Where to start

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Braya and Lin entered the dining room for dinner. Everyone was already there waiting patiently to be served while enjoying small talk. After everyone sat down the staff came to the table to serve the group. Braya was struggling with her emotions, so she didn't say much, which caught everyone's attention. "Our training will begin tomorrow. We will train during the week and rest on the weekends. I want everyone involved." Zuko said sternly. Everyone nodded.

Braya and Lin woke the next morning to go to training. Braya felt uneasy but still walked her way to the training grounds. Zuko and Toph were the only ones there. "My uncle is making a cup of tea before he meets us here." Zuko said unimpressed. Katara and Aang walked up at that moment. "Good morning" Katara said to everyone. "We can go ahead and start. Braya, tell me exactly what you do to firebend." Braya took a moment. "Well, I think about some of the things that make me angriest. I focus on that until I feel a fire burning in my stomach and then it just happens." Braya looked at her hands thinking about the moment in the kitchen when she almost hurt her family with her firebending. "What do you think about?" Zuko asked. "No" Braya responded. "No?"

"I don't want to get into that. I came for training not a therapy session."

"Therapy is good for the spirit, just like tea. To understand what you need now, we need to know where you have been" Iroh said as he entered the training area. "I'm not ready" Is this why they wanted me to come here? So they could find out more of what happened in the bunker? They never really wanted to train me in the first place. Braya was starting to spiral. "Braya?" Snapping out of it she noticed her hands were on fire. Quickly she put them out. "What just happened?" Katara asked. "Nothing" Braya said quickly. "Can we train or not? I'm not giving you my life story." Zuko looked at Iroh, "alright let's get started. We will start with your technique."

Training was a disaster. Braya kept losing control as Zuko picked at her form. He started to notice as Braya's anger was getting the best of her making training unfruitful. "We are done for today." Zuko said ending the training. "Fine" Braya said as she angrily turned to leave. "Braya! We were going to go to dinner" Toph yelled after Braya. "I don't want to have dinner with any of you. Leave me alone" Braya continued to leave. They don't care. This whole time they haven't cared. Why should I care about having dinner with them. Why should I even bother with them at all. Braya made it back to the house. She sat on the couch thinking about how everyone was off having dinner.




"You have to be kidding me" Braya said to herself as she got up to answer the door. Toph stood in the doorway. "Hey. Let's talk." Toph walked in and sat on the couch. "I don't want to talk" Braya said refusing to sit down. "What is going on with you? You have been so aggressive lately. We used to talk and now it's like you refuse to even acknowledge me or anyone from the family" Brayas anger started to burn. "You ever think I don't want to talk to you? Why don't you get the hint? You and the rest of them!" Toph looked at the ground with hurt in her expression. "You don't want to talk to me? Then fine. If that's what you want." Toph went to leave, "you're not my family so stop acting like you are" Braya said. Toph stopped for a second before opening the door and leaving without another word.

The days to follow were no different. Braya was getting angrier and angrier with each session. Toph had decided that she was no longer going to be anywhere Braya was. She had stopped showing for her training upset and angry with the way Braya treated her. The rest of the group walked on eggshells trying not to make her angry.

Lin was making breakfast for Braya and herself before training. "Braya, I think you should talk to my mom. You two have always been close... now you don't talk. How does that make sense?" Braya ignored Lin. "Braya...that's my mom. Please."

"No. I hate that woman. I told her that. I have nothing else to say." Braya walked out of the house and straight to training. When she arrived, she saw a short man that was middle aged, speaking with Zuko. "No, I do not want anything of the sort happening. We will not have this conversation again. Your purpose is to take care of this nation, not try to improve our army. Now leave I have matters to tend to." The older man turned around and left cursing under his breath. Braya walked up to Zuko. "What was that?"

"A scientist that has been trying to get me to fund his military projects when I clearly said I would only fund research for our medicinal needs." Braya's anger was now gone. Pure curiosity filled her head. That man was strange, something about him made her feel uneasy, but why?

The next day Braya showed up for training. Zuko stood with the entire group ready for her arrival. Toph stood in the back completely unenthused about being there. "Your technique over the last few months has improved substantially, however it was very difficult to get you where you needed to be. Your training is being held up by feelings you are holding on to. It's time we sit down and discuss the pain you endured" Zuko said. Braya could feel the anger burning again. This again? I already told them I wasn't doing this! "We know you have much anger towards the man who kidnapped you but having the love and support from your family will" Braya cut Iroh off. "My family? My family is who I am angry with. Not that man."

"You don't mean that" Katara said timidly.

"I do. I can barely look at Toph without being sick and the rest of you are just cowards."

"Now you listen here! I didn't even want to be here today! I came for you. What the hell is your problem!" Toph yelled.

"My problem is you!"

"Come on then!" Braya summoned fire to her hands. Repeatedly she shot balls of flame at Toph. Toph didn't hesitate, she dodged everything coming at her. Stomping on the ground a wall formed in front of her. With one swift motion of her hands the wall shattered and flew towards Braya. Braya moved smoothly in between each piece of rock that flew towards her. Once she made it through the rock coming towards her, she looked at Toph to see another rock speeding towards her. She didn't have time to react before the rock hit her hard in the face. Braya fell to the ground, taking a minute to collect herself. She heard as everyone intervened to stop the fighting. "Toph! You can't do that!" Katara said, racing towards Braya. "Why? she has no problem coming after me!" Braya stood up with the help of Katara. She wiped the blood off her face. Surprisingly she did feel a little bit better. "I'm done with her! If she wants nothing to do with me then fine that's what she will get!" Toph started to leave but Iroh grabbed her gently by the wrist. "You don't have to tell us but your time to help yourself is almost up. It is up to you, no one here can force you to accept help." Braya stayed silent, staring at the ground. "You're a coward," Toph said quietly as she started to leave. "A coward? You're going to call me a coward?" Braya said showing no emotion.

"Yes! We didn't abandon you! We searched for years! We finally find you and you decide that having your empty heartless shell is better for us to endure than your trauma? You decide that giving up is what is best for everyone? Did you think about anyone but yourself when you decided that, Braya? I know it wasn't easy being there but you're out now! Nothing you went through there is worth this!" Toph yelled at Braya. Tears were forming in Toph's eyes, but she was mad, so she wasn't about to show emotion.

"You don't know what I've been through!" Braya yelled back. She was starting to show emotion. "I sat in that cell for years! I was beaten and tortured to the point of death to just have a healer come and keep me from dying! I was starved and forced to hurt people that had done nothing wrong! I have blood on my hands! I held strong! Coward? Fine then a coward is what I will be!" Braya yelled.

"You would choose this over letting us help you?" Toph yelled back.

"Help me? You want to help me?? WHERE WERE YOU!! WHERE WERE YOU TOPH WHEN I NEEDED YOU! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THEY TRIED TO RAPE ME AND I BURNED THE GUARD ALIVE JUST TRYING TO PROTECT MYSELF! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED SOMEONE THE MOST! I TRIED TO BE STRONG! I PUT UP A FIGHT FOR SO LONG! BUT WHERE WERE YOU! WHERE WERE ANY OF YOU!" Braya screamed at Toph tears dripping down her face. Toph stood there for a moment taking in what she said. "HE CAME IN AND TOLD ME YOU WERE DEAD. I HAD NOONE, I WAS ALONE. I WAS SCARED AND HUNGRY! AND I LOST WHO I WAS. I LOST YEARS WITH MY FAMILY AS YOU ALL MOVED ON. Braya sobbed as she finished what she had to say. Toph was visibly upset along with the rest of the group. "How do we fix this Braya. You're my family" Toph said tears rolling down her face. "We don't. I don't need to be saved anymore. I don't need a family." Braya turned around and left leaving everyone behind. 

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