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Braya opened her eyes to see she was in a medical bed. She sat up, sore but good enough to move. She looked around the room and realized she was in the fire nation's medical unit. She swung her legs over the side of the bed. The door opened and a healer came in. "Oh, Braya. I'm so glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" The healer said as she looked over Brayas body. "I'm fine. Toph?" The healer Smiled. "She is a little bruised up, but she is fine. She is already back to helping with the investigation on that scientist." Braya was relieved. "How long have I been out?" Braya said realizing she said Toph had been out for a few days already. "A week and a half." "What did they find out from the survivors?" The healer wrote down some notes "nothing really. They won't talk to anyone. They've been staying at the temple but when asked questions they group up and shut down. So, they have no idea what has been happening" Braya stood up and grabbed the stack of clothes on the counter. "Where do you think you're going?" The lady said. "I have to help them. I have information they will need." She looked at her "alright but any issues and you come right back here. Got it?" Braya nodded "where do I find them?" The lady thought for a moment "I Believe they were going to the temple for questioning again or at least to attempt it." Braya nodded and thanked her before leaving to the temple.

Standing outside Braya took in a deep breath. She hadn't spoken much to Toph since she blew up on her. She had made it as clear as possible that she hated her with that fight. Then the next thing she knew Toph was saving her and not just by getting that giant off her. Toph was the one that reminded Braya of love. If she hadn't gained control of her fire the whole nation could have burned down.

Braya walked inside. All the survivors were huddled together in the corner of the room. On the other side was Zuko, Toph, Katara, Lin, Aang, and Iroh all discussing what had happened that night. "They don't know anything, or they won't talk to us" Toph said. "Well, you have to remember that they've been through a horrible trauma." Katara responded. "I just don't understand how Braya got involved" Zuko started. "I followed him home." Braya said as she walked up to the group. "Braya!" Lin said as she ran up and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're ok" she said as she kissed her. "Me too" Braya said as she embraced the kisses. "I'm so glad you're feeling better" Katara said as she along with Aang hugged her. Braya noticed as Toph kept her distance. It pained Braya realizing this was the response she had created between them.

After everyone settled down Zuko asked Braya and Toph to coordinate their stories. They wanted as much detail as possible. "Since that day I saw him talking to you I felt like something wasn't right. I followed him home and later watched as he forced a girl that seemed to have run away back into the house. I snuck inside and found the plans that him and Gang had." Everyone exchanged worried looks. They weren't prepared for the news that Gang was involved. "I stole all the plans and continued looking around. That's when I found this group. I helped them escape out of the basement window." Braya recalled. "Where are the plans?" Iroh asked. "I lost them when I was attacked." Zuko looked to Toph. "I followed her to the house. Since Braya has been home, I make sure she is safe with my senses. When I realized she wasn't home I followed her. I waited outside for her return from inside the house assuming she had good reason to enter. That's when the people started coming out of the window. I showed them where to go to not trigger the cameras. When Braya was attacked, I helped the last child out and went in to get the man off her." Braya felt sick. Toph had been protecting her this whole time? She accused her of not caring and not being there, but she was never not there. Braya fought back tears. "So, then you locked up the scientist and went to help Toph?" Aang said. "Yes." Zuko was about to say something but stopped. "What?" Braya asked. "I just wanted to know what happened when you were fighting" Braya looked at the eyes staring at her. Everyone but Toph. "I thought...I thought he had killed Toph. So, I lost control but when you said she was alive......I was relieved. I..." Braya stopped. She looked right at Toph she was no longer speaking to the group just her. "I am alive today because of the constant love you showed me growing up. My mom, dad and siblings have all loved me and I would never replace them but you... you loved and understood me. When I felt alone you were the one who reminded me, I wasn't. You worked so hard yet found time for me" Braya walked closer to Toph. "Everyone wonders how I survived in the bunker.... well, truth is...I didn't... When I was told you were dead, I lost it. The pain of losing you and my mom was too much so I lost my mind. I lost me. I was so mad with life, and I took it out on you and I'm sorry. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I ask for it. I have my mom and I always will but Toph.... you'll always be my mom too. I love you and I am so sorry for hurting you." Braya wiped away tears that dropped down her face. Toph grabbed Braya and held her tight. Tears dropping down her face too. "I have loved you since the day I met you. I've never and will never need you to be perfect Braya. I just need you to never hate me because you hating me Is my own personal prison. No matter what, I will love you like I love my own daughters." Everyone watched the happy encounter. "Pure love. That's why her fire turned blue" Iroh said. "She was no longer plagued with anger."

After they had finished hugging. Braya walked over to the group of survivors. "Hi, I'm Braya. I am so happy you all made it out ok." At that moment the last little girl that Braya had fought to protect lunged towards her giving her a hug. After a moment she pulled away and went to the back corner of the group. She returned with the backpack that Braya had stuff full of information. "I watched it fall off you. I thought it might be important, so I grabbed it before that lady helped me out." She pointed a finger at Toph. "You did exceptionally well thank you." Braya turned around and gave the backpack to Zuko. "You will find the information in here most useful." The group walked away leaving Braya there with the survivors. "Your bending is impressive. I could only dream to bend like that." The man who had initially spoken in the cage said. "You can bend?" He nodded. "We all can. Just not well." "What can you bend?" The man moved his hand gently. A breeze cupped Brayas face. Her eyes widened "you're air benders?" The man nodded again. "Dad!" Braya yelled. Aang walked over to Braya. "They are airbenders, dad."

Braya : The Lost GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now