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The next morning Braya woke up and found that Lin had already left for the morning. Beside her on the bed was a note that had her name on it. She opened the letter left by Lin,

Got called into the office. Can we meet at the temple later tonight? I have some things that I need to talk to you about.


Braya got up out of bed and went to take a shower. She stood in the shower remembering the events from the night before. She ran her hand over her stomach where Lin had kissed her and smiled to herself. She hadn't been this happy in years. She started to think about Lin and wondering how she felt. She wanted to assume she felt the same way that she did, but then she thought about Kaili. Guilt rushed through her body as she thought about Lin's relationship. She helped Lin cheat on Kaili. Knowing Lin, she could only imagine she must feel horrible. Their night together could potentially ruin a future relationship between herself and Lin.

Braya got out of the shower and got ready for the day. She wanted to get the finishing touches on the house done before heading to the temple.




Braya rushed out to the kitchen where the phone was. "Hello?" Braya said answering the phone.

"Braya! I was worried about you. You never came home last night," Katara said on the other side of the phone.

"Oh mom, I'm sorry. I ended up staying at the house. I'm okay though. I will be coming back when I'm done here." Braya and Katara finished their conversation.

Once she finished working on the house, she stood back and admired her new home. Looking at her clock, she realized that the finishing touches on the house took much longer than she intended. Hours had passed and it was getting close to dinner time. Grabbing her coat, she left to the temple. When she arrived, she walked inside to see Kaili pacing inside. "Uh, hello?" Braya said wondering what Kaili was doing.

"Hi," she responded, continuing to pace.

"What are you doing?" Braya asked.

"I'm waiting for Lin. We need to talk," Kaili said glaring at Braya. Braya decided to just leave the conversation at that. Did Kaili know about what happened between her and Lin? She continued to the kitchen where Katara and Toph were talking furiously to each other. Su, Tenzin, Kya, Aang, Sokka, Bumi and Pema were all sitting at the table listening to the two women talk. When they noticed Braya, they all turned to her. "Is she still pacing outside by the front door?" Katara asked Braya.

"Yes, she says she is waiting for Lin. Does anyone know why?" Braya asked almost not wanting to know the answer.

"Nope. She is mad at Lin for something, and I have just had enough of the way she treats her," Toph said angrily.

"Toph you are the chief of police, you can't go and start any fights," Aang said.

"She doesn't have to because I will. She doesn't get to treat my sister that way anymore," Su said adding to the conversation.

"No, tonight is the last night I will allow her to treat Lin that way. Even if Lin hates me for it after and refuses to talk to me," Toph said.

"She is no longer allowed in this temple after tonight as well," Katara said.

"Why not just ask her to leave then? Why wait until Lin gets here?" Braya asked. The guilt was setting in her stomach again.

"I must see her lose her cool before feeling justified in asking her to leave and not come back. We don't know why she is here yet or what the problem is," Katara responded. The front door opened, and everyone got up from the table to follow Toph and Katara out to the hall. They waited to see what would unfold between Lin and Kaili, ready to go to Lin's defense. Lin looked at everyone confused about what was going on. Finally, her eyes stopped at Kaili who looked at Lin with anger in her eyes. "We need to talk Lin Beifong," Kaili said.

"No, we don't," Lin responded trying to walk by Kaili. She grabbed Lin's wrist not allowing her to walk past.

"Yes, we do. Where were you last night. You didn't come home," Kaili said.

"We already talked about this. I'm giving you time to get out of my apartment," Lin said smoothly.

"That apartment is ours we live together. We are a couple. You can't go off acting like this."

"No, Kaili we are broken up. I broke up with you after you attacked my mother at the beach." Braya was shocked and relieved. Lin hadn't cheated on Kaili she had already broken up with her before showing up at her house. Braya looked around to see that Toph and Katara had looks of triumph on their faces.

"No, we are not. Tell me where you were damn it!" Kaili yelled.

"That is none of your business," Lin yelled back.

"It is my business! That's it we are moving away from your family. They are the reason for all our fights. We are leaving Lin, let's go," Kaili gripped hard around Lin's wrist and started pulling her towards the door.

"She said she didn't want to go with you anywhere!" Toph yelled at Kaili, taking a step forward.

"Let go of Lin. You are no longer welcome in this temple Kaili," Katara added.

"Shut up Bitch!" Kaili screamed at Toph and Katara. "Lin, now!" She jerked Lin towards the door again.

Braya couldn't take it anymore. She wouldn't allow her to treat her family this way any longer. "Kaili," Braya said loudly catching her attention. Kaili turned around to face Braya.

"What do you want?" Kaili asked.

"You and Lin are over. It's time you accept that and move on with your life," Braya said heatedly.

"You just want her all for yourself. I see how you look at her. Well, you can't have her!"

"She already did Kaili," Lin said quietly. Everyone turned to look at Lin, confused about what she meant. "Last night I was with Braya."

"What do you mean?" Kaili said, lessening her grip around Lin's wrist. "You made a move on my girlfriend?" She said turning to look at Braya. Braya could see as anger was taking hold of Kaili.

"The only reason you ever had Lin was because I was presumed dead...... I love her," Braya said to Kaili.

"We are over Kaili. I'm serious," Lin said ripping her wrist from Kaili's grip. The room was silent. Without saying another word Kaili turned around and walked out of the temple. Nobody said anything. The wind outside could be heard blowing through the trees. 

"Well, it's about time!" Kya said smiling breaking the silence.

Braya couldn't believe the overwhelming support her and Lin were receiving for their relationship. Noone had a bad thing to say. They all talked about how long they had waited for their relationship to happen and how excited they were for it. After everyone had dinner Lin stole Braya for a moment alone outside on the bench.

"You're note this morning said you wanted to talk to me?" Braya said, taking a seat next to Lin on the bench.

"I wanted to tell you I broke up with Kaili before going to your house last night, but you already heard that," Lin chuckled.

"I was happy to hear that," Braya said. Braya leaned over and stole a kiss from Lin. She then traced her jaw line to her ear and whispered I love you. Lin turned to face her, wrapping her up in her arms. "I love you too," Lin whispered back. Lin leaned in for a longer, passionate kiss that left goose bumps down Braya's arms. 

 With the air being cold they decided to head back to the Livingroom. Entering the temple Braya could hear Aang, Katara and Toph discussing a trip to the southern water tribe. Braya walked in with Lin and took a seat next to Katara.

"Nice timing. Braya, we have all been talking and we think your waterbending training would be best done back home where I was raised," Katara said.

"Why?" Braya asked.

"The way you bend now is going to be very difficult to change. The emotions tied with your bending may be a challenge for Kya and Katara alone. Some of the best waterbenders are there," Aang said.

"Lin and I will be going as well. If things get out of hand we will be there to help," Toph added to the conversation. Braya sat for a moment thinking. After a few seconds in thought, she agreed.

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