The Final Call

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After months of trying to make another connection with Aang, Braya found it difficult to re-enter the spirit world. Gang had found out from an outside source that Aang and the police station were once again working together. His inside source told Gang somehow Braya was communicating with Aang but wasn't sure how. Since receiving that information, Gang felt there may be a connection happening when she fell asleep. He started waking Braya up to train whenever she would hit a deep sleep; because of this she was unable to enter the spirit world. In the physical world Braya had no idea why her sleep was being cut short. Gang told her he wanted her to be as strong as possible for the war she would fight in one day. Braya took this answer and made the most of it, she trained extra hard, getting stronger and faster.

Aang on the other hand worked with Toph to get ready for the day they would hear from the Guardian again. Five months and no word, they started feeling like something had happened to the Guardian. They worked diligently, until the day Pema gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Tenzin named his baby girl Girona. They all spent the night together admiring the newest addition to the family. Bumi and Su were scheduled to come into the city the following day to meet the baby.

Kya, Lin, and Tenzin all shared a drink in the kitchen congratulating the new father in their ranks. "You're going to be an excellent father Tenzin," Kya said resting her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Thank you, Kya," Tenzin smiled softly. "I just wish Braya could have met her."

"I'm sure she is wish us," Kya grabbed her brother in a big hug.

"I'm going to rejoin Pema. You two don't get into too much trouble, and Lin tell the girlfriend I said don't be a stranger. How is anyone suppose to like her if we never get to see her," Tenzin said smiling.

"Her name is Kaili Tenzin, and she doesn't like the big family. She is used to the small groups in the water tribe," Lin responded to Tenzin.

"Yeah, she's nice, we just prefer someone more like Braya," Tenzin said as he left the kitchen.

"Well, me too, but that's not really possible," Lin said with a tone in her voice.

"How are you two doing anyway?" Kya asked Lin.

"We are fine. She wants to be more intimate, but I struggle," Lin said.

"I know it sounds horrible, but have you maybe tried, I don't know, picturing Braya when your getting intimate?" Kya said hesitantly.

"Picturing Braya? How twisted is that?" Lin looked at Kya like she had lost her mind.

"Lin we all know how much you loved Braya. Your mom talks about how she would have preferred Braya over Kaili all the time. If you can just get past the initial shock of being with someone you don't completely want, maybe it will help you finally want to be with Kaili. It was just a thought. Afterall, it's been almost three years since Braya was taken. You have been with Kaili for almost a year. Don't you think it's time to move on," Kya said to Lin sympathetically. Lin nodded. She knew Kya was right, she had confided in Kya many times about her sexual struggles. She decided she would try and take Kya's advice and left to go home for the night.

Lin walked into her apartment and headed straight for the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of water and sat down on her couch. She lived in a small but comfortable apartment. With her wages she could live in a nice house, but she didn't want to take care of any place too big for one person. She heard a knock at the door. Opening the door, she was shocked to see Kaili standing there. "Kaili? What are you doing here so late?" Lin asked her.

"I stopped by the air temple to see you and Kya told me you went home for the night, so I came straight here," Kaili walked into Lin's apartment and closed the door behind her. wrapping her arms around Lins ribs, she started kissing Lin aggressively. Lin returned the kisses, remembering what Kya had said at the temple. Lin started to take off Kaili's shirt but was stopped. "I'm going to go and take off my clothes and I want you to take off your clothes I will meet you in the bedroom," Kaili said as she ran to the bedroom. Lin slowly took off her clothes thinking to herself, why would I want to take off my own clothes? When she reached the bedroom Kaili was in the bed waiting for Lin. "Could you turn off the light before coming to bed? That way I don't see the scar on your face," The scar of Lin's face constantly reminded her of the night Braya was taken. The cut was left by an earthbender that she fought that night. The scar not only made her miss Braya more, but it also made her feel insecure. She didn't feel like anyone would find her attractive with such a large scar on her face. Turning off the light Lin went to the bed with Kaili.

"Let me see your hand," Lin rested her hand in Kaili's and let her move her hand to her waistline. Lin was struggling so she started to imagine Braya's face. She moved her fingers down into Kaili's slit and inserted her fingers deep inside of Kaili. She watched as Kaili moaned and twisted with pleasure. Lin positioned herself on top of her so she could move her fingers faster. Finally, Kaili climaxed, Lin laid back on the bed and felt as the body next to her moved on top of her. She looked at the face hoping to see Braya, but it was Kaili she saw. "Kaili, you wore me out how about you do me another time?" Lin asked.

"Okay I'm exhausted anyway. Night love," Kaili pecked Lin on the cheek and went to sleep. Lin rolled over and silently cried into her pillow. Was she ever going to stop missing Braya? Was her life ever going to be normal?

The next day she met up with Kya at the air temple. She told her all about the night before and how her advice did not work. As she was talking to Kya, Aang walked into the kitchen. "Lin how is it going? How are things at the office?" Aang asked.

"They are going smoothly. I was promoted again last week so I get to work even closer to mom now," Lin said proudly.

"Well, that is..." Aang stopped mid-sentence. "I have to go." Aang ran to the meditation room, followed by Kya and Lin. They stood and watched until a thought dawned on Lin. "I'm going to call my mom just in case it's the Guardian. Twenty minutes passed and Sokka, Toph, Tenzin, Katara, Bumi, and Su had joined Lin and Kya in the meditation room, waiting for Aang.

"Guardian, I am here! Where are you?" Aang called out to the figure.

"I am here. I do not have much time so just listen to me. The bunker is located outside of the Earth Kingdom territory. There is a small vehicle storage area that hides the bunker. The bunker is underground. You must go through the small building to enter the stairs leading down. Once you are there you will be confronted by a hundred or more men. They aren't your biggest concern; your biggest concern are the people he has brainwashed. Me being one of those brainwashed. His plan is to have me attack Republic City killing as many innocents as possible. There is also rumor of..." the conversation was cut short. The Guardian was gone.

Aang opened his eyes to see he was surrounded by everyone. He told everyone what the Guardian had told him. "I have to leave tonight. We can't risk someone with that much power attacking Republic City. If we take away the Guardian, we take away their main military force. The amount of suffering that person has gone through to be brainwashed... it makes me sick."

"Nope. You're not going alone twinkle toes," Toph interrupted.

"Yeah dad, if you're going to the Guardian, we are going with you," Kya said. "We can't let them destroy Republic City."

"Somebody has to stay just in case they come while we are gone," Tenzin said.

"I don't want to put anyone in danger. I'm not sure what I will find when I get there." Aang said.

"I am going. I go where the chief goes. Who else wants to go?" Lin asked. Everyone said they wanted to go.

"Bumi and uncle Sokka will you two please stay behind and protect my family?" Tenzin asked while Aang was protesting to Toph. They both nodded promising to take care of Pema and Ginora.

"That's final we will meet at the station and come up with our plan there," Toph said ignoring Aang. He realized he wasn't going to win this fight, so he left with Toph, Lin, Kya, Tenzin, Su and Katara to the station.

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