the bed.

"I was just wondering if we could talk to you for a moment before bed?"

"We?" Braya asked. Kya opened the door. Toph, Lin, Katara, and Su walked in. "What is going on?" Toph walked forward and sat on the bed next to Braya.

"Last night you were in here by yourself when you had a panic attack. If I hadn't been keeping an eye on you using my senses, you would have been by yourself all night. When I grabbed you and held you, you fell back asleep. We all have been talking and we think it would be a good idea to have one of us stay with you every night. Just until you can be by yourself safely," Toph said looking at Braya with concern.

"Alright," Braya responded.

"Alright?" Katara questioned.

"Right before you all came in here, I was afraid of what might happen tonight. So, if you guys want to stay with me every night then alright." Katara smiled at Braya.

"Perfect. I'm going to bed then. Kya will stay with you tonight. Get some sleep everyone," Katara said before leaving the bedroom. Everyone but Kya followed Katara out of the room. Kya went around the other side of the bed and laid down next to Braya. "Just like old times!" Kya said to Braya as she now laid down. Braya didn't say anything, she just looked up at the ceiling now lost in other thing. The two women didn't say anything for what felt like eternity when a sudden urge came over Braya. "Kya? Are you awake?" Braya asked.

"Yeah," Kya responded.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah," Kya rolled over to face Braya.

"Has Lin told Kaili she loves her?" Braya continued looking at the ceiling, making sure to not make eye contact with Kya.

"Uh, no. Not that I have heard. Why?"

"I was just wondering," Braya lied.

"I know that there was something between you and Lin growing up. A few years back I got it out of her that she wanted to be with you. She had a very hard time moving on when we thought you were dead. She would work days at a time with no break searching for the man responsible. I introduced her Kaili hoping she would move on. Lin was perfect for Kaili. Kaili just wants someone to do what she wants, and Lin just wanted someone to tell her how to live day to day. Lin feels in debt to her because she helped her go on every day. I don't think Lin loves her. I don't think she even wants to be with her, but she feels unworthy of anyone else I think."

"I love her Kya. I hate seeing her treated that way. I hate thinking of her being with someone else," Braya rolled over now to look at Kya. "When we were eighteen, I almost gave my virginity to her, but she wanted our first time to be somewhere special. Now that we are older, I don't care. I just want my first time with her. At least... I would have liked that. I don't even know if I could handle someone touching me now."

"What happened Braya...when you were in the bunker. I noticed you have a hard time with touch. What happened," Kya asked hesitantly, not knowing if she wants the answer.

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