A Slow Leak

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The sound of water hitting the floor woke Braya from a light sleep. The sound was so familiar it made Braya panic. Was she back in her cell? Had going home been a dream? The darkness in her room started to feel more and more like her cell. Her body started to stiffen, and her breathing got heavy. Fear was coursing through her like the blood in her body. She had to get out of here, she had to find a way out. She went to stand up, but her legs gave out on her, causing her to fall to the hard ground. Sweat dripping from her head and down her back. She was shaking uncontrollably on the ground, being completely consumed by her emotions. She closed her eyes, "Please no, I can't be back," Braya said quietly to herself. Tears started to fill her eyes. "No, I... I can't."

She heard the door open. Was the guard back to attempt touching her again? The door closed. Braya tried to move but her body was too weak. She wanted to scream but her voice was lost, even if she had her voice, it wouldn't help her anyway. She whimpered as she heard soft footsteps approaching her. She sensed the presence of someone sitting next to her on the floor. This was it. He was going to do whatever he wanted to her, the fear keeping her from defending herself. She waited for the pain but then she was surprised. Soft gentle hands wrapped around her body. She felt as her own body was pressed up against someone else's chest. She could hear their heartbeat over the water dripping onto the floor. She felt comfort start to take over the fear she was feeling. "Shh, it's ok Braya, you're home. He will never take you from me again," Toph said gently to Braya. Braya held on to Toph tightly, afraid if she were to let go, she would find herself in the cell again.

The sun started shining through her window causing her to slowly wake up. She was surprised to see that she was on the bed, instead of the floor. Braya swung her feet over the side of the bed. Rubbing her head, she wondered if last night had been a dream. She got up out of bed and got dressed. On the way to the kitchen for breakfast she heard a voice say her name. She turned to see Kya walking towards her. "Hey, how did you sleep?" Kya asked.

"I slept alright. Have you seen Toph?" Braya responded.

"She went into work. Lin was going to go in today also, but Toph told her to stay here to..." Kya stopped talking.

"To what?" Braya already knew why but she didn't want everyone to tip toe around her,

"To keep an eye on you. They never retrieved Gang's body. She is afraid he will one day come after you,"

"Oh, well I don't need to be babysat," Braya said turning to head to the kitchen again.

"No one thinks you need babysat," Kya said in a small voice. They walked together to the kitchen to find the rest of the gang sitting around the table. Katara immediately got up and made plates for both Kya and Braya. Everyone was quiet as Braya sat at the table while taking quick glances at her. Braya felt like an animal in a cage. "How did you sleep Braya?" Aang said with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Fine," Braya responded.

"How are you feeling this morning? Any aches or pain? I could do a quick healing session after breakfast if you would like?" Katara said as she set a plate of food in front of her.

"No, I'm fine, thanks," Braya said harshly. Everyone stared at her unsure of what to say. Braya was so cold and short with them since coming home that everyone was afraid to say anything to her. Braya had just finished taking her first bite when she felt an object hit her shoulder. The pain was intense, but she had refused to tell anyone about it. "Doesn't look like your fine to me," Tenzin said revealing he had patted Braya on the shoulder.

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