The Beach

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Braya walked out of her room and into the Livingroom, while she waited for the air Byson to be ready to go. She didn't want to go back to the kitchen, because she didn't want to deal with Kaili. As she sat on the sofa, she picked up the newspaper on the coffee table. She turned through each page, until she stopped at the houses for sale in the city. She noticed a house that was close to the temple just across the water. The house was beautiful and had everything Braya wanted in a home. It sat close to the water, much like the temple did and had plenty of rooms, a big kitchen and large Livingroom. The back yard that sat against the water was big enough that Braya could put in a fitness area for training and a meditation area as well.

Toph walked in as Braya was looking at the house. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"I was just looking at this home that is for sale on the other side of the water." Braya went on to describe the home to Toph.

"Do you want to go and look at the house before going to the beach?" Toph offered.

"I can't buy it, so why would I waste my time going and seeing it?" Braya asked.

"Because I can buy it. Do you want to live in the temple forever?" Toph looked in her direction.

"I can't ask you to buy me a house," Braya said surprised by the offer.

"You didn't get a chance to get established in a job and make money. Hell, Lin makes enough she could have a few houses. She just chooses to live in an apartment. Maybe one day she will realize how dumb she is and try to work things out with you," Toph offered a small smile.

"Thank you."

"Call the seller so we can go and see the house. I will let everyone know we will meet them at the beach." Toph left and Braya grabbed the phone to call the seller. Shortly after talking to the seller of the house Braya and Toph left to go and view it.

The house was prettier in person than in the pictures. The seller came and did a walk through with Braya and Toph. Toph liked the layout of the house and so did Braya. There wasn't much Braya didn't like about the house. It was everything she needed and wanted in a home. By the end of the walk through Braya and Toph both decided the house was worth buying. They followed the seller back to the office and signed paperwork buying the house for Braya.

After all the paperwork was filled out Toph and Braya left to meet the others at the beach. Braya was excited to tell the others about her home Toph had bought for her. When they arrived, they saw everyone but Lin, Kaili, and Katara in the water. Katara wanted them to tell her details about the house.

"I will buy you the furniture for it. Have you thought about what you want to do for a job or if you even want one?"

"No, I know I want a job I just don't know what yet," Braya responded to Katara.

"Why aren't they in the water?" Toph interrupted Katara.

"You didn't notice the coverup on Lin's face? That witch girlfriend of hers made her wear it or she wasn't going to come." Katara rolled her eyes.

"Lin!" Braya yelled, motioning Lin to join them. "I'm going to see if she will go in the water with me," she said to Toph and Katara. Lin and Kaili walked over to the group. "Do you want to get in the water with me?"

"She can't the make-up will come off if it gets wet," Kaili said answering for Lin.

"Well, I'm getting in the water. It's too hot to just lay around." Braya turned to look at Katara. "Will you get in with me?" Katara nodded and started undressing, revealing her one piece underneath her clothes. Braya took a deep breath and slowly started taking her shirt off. Katara was shocked to see Braya had chosen the bikini over the other bathing suits. Everyone else was shocked to see the scars that covered her body. She continued to undress revealing a fit body with scars. Lin couldn't help but stare. Braya was beautiful, her scars didn't bother her at all, but her body did hypnotize her. Lin started walking towards Braya but felt a tug on her arm. Kaili was making sure to keep her close. "I'm going to get in the water actually," Lin said to Kaili freeing her arm. Together they walked into the water and joined the others.

Kaili and Toph were left alone on shore. Braya was having a blast playing in the water when she noticed Kaili getting smart with Toph. Everyone got out of the water to see what the commotion was on shore. Approaching they could hear that Kaili was blaming Toph for Lin getting in the water. "If you didn't always open your trap for a mouth we wouldn't have as many fights as we do!" Kaili yelled at Toph.

"Well, if you learned how to treat a human being, I wouldn't have to involve myself!" Toph yelled back.

"You're just a blind old witch and no one will ever love you!"

"You're just mad because you know Braya is who Lin really wants!"

"Fuck you!" Kaili yelled as she motioned her hands to bend the water into a spear and forced it towards Toph. Toph had no earth to bend to protect herself, so she put her hands up to try and block the shard. Instead, she felt as arms wrapped around her and forced her out of the way. Braya had just barely made it in time to get Toph out of the way. Braya turned and looked at Kaili, who looked ready to fight her. Braya let her anger go and fire consumed her causing Kaili to run to Lin in fear. "Get her out of here before I kill her Lin," Braya said trying to regain control. Lin nodded and left with Kaili.

Once Braya calmed down everyone decided to go home for the day. Katara asked Braya if she wanted to run to town to buy some furniture for the house, since their day at the beach was cut short. Braya agreed and they went to town to start their shopping. Over the next few weeks Katara and Braya would go to town and buy things for the house. After adding new things to Braya's new home they would go to the temple together. Braya would sleep at the temple so someone could sleep with her. She still was having night terrors and didn't want to risk sleeping alone.

Lin had avoided the temple since the beach. She felt everyone was furious with her for bringing Kaili along. Braya missed Lin but was too busy working on her house to go see her. She also had started thinking a lot about training. She knew the way she used her emotions to bend was not healthy. Before heading to the house for the day Braya decided she would stop and talk to Katara about training her alongside Kya. Katara was in her healing room cleaning. "Hey mom, can I talk to you for a second before I leave?" Braya asked.

"Sure, but if you plan on being out late, do remember a coat. It's supposed to rain tonight," Katara responded.

"Okay, anyway, Kya brought something to my attention the other day," Katara stopped what she was doing to look up at Braya. "When I waterbend, I think of the saddest day of my life. The sadness overwhelms me and I waterbend. Kya told me that wasn't the correct way to do it, so she volunteered to teach me. I was wanting to know if you would be willing to train with us. I want to know what I am capable of when I have good training." Katara smiled and walked over to give her a hug.

"Of course, I will help you. Just let me know when and where and I will be there."

Braya nodded and left to the house. 

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